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      Philosophy of BiologyAffordance TheoryNiche Construction TheoryOrganismal Biology
In my talk, I will present key ideas of my four-year research project "Bio-Agency and Natural Freedom" which aims to defeat free will scepticism on a fresh metaphysical basis informed by biology. I will proceed from the diagnosis that a... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsOntologyPhilosophy of Agency
BACKGROUND: In spite of its indusrial usefulness and varied daily uses, lead (Pb) pollution is a widespread ecological problem that faces the humans in the 21th century. Pb was found to produces a wide range of toxic effects including... more
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      Comparative AnatomyHuman Anatomy (Biology)Evolutionary BiologyMarine Biology
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      Martin HeideggerOrganismal BiologyAnimalityZoologia
Die Entwicklung des Phänotypus eines Organismus beziehungsweise dessen Embryogenese galt als die zentrale Problematik des biologischen Denkens bis zur Entwicklung der Evolutionstheorie Charles Darwins und wurde in verschiedenen Epochen... more
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      BiophilosophyOrganismal BiologyOrganismic Integration Theory
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      Comparative AnatomyHuman Anatomy (Biology)Evolutionary BiologyMarine Biology
Behavior analysis relies on the idea of a science dealing with specific interactions between the organism and its environment. Yet it is not always clearly defined what does an “organism” mean. I will contend that disagreements arise from... more
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      Behavioral NeuroscienceOrganismal BiologyPsychobiologyBiobehavioral Research
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      Human Anatomy (Biology)Evolutionary BiologyMarine BiologyBiological Anthropology
The aim of this book is to give a contemporary review of tree growth modelling and represent our own results in this field. We demonstrate that the growth inhibition can be a result of a systemic level effect, which can be seen in a... more
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      Mathematical BiologySystem Dynamics ModelingOrganismal BiologyTree Physiology
Open Access Download: http://fdslive.oup.com/www.oup.com/academic/pdf/openaccess/9780198779636.pdf This collection of essays explores the metaphysical thesis that the living world is not made up of substantial particles or things, as... more
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophy of SciencePhilosophy of BiologyIndividuality
Die erste und zweite Sektion dieser Studie sind der Darstellung der Visionen des Transhumanismus gewidmet. Sie stellen diese futuristische Richtung und einige wichtige Gegenargumente ihrer Kritiker dar. Alle darauf folgenden Sektionen... more
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      Theory Of MechanismsBiophilosophyTranshumanismOrganismal Biology
The creation of a process ontology for biology is one of the most ambitious and important projects of current philosophy of biology. Process ontology is usually seen as opposing mechanistic ontology which currently dominates biology.... more
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      Philosophy of BiologyBiophilosophyOrganismal BiologyHeinz von Foerster
After the discovery of the DNA in the 1950´s, 20th century biology focused on the concept of the gene. In the 21st century, however, the concept of organism is regaining its primary role in biological thought. At present there is a... more
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      Theory Of MechanismsThe SelfImmanuel KantJakob von Uexküll
Mathematical models applied in contemporary theoretical and systems biology are based on some implicit ontological assumptions about the nature of organisms. This article aims to show that real organisms reveal a logic of internal... more
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      Dynamical SystemsAlfred North WhiteheadProcess PhilosophyMathematical Modelling
Darwin introduced the concept that random variation generates new living forms. In this paper, we elaborate on Darwin's notion of random variation to propose that biological variation should be given the status of a fundamental... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyBiophysicsOrganizational ChangePlasticity
The present study was written with the intent of opening up new ontological dimensions to the debate concerning the nature of the organism, which broaden the horizons of contemporary biological science. Various traditions from the... more
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      Philosophy of SciencePhilosophy of BiologyDynamical SystemsComplexity Theory
Symmetries play a major role in physics, in particular since the work by E. Noether and H. Weyl in the first half of last century. Herein, we briefly review their role by recalling how symmetry changes allow to conceptually move from... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPhysiologyPhysicsTheoretical Physics
