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Artykuł omawia patologie występujące w procesach rekrutacji pracowników.
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      MobbingMobbing, Bullying, Workplace HarassmentAdministracja SamorządowaAdministracja Publiczna
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    • Mobbing
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    • Mobbing
Bu araştırmanın odak noktası kamu ve özel sektör çalışanlarının işyerlerindeki mobbing (psikolojik taciz) algı düzeylerini tespit etmek; görev yaptıkları kamu ve özel kurumlardaki motivasyonları üzerine etkilerinin olup olmadığını yaş,... more
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      Employee MotivationMobbing
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Ihre Erfahrungen mit dem No Blame Approach in der Schweiz hat Jacqueline Schmid auf dem No Blame Approach Kongress 2008 dargestellt. Für die Dokumentation wurde uns von Christopher Szaday, der uns selbst 2002 mit dem No Blame Approach... more
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      MobbingNo Blame Approach
La sentenza in commento pare richiedere, ai fini del risarcimento del danno esistenziale subito dal lavoratore in ragione di demansionamento o mobbing, la prova in concreto delle conseguenze negative manifestatesi nella sfera del... more
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      Labour LawWork and LabourJob Stress (Psychology)Damages law
In this work, we analyze various consequences of the phenomenon of mobbing on the health of a work sector with special characteristics: the agro fruit sector. For this purpose, we collected data from a sample of 396 workers (61 men and... more
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      EducationMobbingCopingSocial Environment
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      AssessmentOccupational HealthMobbing
En 1984 Heinz Leymann elaboro una lista de 45 acciones o estrategias observadas en situaciones de acoso laboral o mobbing. Veinte años después Luis de Rivera y Manuel Abuin comprobaron en más de 600 trabajadores afectados de mobbing la... more
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      MobbingMobbing, Bullying, Workplace HarassmentPsychological TestsTests
El proceso de formación de pareja se inicia con la coincidencia afortunada de complementaridades idóneas - el amor - , cristaliza después en un pacto, al menos implicito, de relación estable, y se mantiene con el cumplimiento de sus... more
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      BullyingMobbingAcosomaltrato psicológico
Cass., Sez. Lav., 29 marzo 2018, n. 7844
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      Labour LawMobbingDiritto Del LavoroStraining
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      Political ScienceMobbingEstudios Sociales
Workplace bullying is one of the most common work-related psychological problems. Bullying costs seem higher for organizations composed of health-care workers who perform direct-contact patients-complex tasks. Only a few studies have been... more
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      StressStress (Psychology)Stress and BurnoutMobbing
Ser coherente, lo demàs es secuencia y consecuencia. Que la VIRTUD sea nuestra inspiraciòn y motor impulsor de defensa de la vida, ante todo intento de devastaciòn...
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ÖZ Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, Türkiye'deki kentli, yüksek eğitimli, orta sınıftan mobbing deneyimi yaşamış beyaz yakalı çalışanların anlatılarına dayanarak, mobbing pratikleri ile ilgili eğilim ve örüntüleri saptamak ve buna bağlı olarak... more
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      MobbingAyrımcılıkSOSYAL POLİTİKA
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      Animal BehaviourBiological SciencesMobbingAlarm Call
Bu çalışma ile bilişim Teknolojileri (BT) öğretmenlerinin maruz kaldıkları psikolojik yıldırmaya ilişkin görüşlerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu Türkiye’deki çeşitli okullarda BT öğretmeni olarak görev yapan... more
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      Information TechnologyICT in EducationTeacher ResearchMobbing
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      MobbingPredationTernsMustela Vison
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ELEMENTS OF THE NORMATIVE DEFINITION OF MOBBING IN LIGHT OF THE JURISPRUDENCE OF THE SUPREME COURT The concept of mobbing was introduced into Polish legal order by the amendment to the Labour Code of 14 November 2003. In this definition... more
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      MobbingBullying/Mobbing Legislation
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Introduction: Here appears the research realized in conflict, violence and psychological harassment at work in professionals of nursing, belonging to different Hospitals of the Autonomous Com-munity of Catalonia (Spain). Material and... more
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      MobbingMobbing, Bullying, Workplace HarassmentEnfermeriaNursery
Konaklama sektöründe takım çalışmasının önemi ve iş yerinde çalışanlar arasında görülen farklılıkların artması nedeniyle örgütsel güven işin akışı ve sürekliliği için kilit rol oynamaktadır. Örgütsel güven çalışanları motive eden önemli... more
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      TURİZMMobbingÖrgütsel Güven, örgütsel Bağlılık, örgütsel Sinizm.
