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Bibliographic review of this miscellaneous volume (21 papers, by various authors) of more than six hundred pages, by Matilde Olarte. This is actually a review included in the monographic issue of the magazine, entitled "Musicology:... more
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This paper outlines the prodigious field of public history preservation practice prompted by popular music culture as means of exploring the relationship of affect, history and the archive. Framing this exploration with a concept of... more
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      Music HistoryCultural HeritageArchivesDigital Archives
Paper presented at the 2015 IAML congress that took place from 21-26 June 2015 in Julliard Shool in New York City, at a session organized by the Project group Acces to Music Archives. It was showed this tool developed at the CDAEM... more
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      Sound archivesMusical sourcesPersonal ArchivesMusical Heritage
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      Performance MusicalMusical HeritageMusical PerformanceMusical Education
Until recently, Catalonia was one of the few European regions still unaware of the richness of its musical heritage in terms of the repertory of compositions by its chapel masters, organists and musicians, which are conserved but... more
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      CataloguingMusical HeritageMusical ArchivesRISM
The angel of our nights, the devil of our days is dead. Long live his phantom in our culture and mind. It is impossible to evoke the place this marginal Englishman held in the world of poetry, music and visual arts for at least fifty... more
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      MusicMusic HistoryPopular MusicDeath Studies
În ultimii douăzeci de ani, cercetarea interdisciplinară a practicilor muzicale în Antichitate a cunoscut o expansiune fără precedent în spaţiul universitar european şi extra-european – o dezvoltare verificabilă atât în plan instituţional... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyAncient Greek MusicArchaeomusicology
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      Musical HeritageMusique Et MusicologiePipe and Tabor
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      MusicologyPerformance Practice (Music)Musical HeritageHistoricaly informed performance
A música na sua concepção universal é cultura, património da Humanidade, mas é também património de um povo, marca distintiva de uma cultura, elemento unificador de uma sociedade. Mas a música é feita de sons, e os sons são efémeros. Que... more
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      MusicMuseumPreservationIntangible cultural heritage
Il nostro progetto consiste in una suite di programmi, strumenti e metodi finalizzata ad ottenere una rappresentazione mista di segnali musicali e spartiti come viste di un unico oggetto la cui descrizione è composta di diverse componenti... more
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      Computer MusicMusical HeritageMultimedia Archives Organizing and Mining Related to Social Networks
Il saggio propone una riflessione su alcuni fenomeni che nel corso del XX secolo hanno determinato l’incontro della cultura occidentale con le musiche dell’ “altrove”, mettendo in discussione una serie di luoghi comuni della ricerca... more
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      Musical CompositionMusic AestheticsMusic CompositionAesthetics (Music)
La bibliografía en torno a la música en tiempos de la Guerra Civil es muy extensa. Se presenta aquí una selección de trabajos que abordan el tema desde distintos ángulos: desde la vida musical durante la contienda a través de aspectos... more
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      BibliographySpanish Civil WarMusical Heritage
In conjunction with Home of Metal and Capsule, this public symposium seeks to bring together researchers, policy makers, heritage and creative workers and musicians. We welcome contributions from fans and heritage consumers in response to... more
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      Cultural HistoryPopular Music StudiesCultural PolicyPopular Music
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      Music and PoliticsMusical HeritageLuigi Nono
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      Music HistoryArtPopular MusicCultural Heritage
Este trabajo parte de un interrogante ¿cuál ha sido el relato historiográfico sobre la vanguardia musical cubana y sus polémicas? El objetivo es definir las tensiones que tuvieron lugar en torno a la creación musical en los inicios de la... more
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      Music EducationMusicologyContemporary Art MusicMusical Heritage
Pensar el Patrimonio musical y sonoro en Latinoamérica y el Caribe: debates y experiencias desde la Historia NUEVO PLAZO DE ENTREGA: 15 DE JULIO 2021 Invitación a participar del dossier “Pensar el Patrimonio musical y sonoro en... more
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      Cultural HeritagePatrimonio CulturalMusical HeritageMusicología
Curating Pop speaks to the rapidly growing interest in the study of popular music exhibitions, which has occurred alongside the increasing number of popular music museums in operation across the world. Focusing on curatorial practices and... more
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      Popular Music StudiesPopular MusicPopular Music and CultureMusical Heritage
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      MusicologyEthnomusicologyAuthenticityMusical Heritage
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      MusicologyEthnomusicologyAuthenticityMusical Heritage
This volume offers a series of case studies on the theme The Past in Music. It includes articles by Kay Kaufman Shelemay (Music, Memory and History), Suzel Ana Reily (Remembering the Baroque Era: Historical Consciousness, Local Identity... more
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      Collective MemoryPolitics of the Past in PresentUses of HistoryMusical Heritage
Reporte sobre la corneta de cacho de toro de uso popular tradicional den el departamento de Ayacucho, Perú y la música tocada con dicho instrumento. The popular traditional bull horn trumpet from Ayacucho and the music played with that... more
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      MusicMusicologyFolklorePopular Music Studies