Minucius Felix
Recent papers in Minucius Felix
The figure of Socrates features prominently in the works of earliest Christian authors and their attempts to negotiate a viable relation between pagan intellectual tradition and the exigencies of a newly founded religion. The analysis of... more
The suppression of the Bacchanalia in Rome 186 BCE was the first major religious persecution in Europe. The essay provides a new analysis, referring to the political theory of Eric Voegelin. It shows that the suppression was a reaction of... more
Contents of a new book (October 2016) in the famous Bibliothèque de la Pléiade (Gallimard): 'Premiers écrits chrétiens' (1648 pages), directed by Bernard Pouderon, Jean-Marie Salamito and Vincent Zarini.
Day 1 - Stream 1 (18:15-18:55); Presenter: Matteo J. Stettler Presentation: 'Beyond the Rhetoric of the Octavius: Minucius Felix’s Exhortatio ad Christianitatem' Abstract: Quellenforschungen of Minucius Felix’s Octavius have for long... more
The gradual imposition of Christianity over the public space at Rome had changed the face of traditional paganism itself. Although many changes in the collective forms of devotio had occurred already in the third century AD, it was during... more
the author proposes that the sacral context, in which P. Annius Florus’ dialogue is set, can be identified with the temple of Augustus on the upper level of Tarraco’s hill (on archaeological and philological grounds). The incipit and the... more
Adducuntur et examinantur ea loca apud scriptores Graecos et Romanos, ab Homero usque ad Patres Ecclesiae Procopiumque, in quibus homines in litore secure ludunt aut spectando mare animi curas minuunt, aut in ripa maritima ambulantes de... more
Hungarian translation of Minucius Felix' Octavius
Arnobius ze Sikky je jedním z méně známých latinsky píšících křesťanských autorů. Je autorem jediného dochovaného díla, apologie Adversus nationes, kterou sepsal pravděpodobně v ob-dobí Diokleciánova pronásledování křesťanů nebo krátce po... more
Le zibaldonesche annotazioni che-stese currenti calamo, per oltre un trentennio, da D'Annunzio-costituiscono il corpo del Libro segreto 1 , sono assai più ricche di spunti d'ingegno e di tentativi ermeneutici dell'Antico di quanto... more
Эта книга - первое комплексное исследование по латинской патрологии на русском языке. В нее вошли латинские Отцы Церкви и церковные писатели доникейского периода (150-325 гг.), т. е. периода становления латинской патристики, формирования... more
The seed metaphor in 1 Corinthians 15:35-44 was the matter of continual reference in patristic discussions on the resurrection of the dead and particularly on the essence and features of resurrected bodies . Although early Christian... more
Са благословом Епископа захумско- херцеговачког и приморског др Григорија, у издању ИК „Видослов“, српској јавности пре две године презентована је књига Слободана Продића под насловом "Ранохришћански апологета Марко Минуције Феликс и... more
Minucius’ excellent dialogue, “Octavius” details the accusations of paganism addressing Christianity, as well as the criticism of Christianity encountering paganism. He speaks quite openly about the attitude of Christians to Rome and the... more
Der Artikel befasst sich mit dem christlichen Apologeten Arnobius von Sicca, der in der Zeit der diokletianischen Christenverfolgung wirkte, und mit seinem apologetischen Werk Adversus nationes. Nachdem die historischen Quellen und... more
Palamedes, the son of Nauplius, is reputed as the first inventor of writing, dice and pawns. He even boasts being the original inventor of a new way of living, having found technology, institutions and many devices for a better social... more
Christlicher Glaube im Horizont religiöser Pluralität der Antike am Beispiel des Minucius Felix - Die Sichtbarkeit des christlichen Glaubens aus der Perspektive der heidnischen Antike - Apologetik - Minucius Felix rhetorische... more
OPEN ACCESS: https://doc.rero.ch/record/330031?ln=fr
Scholars agree that Augustine’s notion of (original) sin and his related understanding of the relation between human free will and divine predestination did not come out of the blue. The question of the precise patristic antecedents of... more
RESUMÉ Dateringen af den oldkirkelige, latinske apologet Minucius Felix’ dialog ”Octavius” hører til et af patristikkens klassiske spørgsmål. Siden Bertil Axelsons Das Prioritätsproblem Tertullian – Minucius Felix (1941) har den... more