Rural education
Recent papers in Rural education
This article discusses gender relations and the sexual division of labor in the countryside, in dialogue with the social action "Marcha das Margaridas". Having as research subjects countryside women from the north of Minas Gerais State,... more
En el año 2010 en Argentina se implementó en todas las escuelas secundarias públicas el Programa Conectar Igualdad, con el objetivo de democratizar el acceso al conocimiento en clave de Tecnologías de la información y la comunicación.... more
This presentation outlines some of the myths that are promulgated about remote communities and schools in Australia. Please refer to other lectures for detailed information. This is just a summary of findings presented as a lecture to a... more
The paper attempts to challenge the ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach in curriculum-textbook formulation and to identify language learning materials for students in India. The paper focuses on the different languages scenario that exist in the... more
In this article, Robert Petrone and Nicholas Rink propose a repositioning pedagogy framework for teacher education. They maintain that a repositioning pedagogy disrupts power dynamics by bringing secondary-aged youth into teacher... more
The author interviewed Dr. Carolyn Callahan, an eminent scholar in gifted education. The interview focused on Dr. Callahan's work on implementing gifted program in rural areas, and illustrated her suggestions for teachers, researchers,... more
La escuela siempre es escuela. Una obviedad que no precisa matices cuando la imaginamos formando parte del entramado urbano. No sucede lo mismo cuando nos situamos en el mundo rural. Aquí, identificar, explicar, interpretar… sus... more
This article identifies spatial dimensions of educational outcomes using maps of the 2016 Grade 5 reading results for Australia's National Assessment Program–Literacy and Numeracy for all Australian schools. A geographical information... more
In a time of rapid policy and curriculum change, teachers must be knowledge workers who continue to develop professionally. Professional learning networks (PLNs) offer teachers the opportunity to develop professionally by positioning them... more
Developed and developing countries alike have recognized the importance of girls' education, the worldwide surge in girls' primary school enrolment over the past two decades is testament to their commitment. The growth in girls' schooling... more
This article highlights a study in which critical pedagogy was introduced through design thinking strategies to primary school students in rural Trinidad and Tobago.By encouraging interactive discussions between students and instructors,... more
CONTEXT Integrated longitudinal rural placements are designed to promote favourable student attitudes towards and facilitate return to rural practice upon graduation. We explored the impact of an integrated placement on medical students'... more
Drawing on a larger study of the current state of affairs of English language teaching (ELT) in rural Colombia, this paper interrogates the social impact which education policies promoting English have been associated with. Informed... more
This case study records the voices of a group of young people from an isolated rural community as they reflect on their experiences of secondary school. The study was driven by a desire to develop an understanding of the human connections... more
English language teaching (ELT) at rural schools may pose challenges like insufficient resources and a lack of students' interest. Integrating real-life-based and learner-centred methods like project-based learning (PBL) into rural... more
Barriers to effective technology integration come in several different categories, including access to technology tools and resources, technology training and support, administrative support, time to plan and prepare for technology... more
本稿は、1960 年代の山間地域における「へき地教育」について、奈良県吉野郡十津川村の大字出谷の事例を中心 とした調査により、現代的評価をおこなうことを目的とする。玉井(2016)の挙げるへき地小規模校教育の良さを指標 とした。本稿で調査した旧十津川村立出谷小学校は、標高約 600m の山頂部に位置し、児童は毎日長い時間をかけて山 道を上り下りして通学していた。また栄養状態が悪く、学習面のみならず、環境の面でも「遅れた」状態であった。し... more
In British Columbia, Canada, music curriculum documents, or Integrated Resource Packages (IRP’s), include very few references to First Nations music making despite the fact that, in many rural school districts, First Nations students form... more
In this paper I turn urbanormativity on its head in suggesting that rural ideals have much to offer in the interest of music education equity and sustainability.
How would you like to be called 'poor white trash'?" The orchestra teacher fired the question at my little brother, who, thinking he was being politically correct, had just used the word "negro." The rest of us (mostly siblings or... more
How can we conduct local learning (or community learning) in an expanded school district under the circumstances of school consolidation? In order to obtain clues to answer this question, we examine whether the consolidation of schools in... more
This case study provides a thick description and conceptual analysis of the organization of community members for collective impact in a rural cradle-to-career network. This study focused on three intersecting areas: mobilization of... more
Este artículo presenta la metodología utilizada en el diseño de la estrategia de virtualización dentro del programa de articulación del programa Agroindustrial por ciclos propedéuticos, liderado por la Universidad Industrial de Santander... more
Education is needed in order to develop every individual's full potential to give them a chance to achieve as much in their life as their abilities allow. The positive rate in literacy of the people in a certain nation impacts the... more
Rural development generally refers to the process of improving the quality of life and economic well-being of people living in relatively isolated and sparsely populated areas. Based on scientific utilization of India's natural resources... more
Escrito en el que se resaltan las aportaciones principales del material pensado para este tipo educativo en tres país países del mundo. FORMA DE CITACIÓN: -Segura, M. (2014). Presentación del libro Educación rural en Finlandia, Cuba y... more
This paper examines fundamentalist Christian education in the rural United States and the ways in which it allows for an increase of neoliberal education policies. Both forces are pushing an agenda that devalues critical thought, public... more
part of the material is concerned, specifi cally the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfi lms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage... more
In this literature review, the authors examined three key areas that were chosen as relevant to the challenges faced by small rural schools, and collaborative practice between schools working in virtual learning environments in New... more
RESUMO. Este artigo tem como objetivo compreender a relevância do livro didático do campo no cotidiano da Escola Municipal Santa Luzia. Foram propostos dois objetivos específicos: a) caracterizar o movimento de educação do campo; b)... more
China has adopted an unbalanced policy for economic development to improve its domestic economy and international competiveness for more than three decades. During this process, rural education has undergone a series of reforms. With... more
Desde mediados del siglo XX, paulatinamente, se han ido introduciendo novedades en el proceso de valoración, reconocimiento y ampliación del concepto de patrimonio cultural. En este proceso han intervenido decisivamente las disposiciones... more
Esta obra tem por tema a configuração da educação rural brasileira num período de rápida transformação das relações entre o campo e a cidade em nosso país. Aqui você vai encontrar resultados do projeto de pesquisa financiado pelo CNPq... more
Professional experience has become increasingly sought after by employers, which has led to the implementation of a vocational education system that meets the requirements of entering the labor market of graduates. The paper's primary... more
Using social capital theory as a framework, the authors examined data from the Educational Longitudinal Study (ELS: 2002) to examine how student contact with high school counselors about college information and other college-related... more
In the historical process of seeking Education as a right, it is noted that the importance of the participation of collective subjects in order to demand the creation/implementation of public policies that allow every subject in the Field... more