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      PsychologyWork and Organizational PsychologyMobbingBurnout
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    • Political Science
Biblioteca de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Base de datos de artículos de revistas, ...
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      PsychologyStressWork and Organizational PsychologyCoping
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      PsychologyMental HealthWorkplace BullyingMobbing
For years, Erik Poutsma (1951) was the driving force behind the research group PARTNER related to the Strategic Human Resource Management group at the Nijmegen School of Management (Radboud University). Erik showed an immense drive to... more
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      SociologyHuman Resource ManagementFeeling
Balance of 25 years of Work & Organizational Psychology: new themes and new methods, practical relevance under pressure Balance of 25 years of Work & Organizational Psychology: new themes and new methods, practical relevance under... more
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      PsychologyHumanitiesArtIndustrial Relations
IntroductionThe aim of this study is to investigate mobbing in the Hospitals of Etoloakarnania, Greece. Additionally, this research aims to find out which coping strategies are used by health care professionals who have suffered mobbing... more
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      PsychologyMobbingPhenomenonPsychology and Cognitive Sciences
El objetivo de esta investigación fue identificar la relación entre el síndrome de burnout (respuesta a estrés crónico) y el Mobbing (acoso laboral) en docentes que trabajan en la ciudad de Bogotá. Las variables relacionadas se enmarcaron... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologySocial PsychologyPhilosophy
The threat of predation by snakes is considered to have played a significant role in the evolution of primate sensory systems and behavior. However, we know relatively little about individual and group responses given the rarity of... more
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyPerceptionCensorship
Objectives: The research was planned to investigate the survey about the state of nurses who experienced mobbing in Ödemis/İzmir. Methods: Between November, 1 and January, 30 th in 2009, the research sample composed of totally 128 nurses... more
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      NursingMobbingMobbing and psychological damageMobbing, Bullying, Workplace Harassment
Amaç: Araştırma, İzmir ili Ödemiş ilçesinde çalışan hemşirelerin mobbinge maruz kalma durumlarının incelenmesi amacıyla planlanmıştır. Yöntem: Araştırmanın örneklemini 01 Kasım – 30 Ocak 2009 tarihleri arasında İzmir ili Ödemiş ilçesinde... more
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      PsychologyNursingNursing ResearchMobbing
Prof. Dr. İlhan Başgöz, Balıkesir/Akçay/Güre’de, ilkini 1997’de düzenlediği Türkiye’nin ilk “Folklor Yaz Okulu”nu 2003 yılına kadar özveriyle sürdürmüştü... Bu kitap, İlhan Başgöz’ün Güre yaz kurslarına tanıklığını yazanların metinleriyle... more
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      Ilhan BaşgözGüre Folklor Yaz OkuluFolklor Yaz Okulu
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Objective: To identify the prevalence and impact of workplace bullying among pharmacy practice faculty in the United States. Methods: Members of the Pharmacy Practice section of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy were... more
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      PathologyPsychologyClinical PsychologySocial Psychology
Resumen El text mining es una técnica empleada en el análisis del discurso, utilizada cada vez más por las herramientas informáticas que identifican información clave. Consiste en extraer del discurso únicamente los datos que presentan un... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyPsychoanalysisSocial PsychologyDevelopmental Psychology
Colonial nesting in seabirds is advantageous for protection from predators—spotting a predator, mobbing, and predator swamping. Familiarity with nesting areas gives knowledge of protected sites and may promote site fidelity. Familiarity... more
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Amaç: Depresif bozukluklar sık görülmeleri ve kronikleşme riskleri nedeniyle önemli bir halk sağlığı sorunudur. Hekimlerde yoğun eğitim süreci ve zorlu çalışma koşulları nedeniyle sık görülmektedir. Depresyon gelişimi açısından önemli bir... more
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyCategorizationMobbing
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      Evolutionary BiologyBiologyEcologyAnimal Ecology
El mobbing se reconoce como una línea de trabajo promisoria y de alto impacto sobre el hombre, las organizaciones y la sociedad. En Latinoamérica y en específico en Colombia, se identifica poco desarrollo de la temática, lo que constituye... more
