Recent papers in Nijmegen
This article studies the extant class notes of a course on Descartes’s Meditations on First Philosophy (1641) and (part of) the Principles of Philosophy (1644), which was given by the reformed theologian Christoph Wittich (1625–1687) at... more
Article: Nijmegen kende in de jaren 1930 grote behoefte aan een schilderijenmuseum, maar het ontbrak vooralsnog aan voldoende kunstwerken. In 1937 kwam daar verandering in toen een legaat van A.J.F. Verheijen van Estvelt (1841-1915),... more
All too often, depoliticization is reduced to a very recent phenomenon, an effect of ‘Neoliberalism’. In a workshop to be held in Nijmegen on April 1-2, 2022, organized by Adriejan van Veen (Nijmegen) and myself, we aim to place the... more
VOORWOORD 2021 De eerste versie van deze scriptie schreef ik in 1985 als student geneeskunde tijdens een drie maanden durende wetenschappelijke stage Geschiedenis der Geneeskunde bij Prof. Dr. D. Du Moulin in het Instituut voor de... more
Omdat het merendeel van de locaties in de UNESCO werelderfgoednominatie van de Romeinse Limes in Nederland onder het maaiveld liggen, hebben musea een grotere rol in de publiekspresentatie van de Romeinse Limes. De International Council... more
This research has the purpose of examining to which extent is integration of Syrian and Eritrean refugees in the Dutch municipality of Nijmegen successful. The Netherlands has received a large influx of forced migrants since 2014 and the... more
Il contributo si pone l’obiettivo di favorire una ri- flessione sulle potenzialità della realtà aumentata – nello specifico del video mapping – nell’ambito della valorizzazione e riqualificazione dei beni culturali attraverso la... more
In 1975 Jochen Garbsch from Munich collected, dated and interpreted a special type of Roman small knives. They mostly have a copper-alloy, rarely bone handle with a typical fish bladder-shaped cutting. The rarely preserved iron blade has... more
Say NO to the destruction of archaeological remains on the Valkhof in favour of commercial devolopment!
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Rijksmuseum G.M. Kam
7 juli - 26 augustus 1979
7 juli - 26 augustus 1979
Aangepaste versie van eerdere lezing met met aandacht voor het proces richting oprichting van twee aparte coöperaties in 1898 en de oorzaken voor de splitsing.
The interaction between the military and civilian center of Nijmegen and the surrounding Batavian area is highlighted from three aspects: 1) topography and monumentality, 2) monetizing, and 3) the use of animals. The last topic focuses on... more
Between 1986 and 1995 an archaeological investigation was carried out by the State Archaeological Service (ROB) on the Kops Plateau in Nijmegen. Three successive early Roman Military camps ranging from ca. 10 BC to AD 70 were excavated. A... more
The Paleo-geographical results present a channel with clayish deposits C14-dated to the 10th century BC.
Six perforated cylinders - A bone hinge from Oppidum Batavorum A set of six horizontally perforated bone cylinders is described and discussed. The objects come from Oppidum Batavorum, the capital of the civitas Batavorum (now the town of... more
"Een stad als Nijmegen kent een constante stroom van groepen mensen die als nieuwkomers arriveren, die er al langere tijd verblijven en/of die vertrekken. Denk aan de jaarlijkse instroom van nieuwe studenten, die naar deze... more
The following research article presents a research on how to encourage citizen participation and citizen involvement in the context of smart cities and solutions and their development. Experts from the field have been interviewed and a... more
Book review of Joost Rosendaal, Nijmegen 44. Verwoesting, verdriet en verwerking (Nijmegen 2009). Jaarboek Numaga vol LVI 2009, 202-203
In opdracht van Museum Het Valkhof is een virtuele reconstructie gemaakt van de Valkhofburcht. Deze wordt in september gepresenteerd aan een publiek van genodigden. In de pauze van het Geschiedeniscafé legt Jacoline Zilverschoon speciaal... more
European diplomacy was born of the relations between northern Italian city-states during the Renaissance, and developed from occasional delegations to resident embassies in the early modern period. In the seventeenth century, the Kingdom... more
Which city is the oldest in the Netherlands : Maastricht or Nijmegen ? Nijmegen of course, because it has been founded as an administrative centre of teh Civitas Batavorum (Batavodurum) in the beginning of the first century and as a... more