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This paper discusses the events that led rhetoric, an essential device to the structuring of musical language, no more being used and studied inside the musical practice. The discussion aims to identify the reasons for this decline... more
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      MathematicsMusical CompositionMusic HistoryComposition and Rhetoric
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      ArtPerformance Studies (Music)Semiotics of MusicOpera Baroque
Con questo elaborato si intende presentare una visione sul madrigale (con un sommario excursus evolutivo) in una prospettiva dedicata in particolare a quelle modalità rappresentative specifiche chiamate madrigalismi. I madrigalismi... more
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      Musical AnalysisMannerismLuca MarenzioMadrigal
Propuesta de análisis siguiendo los presupuestos teóricos de la retórica musical aplicados a la sonata BWV 1030 para flauta y clave. Escrita por un gran conocedor de la Retórica, disciplina que estudió en la escuela, J.S. Bach emplea... more
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      Baroque MusicJ S BachRetóricaFlute Music
Handel was a creator of skilfully set musical moods and ideas. He merged traditional German based harmonic of contrasts with Italianate - French musical rhetoric of affections, which he formulated into originally inventive expression of... more
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      Performance Studies (Music)Semiotics of MusicOpera BaroqueMusical Rhetoric
Los primeros años del siglo XVII inician uno de los periodos más extraordinarios y fructíferos de la música valenciana. El gran iniciador de una nueva manera de hacer música es, sin duda, Joan Baptista Comes. Su obra, aun poco conocida y... more
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      MusicologyVillancicoMusical RhetoricJuan Bautista Comes
Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548-1611) es uno de los compositores más importantes e interpretados del Renacimiento. El himno Vexilla regis «more hispano» es la última de las piezas que conforman su Officium Hebdomae Sanctae, seguramente,... more
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      PolyphonyRenacimientoMusical AnalysisPolifonía
The Minotaur is the opera composed by Harrison Birtwistle to libretto by David Harsent. It was premiered in 2008 in Royal Opera House, Covent Garden. Birtwistle’s musical language is basically modernist: atonal, centralised, based on... more
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      British MusicContemporary MusicContemporary OperaHarrison Birtwistle
The present study tackles the rhetorical system, which permeated the Classical era as well as our culture from the Renaissance till the last decade from the 18th century, from a standpoint that allows us to reach a significant perspective... more
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    • Musical Rhetoric
Versification in Handel´s opera Giulio Cesare in Egitto: surfaces of performativity and intertextuality I examine musical, performative and versification features in some recent representations of Handel´s opera Giulio Cesare via rhetoric... more
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Despite the frequently critiqued prolixity in much of his oeuvre, Alexander Agricola (1445/46-1506) crafted music comprehensible enough to elicit great praise from numerous contemporaries. What is then inherently praiseworthy in this... more
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      MusicMusical CompositionMusic HistoryMusic Theory
Os conceitos de retórica musical desenvolvidos na época da Reforma Protestante ainda estão presentes na composição cristã da contemporaneidade? Este breve artigo reúne a retórica musical e a semiótica da canção segundo Luiz Tatit para... more
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      SemioticsMusicologyTheomusicologyMusical Rhetoric
CSIC. Revista de literatura, Vol 71, No 141 (2009):57-84 La cosmología humanista europea se basa en la idea de una coherencia macrocósmica —la armonía de las esferas—, que se refleja en el ámbito microcósmico humano de la poética... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSpanish LiteratureEarly MusicStereotypes and Prejudice
This article examines a hypothetical compositional and pedagogical use of the Langloz manuscript, a collection of German partimenti, during the time of J. S. Bach. The partimento is reconceptualized as a bridge to free composition, by... more
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      Musical CompositionEarly MusicMusic Theory PedagogyMusic History
Form is a parameter very present in any model of analysis of discourse, and it is true for musical analysis as well. However, the increasing complexity of contemporary music is also hindering an analytical thinking on this dimension, in a... more
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      MetaphysicsAestheticsRhetoricLuciano Berio
The study of discourse with an emphasis in the audience was the most important legacy left by Chaïm Perelman among his contributions to rhetorics. This bias, although present in Aristotelian rhetoric yet, was crucial in order to clarify... more
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      Music TheoryRhetoricComposition and RhetoricContemporary Music
Este artigo abriga uma reflexao sobre quais seriam os modos de se pensar nas conhecidas figuras retorico-musicais, que habitavam a escrita musical do periodo Barroco, mas  de maneira coerente a realidade estetica da musica contemporânea.... more
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      MusicRhetoricArtContemporary Music
A 20 minutes paper for the17th Biennial International Conference on Baroque Music hosted by Canterbury Christ Church University I examine musical, performative and versification features in some representations of Handel´s opera Giulio... more
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      MusicologyIntertextualityVersificationBaroque opera
Perscrutar os meandros pelos quais um compositor transita para a construção de um discurso musical exige do analista uma visão que atine para as múltiplas dimensões da obra, levando em consideração, além dos elementos intrínsecos à mesma,... more
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      Music HistoryMusic TheoryMusicologyBrazilian Music
All welcome (No registration fee, but seating space is limited). Please, register: http://europavox.org/scp/vocal-affects-in-chambers-temples-and-academies-monteverdi-450-anniversary/ Entrada libre hasta completar el aforo. En los... more
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      European HistoryComparative LiteratureRhetoricOpera
This paper discusses the possible methods of working with the familiar musical- rhetorical figures employed in the Baroque period, but in a manner that is more consistent with the aesthetic reality of contemporary music. For this purpose,... more
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      MusicRhetoricContemporary MusicRhetorical Elocution
Western European music in the eighteenth-century was conceived with a rhetorical aim to establish communication links with listeners. Such musical rhetoric was not limited to the German environment; it also influenced teaching and... more
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    • Musical Rhetoric
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      MusicologyArtSemiotics of MusicFrench Baroque Music
A forma é um dos parâmetros mais presentes nas análises do discurso e, do mesmo modo, o é na análise do discurso musical. Todavia, a complexificação estrutural da música contemporânea tem tornado cada vez mais improvável um pensamento... more
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O trabalho discute os eventos que levaram a retórica, dispositivo essencial para a estruturação da linguagem musical, a não mais ser utilizada e estudada dentro da prática musical. A discussão visa identificar as razões pelas quais tal... more
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      Music HistoryArtRhetoric in MusicMúsica
in: M. Calella und L. Schmidt (ed.), Komponieren in der Renaissance: Lehre und Praxis, Laaber (Handbuch der Musik der Renaissance 2), Laaber 2013, 9-17, 36-42, 43-63
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      Renaissance musicMusical Rhetoric