Networked Individualism
Recent papers in Networked Individualism
Sokat gondolkoznak a digitális városokról. A világ nem csoportokból áll, hanem szociális hálózatokból. A cikk tartalma: hogyan alakultak át a közösségek a sűrű szövésű „skatulyákból” „glokalizált” hálózatokká. (Ritka szövésű, ám... more
Networked individualism enables Internet users to connect and socialize via their loose and transient multiple networks, whereas digital media literacy is a precondition of effective Internet use. In this study, an attempt has been made... more
This chapter argues for the rigid dichotomies between online and offline in current discourse on social interactions to be reconsidered. By identifying that space is produced by the intersection of interactions it can be said that online... more
In essence, every network is the sum of nodes and ties among them. In physical networks, it is difficult to track nodes and identify ties among them, especially when the scale is greater. While it is possible to track, identify and map... more
"What holds society together?" This is one of the most challenging questions since early developments of sociological theory: the need to better understand cooperative action still promotes new theoretical approaches and empirical... more
Two affordances of digital communication technologies, persistent contact and pervasive awareness, are ushering in fundamental change to the structure of community. These affordances break from the mobility narrative that has described... more
WikiLeaks (WL) entered the global spotlight for publishing online classified documents which prompted a wave of public debates. However it also triggered a huge social mobilization in support of freedom of speech online and against online... more
Der moderne Individualismus hat viele Facetten, die von den einzelnen Disziplinen unter ganz verschiedenen methodischen Vorzeichen akzentuiert werden. Dass der moderne Mensch sich dem Anspruch ausgesetzt sieht, sich selbst zu finden oder... more
ABSTRACT The ubiquitous use of mobile smartphones and Internet-based applications commonly known as “apps,” can be viewed as simultaneously empowering and constraining for women's experiences and identities due to their potential... more
PhD thesis: Awarded April 2021 This thesis offers an examination of media fans, fan practice and online media fandoms in the digital era through presenting an in-depth case study of fans of the novel and television series Outlander who... more
En este trabajo se analiza de manera crítica la transformación que el individuo contemporáneo experimenta en cuanto a su concepción del tiempo. Este cambio está determinado por la influencia que los nuevos espacios de flujo de información... more
This chapter discusses the development of a conceptual model through which to ‘nowcast’, rather than forecast, the environmental niche of a digital community. As will be presented in this chapter, the model of data intersections from... more