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      School violenceSchool Violence PreventionBullyingSchool Bullying
Pogorzelska M., Rudnicki P., (2020), Przecież jesteśmy! Przemoc homofobiczna w polskich szkołach - narracje gejów i lesbijek, "Impuls": Opole-Wrocław.... more
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      LGBT Issues (Education)Critical PedagogyBricolageSexual Violence
Η εκπαίδευση στον 21ο αιώνα, με τους πλείστους και ποικιλόμορφους μετασχηματισμούς που έχουν συντελεστεί, έχει ανάγκη από νέες, δημιουργικές και καινοτόμες προσεγγίσεις. Το ζητούμενο της σύγχρονης εκπαίδευσης δεν είναι πλέον τόσο η παροχή... more
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      Early Childhood EducationSchool BullyingEarly Childhood Care and Educationαντι-ρατσιστική αγωγή διαφορετικότητα βιωματική μάθηση
La Sentencia T-713 de 2010 de la Corte Constitucional de Colombia resolvió el caso de un estudiante de un colegio privado que fue sancionado por haber participado en un grupo de la red social Facebook creado bajo la denominación “Yo... more
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      Social NetworksBullyingSchool BullyingFreedom Of Expression
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      Gender StudiesGenderBullyingSchool Bullying
Σκοπός της παρούσας εργασίας είναι η κριτική ανάλυση του άρθρου των Kyriakides et al. (2014), που αφορά τον σχεδιασμό στρατηγικών και δράσεων αντιμετώπισης του σχολικού εκφοβισμού, με τη χρήση της δυναμικής προσέγγισης της σχολικής... more
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      EducationEducational LeadershipBullyingSchool Bullying
People abused by angry discipline as children, may tend to abuse or overly punish other people or themselves for perceived wrongs in their adult life. In some individuals, aggressive personality traits may be genetically inherited. The... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsOrganizational BehaviorManagementCultural Studies
The aim of the current study was to examine whether moral disengagement and defender self-efficacy at individual level and collective efficacy to stop peer aggression at classroom level were associated with defending and reinforcing in... more
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      Social PsychologyAggression (Psychology)Educational PsychologySelf-Efficacy
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      Social NetworksAggression (Psychology)BullyingSchool Bullying
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceEducational PsychologyPrediction
This article, based on a conference presentation in 2017, considers the value of the commonly used definition of "bullying" by Dan Olweus. It concludes the Olweus definition reduces the view of bullying to micro group processes that have... more
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      LGBT Issues (Education)School Bullying
As LGBTQ youth victimization has become more visible in public discourse, educators and policymakers have attempted to take quick, responsive action. Anti-bullying programs have become a popular strategy for school districts and states... more
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    • School Bullying
Meer inzicht in de achtergronden van zowel pesten als gepest worden op school is te verkrijgen door verschillende informatiebronnen te analyseren. Hierbij gaat het om de leerlingen, hun gezinsachtergrond, kenmerken van de klas en school,... more
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      School BullyingPrimary EducationCausesMeasures of Prevention
This study on bullying, carried out in Peru, draws on a mixed research approach (qualitative and quantitative) to assess a prevention program based on social and interpersonal competence. The procedure includes a quasi-experimental design... more
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      Program EvaluationViolence PreventionBullyingSchool Bullying
W opracowaniu poddano refleksji znaczenie klimatu szkoły dla procesu nauczania i wychowania. Szczególnie skoncentrowano się na związku klimatu szkoły z zachowaniami agresywnymi wśród uczniów. Praktycznym efektem prowadzonych badań nad... more
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      Action ResearchSchool BullyingSchool Climate
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      Disability TheoryAnti BullyingSchool BullyingDisrupting the Norm
Poiares, Nuno (2007), “A escola e os comportamentos desviantes: novas tendências”, Questões Sociais Contemporâneas, livro de Atas das VIII Jornadas do Departamento de Sociologia, pp. 227-238, CISA-AS, Universidade de Évora. ISBN:... more
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      BullyingSchool BullyingPoliciaViolencia Escolar
Curso de acoso escolar, bullying y ciberbullying. Clausura y desarrollo
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      Workplace BullyingBullyingSchool BullyingConvivencia y Clima escolar
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      Monitoring And EvaluationSchool BullyingSchool effectiveness and school improvementSecondary Education
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      Queer StudiesSociology of EducationYouth StudiesLGBT Issues (Education)
This study examined the role of pro-victim attitudes, personal responsibility, coping responses to observations of bullying, and perceived peer normative pressure in explaining defending the victim and passive bystanding behavior in... more
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      PsychologyPeer Support (Learning and Teaching)Coping StrategiesSocial Interaction
Objective: To evaluate the potential of a 60-minute sexuality diversity workshop to address bullying in secondary schools. Methods: Students completed pre- and post-workshop questionnaires. Descriptive statistics were used to summarise... more
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      LGBT Issues (Education)Gay And Lesbian StudiesEquality and DiversityBullying
This study examined same-sex attracted (SSA) students' perceptions of their school climate toward same-sex attraction and their school-based environmental stresses and supports using Margaret Spencer's Phenomenological Variant of... more
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      LGBT Issues (Education)LGBT YouthSchool BullyingAcademic Self Concept
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      BullyingSchool BullyingLearning DisabilitiesDisability
The bullying affects young people more than what we expect, and this is important to know as a teacher, a student, a parent, and even as an institution. In this investigation we are going to focus on how does it affect speaking skills in... more
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      School BullyingTeaching Strategies and StylesMotivationEnglish Pronunciation
