Recent papers in Mta
RESUMO Introdução: o tratamento de dentes jovens traumatiza-dos requer atenção especial, devido à possível presença de ápice incompleto e paredes dentinárias delgadas, o que pode dificultar ou comprometer o tratamento endodôntico... more
Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi Artvin ilinin genelleştirilmiş stratigrafik kesitidir. Mta tarafından hazırlanan kesit, tarafımca Corel Draw programında renklendirilmiştir. Umarım faydalı olur.
Root resorption is a dental complication especially involved in endodontic treatment, which represents a clinical challenge. The failure could lead to dental loss. Factors of resorption could be dental trauma, surgical procedures,... more
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’ün direktifleri doğrultusunda Cumhuriyet hükümeti, ülkenin ihtiyacı olan kadroları yetiştirmek amacıyla yurtdışına eğitim amaçlı olarak çok sayıda burslu öğrenci göndermiştir. Burslu öğrenci gönderen devlet kurumları... more
Les Néandertaliens ont occupé la totalité du territoire belge, ce qui se traduit aujourd’hui par 441 points de découvertes d’éléments lithiques. Les instruments bifaciaux y abondent, puisque 184 de ces sites en ont livré, et permettent... more
Az MTA Doktora tudományos cím megszerzéséért indított eljárásban testületként járnak el az MTA Gazdaság- és Jogtudományok Osztálya, az osztály tudományos/doktori bizottságai, amelyek a következők: - Állam- és Jogtudományi Bizottság (AJB),... more
In this paper we present two interactive multi-user systems for video search and browsing. The first is composed by web applications which allows multiuser interaction in a distributed environment; such applications are based on the Rich... more
Metastasis-associated protein 1 (MTA1) and its short form (MTA1s) regulate the function of estrogen receptors (ERs). Estrogens, via ERs, affect placental growth and fetal development, a process that may involve MTA1 signaling. Expression... more
The aim of this study was to evaluate the response of rat subcutaneous tissue to MTA Fillapex® (Angelus), an experimental root canal filling material based on Portland cement and propylene glycol (PCPG), and a zinc oxide, eugenol and... more
Multimedia Tools and Applications 10, 4772 (2000) c 2000 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Manufactured in The Netherlands. ... University of Mannheim, Praktische Informatik IV, 68131 Mannheim, Germany; University of California at San Diego,... more
Root resorption is of major concern to endodontists. It is one of the common causes for root perforation which complicates endodontic treatment and often results in periodontal destruction. Proper diagnosis and an understanding of the... more
My paper considers public art that engages with the moving image. Since most film theory assumes a static spectator and most writing on public art neglects temporality, works such as Bill Brand's Masstransiscope, a short abstract film... more