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Recensione del libro di Francesco Toniolo, "Il mondo dei Brony. Indagine sul fandom di My Little Pony", edito da Paguro (Salerno, 2019)
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      Media StudiesSubculturesConvergence CultureCartoons and Animation
Chi sono i nerd? Un tempo visti come gli sfigati di turno, sono diventati i dominatori della nostra contemporaneità, le persone che reggono le redini delle nostre vite reali e virtuali. Ma come sono nati? Come si sono diffusi? E lo stesso... more
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      Cultura NerdNerd Culture
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      SemioticsCultural StudiesCommunicationPopular Culture
Mit Blick auf die Online-Kulturkriege der Neuen Rechten und sogenannte Alt-Right Nerdkulturen (meme wars, LOLitics, Manosphere, Pranksters) zeigt sich eine Verschmelzung von reaktionärer Politik, transgressiver Ästhetik und... more
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      Aesthetics and PoliticsNew RightTransgressionNerd Culture
Yaoi/BL Fandom Survey (only takes 10 mins to complete): https://leeds.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/blfandomsurvey http://sainsbury-institute.org/news-events/legislating-manga-workshop/ This talk will explore the implications of the Prohibited... more
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      Japanese StudiesLawCriminal LawComparative Law
Mark Dery, "Wired Man's Burden: The Incredible Whiteness of Being Digital," in _AfroGeeks: Beyond the Digital Divide_, ed. Anna Everett and Amber J. Wallace (Santa Barbara: U.C. Santa Barbara, Center for Black Studies Research, 2007).... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesAfrican American LiteratureScience FictionAfrican American Studies
Diese Arbeit untersucht Männlichkeiten im Kontext der Männlichkeitsforschung anhand des Konzepts der Hegemonialen Männlichkeit am Beispiel der TV Serie The Big Bang Theory. Unterthemen wie Media und Popular Culture, sowie Nerd Identity... more
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      Gender StudiesMen's StudiesPopular CultureMasculinity Studies
This article explores the worldview of the ''seduction community'' operating within the homosocial spaces of North-American ''Guyland.'' This community provides seduction workshops catering mainly to men stereotyped as nerds who are... more
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      Video GamesHegemonic MasculinitySeductionNerd Culture
Desde hace pocos años, la palabra "friki" viene escuchándose cada vez con más intensidad en todo tipo de ámbitos y, sin embargo, para muchos aún resulta algo difícil de describir e incluso de entender. Ante esta realidad, aparecen... more
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      Popular CultureSubculturesPostmodernismFandom
«Sempre per le uscite librarie, segnalo la bella monografia di Angelo Iermano, La scienza e il comico. La comicità di The Big Bang Theory alla luce delle teorie del riso (Edizioni Sinestesie). Il titolo è molto chiaro, e il giovane... more
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      Television StudiesComedyPopular CultureHumor
The division into jocks and geeks has always been the basis for distinction between popular kids and misfits. The jock was handsome and popular, while the geek was awkward and lonely. Nowadays the two have very much in common, and the... more
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      Sociology of SportStereotypesStereotypes and PrejudiceSport
A tese tem como objetivo entender como são constituídos ciberacontecimentos pop mobilizados pela guerra semiótica envolvendo gênero e sexualidade na cultura nerd. No percurso do estudo, são propostos, também, diálogos entre a semiótica,... more
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      Queer StudiesPopular CultureComics StudiesScience Fiction and Fantasy
Role-playing games have traversed a daunting path through history, evocative of the fantastical and harrowing stories depicted in the pages of their aging rules books. From the tales of great bounty at the genres inception, to the... more
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      History of ChessThe Role of Narrative on Playing Video GamesRole Playing GamesRole Playing Game (RPG)
Cada época de la historia genera, promueve y es sorprendida por diferentes y específicos fenómenos sociales. Uno de los fenómenos más potentes y a la vez más desconocidos de la nuestra es el de la cultura friki y, en España, este fenómeno... more
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      SubculturesPostmodernismFandomOnline Fandom
Based on an ethnographic study conducted between 2016 and 2020, this article discusses the performance of toxic masculinity within social spaces related to the card game Magic: The Gathering. It suggests a relationship between the... more
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      CommunicationGame studiesScience CommunicationMasculinity Studies
The present undergraduate thesis has the objective of analyzing the nerd/geek universe, focusing on the matters of identity and representation inside it. A bibliographic research was done, with important authors inside the field of... more
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      Identity (Culture)RepresentationIdentidade culturalComic-Con
Nerd, geek, dweeb, and dork were the four terms used often in the late part of the 20th century as a means to create a barrier and separate those whose quirks were considered outside the mainstream sense of normal. Nowadays, the "otaku"... more
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      Media StudiesPopular CultureFan CulturesFandom
De CDFs de óculos grandes e roupas arrumadinhas a jovens especialistas em tecnologia, cultura pop e sempre ávidos por novidades. A figura do nerd, que se tornou conhecida através principalmente do cinema e da TV, remete a alguém cuja... more
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      Youth CultureConsumer Culture TheoryGeek CultureCultura Nerd
O artigo mapeia os textos publicados na Compós e na Intercom entre os anos 2000 e 2020 que trazem os termos "cultura pop" ou "pop" no título ou como palavra-chave. Com esse movimento, visa entender como a cultura pop vem sendo pensada nas... more
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      Pop CulturePop MusicCultura PopularGeek Culture
Legendary Days is a geeky novel about saving memories. After losing his father, Max writes down his memories in a narrative that plays with geek culture. Set in Southern Brazil, it is also a family tale, a coming of age story and an... more
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      Creative WritingPortuguese and Brazilian LiteratureFictionGeek Culture
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      Gender StudiesGame studiesWomen's StudiesGaming
Através da análise de construção de sentidos em redes digitais, cartografamos diferentes processualidades culturais que, em engendramento com pressupostos semióticos, nos auxiliam a compreender as múltiplas e complexas memetizações em... more
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      Drag QueensCultura PopularRedes SociaisCultura digital
Cilj ovog istraživanja je da se ispita latentna struktura stereotipa o štreberima i da se utvrdi da li dimenzije ovog stereotipa koreliraju sa socijalnom distancom prema štreberima, roditeljskim pristiskom u pogledu akademskog postignuća... more
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      StereotypesStereotypes and PrejudiceGiftednessNerds
Collaborative editorial essay by the editors.
