School Bullying and Cyberbullying Among Adolescents
Recent papers in School Bullying and Cyberbullying Among Adolescents
sfruttare le potenzialità del "digitale forte", guidandone gli usi secondo un'idea coerente di quali siano gli obiettivi formativi da raggiungere. E pertanto capace di fornire le competenze necessarie perché tutti i soggetti riescano a... more
The promotion of communicative competence in students play a key role in schools for the purpose of improving social, emotional and coexistence relationships in Secondary Education students. The development of said competence can... more
Marek górka (red�), Cyberbezpieczeństwo dzieci i młodzieży. Realny i wirtualny problem polityki bezpieczeństwa, Wydawnictwo Difin, Warszawa 2017, ss. 350 Recenzowana monografia wieloautorska pod redakcją Marka Górki, uznanego eksperta w... more
The article focuses on engagement of young people in online risk behaviours. Such engagement is analyzed from the perspective of two main socialization environments – school and a family. The overview of existing research data confi rms... more
Bullying and cyberbullying have negative consequences on adolescents’ mental health. The study had two objectives: 1) to analyze possible differences in sexual orientation (heterosexual and non-heterosexual) in the percentage of victims... more
That internet is developing fast and its cost is becoming cheaper rapidly increases the number of people using this technology. Although internet provides miscellaneous benefits for the users, it also causes them to encounter certain... more
The aim of the current study was to investigate cyberbullying among Saudi’s higher-education students. It also aimed to identify possible factors that may impact cyberbullying. A quantitative approach was implemented using an online... more
In accordance with the social information processing model, how adolescents attribute cause to a particular social situation (e.g., bullying) they witness or participate in, influences their online social information processing, and... more
This paper addresses the concepts of moral and social responsibility on the Internet in considering the most troubling phenomenon of cyberbullying that results in loss of life. Specifically, I probe the moral and social responsibilities... more
jako nowe ryzykowne zachowania młodzieży JACEK PYŻALSKI Książka dla
O presente artigo tem como tema o cyberbullying, cujo objetivo principal é verificar quais os critérios utilizados pela jurisprudência em relação a esse fenômeno envolvendo crianças e adolescentes. O trabalho levanta como problemática o... more
what is Troll Trolling & Law in India
It is a research paper on "bullying laws".
"Psychological abuse is receiving increased attention focusing on its severe effects for the individual and for society as a whole. Despite the considerable amount of research, there is a lack of information on the role that... more
In this talk I outline my positions related to research on bullying for the World Anti-bullying Forum 2017, Stockholm #WABF2017. I argue 'bullying' and 'cyberbullying' are concepts that are overused and perhaps reaching the end of their... more
Jim Baines of Bangor, Maine, one July evening, he and two friends attacked two gay men, killing one. Ten year later, at age 25, Baines turned his life around by attempting to repay society for his crime. On occasion, he took voluntary... more
The aim of this study was to investigate how individuals;who had been victims of school bullying;perceived their bullying experiences and how these had affected them;and to generate a grounded theory of being a victim of bullying at... more
The aim of the present study was to examine to what degree different mechanisms of moral disengagement were related to age, gender, bullying, and defending among school children. Three hundred and seventy-two Swedish children ranging in... more
Cyber-bullying is a recently emerging type of violence, which has gained significant media and research attention. Although research across Europe and the USA has been extensive, in Greece it is sparse and at an elementary level. This... more
Literature accords the importance of parenting style and their impact on young adolescent’s behavior. There are many factors that affect the academic performance of children and parenting styles is one of the significant factors of... more
To really understand the concept of cyber bullying one cannot look at the dreaded act alone, but have to consider the unique nature of cyber bullying, dissect the incident, consider the profiles of the bully and the victim, identify what... more
Ang kabanatang ito ay tinatalakay ang mga literatura at pag-aaral ng mga nakaraang mananaliksik. Makikita rito ang mga literatura at pag-aaral tungkol sa pambubulas at ang sociocultural movement/internet culture na memes. Dagdag pa rito,... more
The aim with the present study was to investigate bystander actions in bullying situations as well as reasons behind these actions as they are articulated by Swedish students from fourth to seventh grade. Forty-three semi-structured... more
Zintegrowane działania na poziomie szkoły Moduł 5. Jacek Pyżalski Agresja elektroniczna i cyberbullying -stary dom z nową fasadą? Nowe technologie komunikacyjne w życiu młodzieży Moduł 6. Piotr Plichta Uczniowie niepełnosprawni... more
Cyberbullying has been described as a type of electronic bullying and has recently been subjected to intense media scrutiny largely due to a number of high profile and tragic cases of teen suicide. Despite the media attention relatively... more
The primary aim of this study is to establish associations between cyberbullying victimization and health risk behaviors that have been traditionally linked to juvenile delinquency. These " deviant health risk behaviors " include drug... more
PRACTICE THEORY RESEARCH Bullying is a phenomenon that has intensively concerned the scientific community over the last decades. A lot of research has been undertaken about this phenomenon, and a variety of actions have been planned and... more
We all have a body image. We all have feelings about the way we look. We have ideas and feelings about how others think about our looks. Your overall body image can range from very positive to very negative. We do not develop our body... more
Research is accumulating to confirm adverse consequences of cyberbullying. Less is known about the perceptions, expectations and reactions of those involved as a function of their different roles (e.g., as bullies, victims, bully-victims)... more
Geralmente, o bullying é definido como um ato violento, intencional e repetido, praticado no ambiente escolar manifestando-se através de uma relação desigual de poder. O cyberbullying é considerado um comportamento agressivo e intencional... more
present study is an examination of bullying perceptions by rural middle school students. Three rural middle schools participated in the study which involved 138 students completing The School Bullying Survey to determine their experiences... more
This paper aims to highlight the need to examine the factors that influence adolescents' resistance to report their cyberbullying experiences to adults. Design/methodology/approach-It outlines key factors that need to be considered when... more