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      Social InteractionAnimal BehaviourLearningMemory
El maltrato grupal, acoso o mobbing ocurre en todas las especies de animales sociales, incluyendo el hombre. Konrad Lorenz ha estudiado este fenomeno en ratas y Nicolas Timbergen en ocas
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      Aggression (Psychology)MobbingMobbing, Bullying, Workplace HarassmentEtologia
Samo oni pojedinci koji su na svojoj koži prošli sve faze mobinga, od etiketiranja, preko izolacije do gubitka posla mogu da budu kompetentni da procene šta je mobing. Jer, nije svaki težak posao zlostavljanje ili psiho – teror. Da bi... more
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      MobbingMobbing, Bullying, Workplace Harassment
En este libro: • Señalo pros y los contras del proyecto de ley aprobado por el Senado en 2014, incluyendo su antecedente. • Basado en Leymann, explico la complejidad del fenómeno desde mi punto de vista. • Presento algunos argumentos con... more
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      MobbingViolênciaLegislación en México
This is a case comment on the seminal decision from the Supreme Court of Canada on sexual harassment.
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesEmployment LawHuman Rights
Güncel bir konu olan mobbing özellikle sağlık kurumlarında önemini korumaya devam etmektedir. Mobbing, işyerinde bir bireye yönelik olarak, bireyin çaresiz ve savunmasız olmasını sağlamaya çalışılarak, düşmanca ve etik dışı iletişimi... more
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      Hospitality ManagementMobbingOrganizational SilenceÖrgütsel Sessizlik
The only way to keep alive businesses in the market and supply to people the assets that they need to live is to work and employ. So, it’s important that the workers as individuals should be successful in business.One of the necessary... more
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      Occupational health and safetyMobbingRisk AssesmentPsychological Factors
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Presentación HOLÍSTICAMENTE trabajada, en base a observaciones directas, investigación, experiencias personales, lecturas y fuentes académicas especializadas extraídas del tratamiento dado al Acoso Moral o Mobbing; en especial de la Web... more
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Szanowni Państwo,
Istnieje możliwość wysłania publikacji na koszt adresata. Zainteresowane osoby proszę o kontakt mailowy:  ela.strutynska@gmail.com
Z wyrazami szacunku
Ela Strutyńska
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    • Mobbing
Kamu personel yönetimini akademik açıdan ve uygulama olarak iki yönlü inceleyen kitapta kamu yönetimine ilişkin reformlardan, tarihi süreçlere, 657 sayılı Devlet Memurları Kanununun gerekçesinden madde açıklamalarına, akademik... more
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      MobbingMemurDevlet MemurMahkeme Kararları
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      Derecho LaboralMobbingEnsayoTrabajadores
definicion, antecedentes y condicionantes del maltrato psicologico, el mobbing y el acoso laboral
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      Workplace BullyingMobbing
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      NursingPrincipal Component AnalysisBullyingPublic Health
La Administración Pública, por su propia idiosincrasia, se constituye en el caldo de cultivo perfecto para la proliferación de casos de acoso laboral. En ella se producen gran parte de los supuestos de mobbing de nuestro país. Número... more
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      MobbingAdministración PúblicaAcoso Laboralacoso moral en el trabajo
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      Manuscript StudiesPlagiarism studiesAzerbaijani LanguageMobbing
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      MobbingÇalışma Yaşamının Güncel Bir Sorunu: Mobbing
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      LawEducationHigher EducationLeadership
Specyfika, uwarunkowania organizacyjne oraz konsekwencje przemocy w miejscu pracy na przykładzie szkół wyższych
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      Sociology of ScienceMobbingSzkolnictwo WyższeUczelnie Wyższe
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    • Mobbing
Mobbing, işyerinde psikolojik taciz olarak tanımlanan, çalışanların birbirine veya yöneticilere veya yöneticilerin çalışanlara uyguladığı psikolojik şiddettir. bu şiddet konuşmama, alay etme, dışlama olarak uygulanabilir. Psikolojik... more
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      PsychologyCounseling PsychologyCounselingPsikoloji
Makale için;  http://dergipark.gov.tr/download/article-file/192317
Sakarya University Journal  of  Education 4/1 (Nisan /April 2014) ss. 62-80.
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      SociologyEducationSociology of EducationMobbing