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Il volume affronta il tema del consenso alle cure alla luce della nuova legge 22 dicembre 2017, n. 219 («Norme in materia di consenso informato e di disposizioni anticipate di trattamento»). Un discorso che vede coinvolti non solo... more
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      Medical LawInformed ConsentBiolawMedical liability
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      Medical LawChild LawBeginning Of Life (Medical Law)Wrongful Life
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      LawMedical LawLegal ProfessionHuman Rights
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    • Medical Law
This opinion piece considers the minor's right to refuse life-saving medical treatment in the context of the UK teenager (Hannah Jones) who wished to refuse to undergo a heart transplant.
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      BioethicsMedical LawHealth LawChildren's Rights
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      PhilosophyEthicsMedical LawPhilosophy of Medicine
In this concluding chapter we will not seek to summarise all the points made throughout the volume. Rather we bring out from these discussions some practi- cal proposals for how the law might move forward. Three models for reform will be... more
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      Medical LawProperty LawPropertyMedical Law and Ethics
Attention Press and Media: As a known legal and bioethics expert in women's health I have witnessed the reality that many women's health issues are lost in getting national coverage. It is clear that language concepts are essential in the... more
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      Medical LawWomen's RightsInformed ConsentMedical Ethics
This table is part of the chapter in Landmark Cases, separately uploaded.
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      Medical LawMedical EthicsNegligence (Medical Law)Medical Negligence
Available on OpenAIR at http://hdl.handle.net/10059/1071
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      Medical LawMedical EthicsMedical Law and Ethics
The balance sheet is commonly used as a deliberative approach to decide best interests in Court of Protection cases in England and Wales, since Thorpe LJ in Re A (Male Sterilisation) described the balance sheet as a tool to enable judges... more
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      LawMedical Law
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      Medical LawSexual and Reproductive HealthFamily LawContraception
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      Medical LawMRIFacial expressionCraniofacial Identification
Excellent book is always being the best friend for spending little time in your office, night time, bus, and everywhere. It will be a good way to just look, open, and read the book while in that time. As known, experience and skill don't... more
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      LawMedical Law
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      LawDentistryMedical LawResearch Ethics
This article explore the choices made in two Council of Europe member states with common law traditions, both of which have relatively recently introduced legislative frameworks for advance healthcare planning. In England and Wales, the... more
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      Medical LawMedical Law and EthicsMental Capacity and Mental Health LegislationAdvance Directives
Aim-To determine the gender using mental foramen as landmark on a panoramic radiographs in selected North Gujarat population. Objective-1. To evaluate and compare the superior border of mental foramen to lower border of mandible(S-L) and... more
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      Medical SociologyMedical SciencesMedical AnthropologyMedical Informatics
In bioethical discussions of preimplantation genetic diagnosis and prenatal screening, accusations of eugenics are commonplace, as are counter-claims that talk of eugenics is misleading and unhelpful. This paper asks whether ''eugenics... more
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      Applied PhilosophyApplied EthicsBioethicsMedical Law
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      PhilosophyEthicsMedical LawDecision Making
This paper reports on mixed method empirical research undertaken with individuals who have completed advance health directives (‘principals’) and doctors who have either attested to the principal’s capacity when the document was completed... more
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      Medical LawHealth LawAdvance Directives
In everyday clinical practice, healthcare professionals (HCPs) are exposed to large quantities of confidential patient information, and many use WhatsApp groups to share this information. WhatsApp groups provide efficient mechanisms for... more
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      Medical LawSocial MediaMedical EthicsMedical Law and Ethics
Opinions of students about current medical law application were investigated. Students (n=401) who participated in this study were enrolled in the health management undergraduate programs of various public and private universities. The... more
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    • Medical Law
This essay will discuss the UK position surrounding patient autonomy when making decisions about their own care with a particular focus on end of life scenarios such as euthanasia, suicide and assisted suicide. The essay will contrast the... more
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      Medical LawEnd Of Life (Medical Law)Negligence (Medical Law)Medical Law and Ethics
Si la médecine de transplantation avait davantage d’organes à disposition, elle pourrait sauver de nombreuses vies. La juriste Mélanie Mader exige l’introduction d’incitations étatiques afin d’augmenter le nombre de donneurs.