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      NeoliberalismPostfordismNerd TheoryPaolo Virno
Este artigo pretende analisar a representatividade feminina no universo nerd e geek. Pretende analisar o consumo ligado à juventude e a formação de identidade. Ligado à identidade, objetiva entender o que significa ser nerd e geek e a... more
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      Gender StudiesTelevision StudiesCultura NerdNerd Culture
Geeks, hackers and gamers share a common ‘geek culture’, whose members are defined and define themselves mainly in terms of technology and rationality. The members of geek culture produce and circulate stories to express who they are and... more
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      TechnocultureAutoethnographyBiographical MethodsNarrative Analysis
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      Gender StudiesFilm StudiesYouth StudiesChild and adolescent mental health
A partir de um esforço etnográfico empreendido entre os anos de 2016 a 2020, este artigo problematiza a encenação de uma masculinidade tóxica dentro de espaços de convívio relacionados ao card game Magic: The Gathering. O objetivo é... more
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      Game studiesGame DesignVideo GamesGames
Este artigo propõe a análise do espaço da mulher dentro do universo do role-playing game ou RPG. Objetiva entender em princípio o conceito de RPG, apontar as tensões presentes e o espaço que o público feminino ocupa. Também pretende-se... more
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      Gender StudiesYouth SubculturesWoman StudiesRole Playing Game (RPG)
"La scienza e il comico" è uno studio monografico sulla sitcom americana "The Big Bang Theory". Il libro prende spunto da numerosi contributi teorici sul riso e sulla comicità (Freud, Bergson, Todorov, Bachtin, Berger, Duprèel e altri)... more
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      Television StudiesComedyLaughterHenri Bergson
Legendary Days is a geeky novel about saving memories. After losing his father, Max writes down his memories in a narrative that plays with geek culture. Set in Southern Brazil, it is also a family tale, a coming of age story and an... more
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      Creative WritingPortuguese and Brazilian LiteratureFictionGeek Culture
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      StereotypesStereotypes and PrejudiceCultura NerdNerd , Geek, Stereotype
Printed T-shirts are the characteristic garment, risen to the role of distinctive “uniform”, used by one of the most representative socio-cultural phenomenon of the latest years: nerds. Rather than the style of the garment, more than its... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia StudiesYouth SubculturesBourdieu
O artigo tem como objetivo problematizar a emergência da cobertura jornalística voltada aos signos da cultura pop. Trata-se de um trabalho conceitual que lança olhar sobre processos mediáticos específicos, percebidos como expressões de... more
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      Pop CultureCelebrityCultura PopularJornalismo Digital
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      JournalismPopular CultureNerd Culture#metoo
Bullying Bullying is a form of abuse unlike no other. It is a complex form of abuse where the pain felt at first is only the beginning. It is sort of like a train wreck waiting to happen but it is not on the test track but in real life. I... more
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      BullyingSchool BullyingNerd Culture
Labeling students with strong academic orientation as ''nerds'' is very common in the educational setting and it can cause a variety of negative consequences, such as decline of academic aspirations and increase in anxiety and loneliness... more
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      StereotypesGiftednessNerd , Geek, StereotypeNerds
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      ReligionMedia StudiesNew MediaTelevision Studies
This chapter focuses on the similarities between geeks and jocks. Their closeness is most visible through video games and fandom. Video games have always been the domain of geeks, and the gamer has always been the opposite of the athlete.... more
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      SociologySociology of SportStereotypesStereotypes and Prejudice
Alla scoperta di un multiverso. È un racconto a cinque voci di una cultura e di un approccio al mondo la “Guida all’immaginario nerd” pubblicato da Odoya Edizioni e scritto da Fabrizio Venerandi, Jacopo Nacci, Gregorio Magini, Alessandro... more
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      Youth StudiesIdentity (Culture)Stereotypes and PrejudiceCulture
Da oltre quarant’anni la stampa annuncia ciclicamente la “rivincita dei nerds” o addirittura il loro “trionfo”. Categorie come “nerd” e “geek” non sono semplici da racchiudere in una definizione: piuttosto esse sono indici di complesse... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia StudiesNerd Culture
La palabra friki llegó para quedarse. Está en todas partes desde hace más de una década, aunque su interpretación aún parece variar según el punto de vista de quien la emite. Lo que está claro, es que los frikis existen y no son pocos,... more
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      SubculturesPostmodernismFandomOnline Fandom
Printed T-shirts are the characteristic garment, risen to the role of distinctive “uniform”, used by one of the most representative socio-cultural phenomenon of the latest years: nerds. Rather than the style of the garment, more than its... more
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      Media StudiesYoung people and popular cultureNerd Culture
Nerd, and nerd culture, has been a popular fixture in the media and popular culture. Dr. Shane Tilton looks at how the term has changed in recent times.
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      Media StudiesEtymologyCommodificationTemperament