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      School BullyingReligion and LawSchool Bullying and Cyberbullying Among Adolescents
Geen school ter wereld blijft gespaard van, zo nu en dan, manifestaties van fysiek geweld. Meestal blijft dat gelukkig beperkt tot het betere duw-, trek- en mepwerk. Maar het kunnen, heel soms, heel zware incidenten zijn waarbij mensen... more
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      Juvenile DelinquencyJuvenile Delinquency PreventionViolence PreventionSchool Bullying
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      Peer Support (Learning and Teaching)BullyingSchool BullyingClassroom Interaction
The promotion of communicative competence in students play a key role in schools for the purpose of improving social, emotional and coexistence relationships in Secondary Education students. The development of said competence can... more
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      PsychologyWorkplace BullyingAnti BullyingBullying
Introduction. The prevalence rates of bullying vary significantly across countries and continents. Specifically, UNESCO estimates that the prevalence rates vary from 22.8% (Central America) to 48.2% (Sub-Saharan Africa). Recently these... more
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      Cross-Cultural PsychologySchool BullyingProgramme for International Students Assessment (PISA)Cross Cultural Research
Building on work in the space of sexual harassment in schools, my contribution to this special issue continues one of the threads from the first Schooling and Sexualities conference twenty years earlier, in 1995. In so doing, I provide a... more
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      ViolenceSchool BullyingGender and educationSexual Harassment
Qualitative research provides opportunities to study bullying and peer harassment as social processes, interactions and meaning-making in the everyday context of particular settings. It offers the possibility of developing a deep... more
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      SociologyInteractionismSociology Of DeviancePsychology
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    • School Bullying
Miten kohdata kouluyhteisön jäsenet-oppilaat ja opettajat-eheyttävästi arjen kiireessä? Miten edistää kunnioittavaa vuorovaikutusta myös mielipahaa ja kiusaamisen kokemista aiheuttavissa tilanteissa? Voiko oppilas olla asiantuntija oman... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationSchool BullyingGrounded Theory
Ο σχολικός εκφοβισμός είναι ένα φαινόμενο που προβληματίζει έντονα την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση. Η παρούσα ανακοίνωση παρουσιάζει τα αποτελέσματα έρευνας, η οποία πραγματοποιήθηκε στο Αριστοτέλειο Κολλέγιο Θεσσαλονίκης στο πλαίσιο της συμμετοχής... more
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      BullyingSchool Bullying
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    • School Bullying
The most challenging situation nowadays adolescents go through that is deteriorating their daily living, is Emotional abuse, i.e; a pattern of behavior that impairs a child's development or sense of self-worth. Experiencing abuse or an... more
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      BullyingSchool BullyingEmotional AbusePhubbing
Para distinguir Jogo de Luta de Luta a Sério têm sido consideradas as dimensões: comportamento, afectividade, expressão facial, estrutura e consequências (Humphreys, 1987; Boulton, 1984; Pellegrini, 1995; Smith, 1997; Pellegrini &... more
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      School BullyingOutdoor Play and Learning
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      Masculinity StudiesMasculinityBullyingSchool Bullying
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      FolkloreSocial SciencesFilm StudiesFilm Analysis
Öz: Okullar sosyalleĢme sürecinin en önemli aktörlerinden biridir. Bu süreçte ortaya çıkan sosyolojik olgulardan biri de akran zorbalığıdır. Akran zorbalığı okullarda yaĢanan Ģiddet sorununun bir boyutu olarak karĢımıza çıkmaktadır.... more
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      BullyingSchool BullyingGençlikOkul Iklimi
This paper is located in a larger study of girls' empowerment within the everyday context of school cultures. While much feminist research has focused on the 'perils' of feminine adolescence, we are interested in how girls successfully... more
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      FeminismSchool BullyingGirlhood StudiesPopularity
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    • School Bullying
ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΕΘΝΙΚΗΣ ΠΑΙΔΕΙΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΘΡΗΣΚΕΥΜΑΤΩΝ. ΠΑΙΔΑΓΩΓΙΚΟ ΙΝΣΤΙΤΟΥΤΟ. Επιθετικότητα στο σχολείο. Προτάσεις για πρόληψη και αντιμετώπιση. Βιβλιογραφική αναφορά: Χηνάς Π., Χρυσαφίδης Κ. ΑΘΗΝΑ 2000.
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      School BullyingSchool Psychology Interventions
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      Music EducationEducationSchool Bullying
Abstract. Bullying episodes among children are common in preschool settings. Bullying has adverse and enduring effects on children's socio-emotional development. Bullying prevention is crucial to children's adjustment in school... more
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      Empathy (Psychology)Interactive Digital StorytellingSchool BullyingPreschool Children
School climate, safety and well-being of students are important antecedents of academic achievement. However, school members do not necessarily experience school climate in the same way; rather, their subjective perceptions of the... more
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      EducationSafe SchoolsSchool BullyingSchool Climate
Chłopcy częściej się biją, a dziewczynki bardziej plotkują. Czy tak? Analizując dane z badania „Szkoła bez przemocy” starałam się sprawdzić, na ile różne opinie na temat agresji w szkole są uzasadnione. To, co znalazłam, to przede... more
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      Sociology of EducationBullyingSchool BullyingGender Differences In Aggresion
The aim of the present study was to examine the existing association between mindfulness, impulsivity, moral disengagement, and bullying experiences at school. Longitudinal data were collected in three points in time (T1, T2, T3) with 6... more
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      MindfulnessSchool BullyingEmotion RegulationImpulsivity
En este trabajo se plantea la prevención y la intervención en situaciones de acoso escolar a partir de los programas basados en la evidencia (EBP, en inglés). Se describen primeramente las principales características del acoso escolar y... more
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      Evidence Based PracticeBullyingSchool BullyingCyber Bullying