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      Medical LawPublic Health LawHealth LawPublic Health
The present work refers to homogeneous judicial practice from 2010 to August 2017 regarding “medical tort,” under Article 1007 of the Civil Code of Georgia (hereinafter–CCG). Since the problem is related to the general grounds of tort... more
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      Medical LawNegligence (Medical Law)Tort LawLaw of Torts
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      Applied PhilosophyApplied EthicsBioethicsMedical Law
The failure to prosecute Dr Jayant Patel successfully for any of the deaths associated with his time as Director of Surgery at Bundaberg Base Hospital was received in some quarters as an abject failure of the criminal law to deal... more
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      Criminal LawMedical LawPatient SafetyHealth Law
Disputes about withholding and withdrawing life-sustaining treatment are increasingly coming before Australian Supreme Courts. Such cases are generally heard in the parens patriae jurisdiction where the test applied is what is in the... more
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      Medical LawBest InterestsHealth LawEnd of life care
This comment analyses the recent High Court's decision in ABC v St George's Healthcare NHS Trust. In this case, the court struck out a claim brought by a patient's daughter against her father's doctors for their failure to... more
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      LawMedical Law
My Review is divided into five parts. First, I will outline the book’s strengths. I proceed by speaking of the need for clear and cohesive terminology. I will then discuss end-of-life decision-making in some of the countries: Belgium, the... more
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      BioethicsMedical LawEnd Of Life StudiesMedical Ethics
Розглядається питання місця та ролі особливих норм, так званих «м’яких» норм міжнародного права – у регламентації питання прав людини (пацієнта) у сфері охорони здоров’я. Звертається увага як на особливості характеру дії норм м’якого... more
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      Medical LawPublic Health LawHealth LawSoft Law
Наукова стаття присвячена проблемам кримінальної відповідаль- ності за порушення порядку реалізації препаратів, які містять малу кількість наркотичних засобів та (або) психотропних речовин. З вико- ристанням наукових методів пізнання та... more
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      Criminal LawMedical LawPharmacy Lawкримінологія
A. Inleiding 1. Dit overzicht van rechtspraak met betrekking tot het medisch beroepsgeheim werd geconcipieerd als een vervolg op dat van prof. Herman NYS 2 . In het jaar waarin dit verscheen, werd tevens een andere status quaestionis met... more
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      Medical LawDoctor-patient communicationPrivacy (Law)Confidentiality of Medical Records
There are several legal impacts of testing and reporting which are the main services offered by the laboratory operators. The major impact juridically is the fact that a “laboratory error” may lead to the liability of the operator of... more
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      Medical LawContract LawMedical liabilityCivil liability
A system that serves the liability and settlement of medical malpractice disputes or commonly referred to as medical malpractice system has been established in many countries to respond the rise of medical malpractice claims against... more
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      Medical LawMedical Ethics & LawMedical Malpractice Law
Tort is a very interesting aspect of civil law that seeks to provide remedy for injuries and non-pecuniary losses people experience as a result of the actions or omissions of others. In my study of Tort, I realized that it has so much to... more
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    • Medical Law
The extent to which legal determinations of capacity are genuinely separate from medical opinion on capacity presented to the court as evidence, is an open and important question. In order to explore this question, an empirical study was... more
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      Medical LawMental health law
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      Medical LawResearch EthicsGenomicsMedical Ethics
The pharmaceutical industry, especially the sale of psychiatric drugs, is one of the most profitable businesses in the world. Because of its large profits, these companies find themselves in a position to invest enormous amounts of... more
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      PsychologyAbnormal PsychologyPsychiatryPsychosis
La médecine de transplantation représente un progrès médical considérable. Son succès est toutefois limité par un problème majeur, une pénurie chronique d’organes. Ce contexte de pénurie accentue davantage le rôle de l’Etat dans le... more
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      Medical LawPublic Health LawHealth LawPublic Health
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      Civil LawMedical LawCausationTort Law
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      JurisprudenceMedical LawPhilosophy Of Law
Introduzione al focus "PAZIENTI END STAGE E PIANIFICAZIONE CONDIVISA DELLE CURE" Il documento SIAARTI e gli altri discussi nel focus suggeriscono un approccio medico al fine vita fondato su alcuni punti essenziali: la previsione degli... more
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      Criminal LawBioethicsMedical LawMedical Ethics
This article will describe the current legal framework on assisted reproduction technology (ART) regulation in Italy, taking into account recent case-law derived from the implementation of the Law 40 of 2004 on ART. Special... more
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      European StudiesConstitutional LawMedical LawInternational Law
O presente artigo examina de forma minunciosa o debate instaurado entre o instituto do Testamento Vital e o princípio constitucional da dignidade da pessoa humana, com o objetivo de aferir se há máculas ao princípio máximo da Constituição... more
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      BioethicsMedical LawLiving willBioética
This article examines the legal principles determining when surgical harm becomes a criminal matter. In England and Wales, and other common law jurisdictions, the criminal law has predominantly concerned itself with fatal medical... more
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      LawApplied EthicsMedical Law
The article considers three theses about postabortion regret which seek to illustrate its pertinence to reasoning about abortion, and which are often deployed, either explicitly or implicitly, to dissuade women out of that reproductive... more
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      Medical LawMedical EthicsAbortionMedical Ethics & Law
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      BioethicsMedical LawInternational LawPhilosophy of Medicine
Abstract: New technologies in the healthcare sector have profoundly impacted the doctrine of informed consent, creating the need for a detailed investigation on the contours and dynamics of this new model of the patient to consent to any... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceMedical LawInformed ConsentNew Technologies