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El mobbing o acoso laboral actualmente se reconoce como un fenómeno de alto impacto sobre las personas, las organizaciones y la sociedad. En Latinoamérica y en específico en Colombia, se identifica poco desarrollo de la temática, lo que... more
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The purpose of this paper is to show the results of an exploration of published articles concerning research studies conducted in the last 10 years on the subject of violence in the workplace. Sixteen articles were consulted (5 empirical,... more
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      Organizational BehaviorSociologyHuman ResourcesRecursos Humanos
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      PsychologyJob SatisfactionMobbingTURKISH
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      LawPolitical ScienceIndividualismMobbing
Özet Şiddetle mücadele çabaları toplumlar için acil bir sorun haline gelmiştir, ancak bu çabalara rağmen şiddet her geçen gün artarak devam etmektedir. Neredeyse her gün bireyler, işyerleri, okullar, evler ve kamusal alanlar gibi çeşitli... more
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      ViolenceHealthcare workersViolence in Mental Health
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      PsychologyIncivilityCross sectional StudyPercept
Z varstvom človekovih pravic se ukvarjajo številne nevladne organizacije in državne institucije. Nekatere se ukvarjajo s promocijo in informiranjem o človekovih pravicah, nekatere pa s podporo določenim družbenim skupinam in z varstvom... more
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    • Pravo
Z varstvom človekovih pravic se ukvarjajo številne nevladne organizacije in državne institucije. Nekatere se ukvarjajo s promocijo in informiranjem o človekovih pravicah, nekatere pa s podporo določenim družbenim skupinam in z varstvom... more
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    • Pravo
Türkiye İşveren Sendikaları Konfederasyonu'nun 1992 yılında iş güvencesi sağlayacak yasa değişikliğini önleme çabaları
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El estudio ausculto la relacion entre la civilidad, incivilidad y el bienestar asociado al trabajo de un grupo de 390 empleados en Puerto Rico. Los resultados indican que existen correlaciones positivas y significativas entre la civilidad... more
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    • Management
Mobbing, a group attack of prey on predator, is a strategy enacted by many animal species. Here we report bacterial mobbing carried out by the bacteriumPseudomonas aeruginosatowardsAcanthamoeba castellanii, a common bacterivore. This... more
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The aim of this research is to investigate the potential of behavioral nudges to reduce the escape from responsibility in executive systems (public sector). The field of behavioral sciences offers a wide range of nudge interventions that... more
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    • Public sector
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      PhysicsNuclear PhysicsCosmology (Physics)CMS
Аналіз проєктів Законів України, в яких передбачалося регулювання такого явища в трудових відносинах як мобінг.
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      Labor lawMobbingУкраїнатрудове право
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Geleneksel iş yaşamı terbiyesinde böyle bir durum "başımıza taş yağacak" diye algıların günümüzün daha oportünist ve progresif iş dünyasında "neden olmasın?" diye değerlendiriliyor...
Peki çalışan bu duruma nasıl geliyor?
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      KariyerKariyer GeliştirmeProfesyonel GelişimÇalışma Yaşamında Davranış ve Kişilik
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      PsychologyHumanitiesPsicologíaCiencias Sociales
En el artículo se presenta una síntesis dedistintos trabajos empíricos que analizanla situación del profesorado universitariorespecto a la aparición de emocionesnegativas durante el desarrollo de su labordocente e investigadora. La... more
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      BiologyEcologyMobbingBird Communities
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1926 yılında kabul edilen Memurin Kanunu ve Borçlar Kanununda iş güvencesi
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      Health SciencesHumanityCriticismMobbing
Mobbing could be called the new catastrophic disease that is oppressing humanity in its different work areas and whose consequences range from leaving work to achieve liberation to the presentation of a psychosomatic condition that... more
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      Health SciencesHumanityCriticismMobbing