In recent years, an increasing number of theoretical biologists and philosophers of biology have been opposing reductionist research agendas by appealing to the concept of biological autonomy which draws on the older concept of... more
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophy of BiologySystems BiologyAutopoiesis
Virus mencakup kelompok yang luar biasa dari berbagai macam mikroorganisme penyebab penyakit infeksi. Studi ilmiah baru-baru ini melaporkan keberhasilan agen antivirus baru, yang umumnya menghambat siklus replikasi virus dengan... more
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      Organismal BiologyVirusAntivirus TechnologyMicroorganisms
In this introduction of the volume "Life and Process. Towards a New Biophilosophy," first I will explain why I believe it is necessary to differentiate between biophilosophy and the philosophy of biology. Second, I will review some of the... more
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      Philosophy of BiologyAlfred North WhiteheadBiophilosophyOrganismal Biology
Topics include levels of biological organization, biological diversity, plant and animal structure and function, and comparative study of structure-function relationships in living organisms. BI 115 is one of the introductory courses... more
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      BiologyEvolutionOrganismal BiologyIntroductory Biology
Contemporary biology is affected with a controversy between the developmentalist viewpoint and the adaptationist viewpoint proper to the neo-darwinian Modern Synthesis (MS), partly triggered by the rise of Evo-Devo. Some called for a new... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPhilosophy of BiologyDevelopmental BiologyImmanuel Kant
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsPhilosophy of SciencePhilosophy of Biology
This paper argues that Cassirer's thinking about the relationship between the different symbolic forms is best elucidated via the paradigm of "organic harmony." Although Cassirer did not use the term himself, the harmonious cooperation... more
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      MulticulturalismCosmopolitan StudiesCosmopolitanismBiology
Open Access Download: http://fdslive.oup.com/www.oup.com/academic/pdf/openaccess/9780198779636.pdf This collection of essays explores the metaphysical thesis that the living world is not made up of substantial particles or things, as has... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsPhilosophy of SciencePhilosophy of Biology
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      Comparative AnatomyHuman Anatomy (Biology)Evolutionary BiologyMarine Biology
This paper investigates Hegel's account of the animal organism as it is presented in the Philosophy of Nature, with a special focus on its normative implications. I argue that the notion of "organisation" is fundamental to Hegel's theory... more
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      History and Philosophy of BiologyHegelNormativityHistory of Biology
Das Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es, die Eignung der Whiteheadschen Prozeßphilosophie für eine zeitgemäße teleologische Auffassung der organismischen Ontogenese zu demonstrieren. Zu diesem Zweck wird eine Möglichkeit der Verbindung der... more
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      Self-OrganizationComplex SystemsComplexityAlfred North Whitehead
Sia per Aristotele sia per Tommaso d'Aquino la vita è, anzitutto, un modo di essere, anzi, il modo più eccellente di essere, tanto che si può attribuire all'essere più perfetto, Dio. Infatti, nel libro XII della Metafisica Aristotele lo... more
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      Philosophy of BiologyBiologyPhilosophy of NatureOrganismal Biology
Hanno contribuito al dossier: E. Gagliasso; G. Longo, A. Soto, M. Montévil, C. Sonnenschein; D. Lestel; A. Sarti; M. Coratolo; A. M. Iacono; A. Angelini.
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      SemioticsNeuroscienceEthologyPolitical Philosophy
Organisms, be they uni- or multi-cellular, are agents capable of creating their own norms; they are continuously harmonizing their ability to create novelty and stability, that is, they combine plasticity with robustness. Here we... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPhysiologyDevelopmental BiologyCellular Biology
Apesar de aparecer no título da obra primeira de B. F. Skinner, O comportamento dos organismos, está ausente, nessa e em outras obras do autor, uma definição explícita de “organismo”, de modo que uma análise do termo em seus escritos se... more
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      The SelfPersonal IdentityRadical BehaviorismOrganismal Biology
Individuality is an important concept in biology, yet there are many non-equivalent criteria of individuality expressed in different kinds of biological individuals. This paper evaluates these different kinds in terms of their capacity to... more
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      Natural KindsOrganismal BiologyMultiple realizationBiological Individuality
Due to its long development since classical antiquity, biophilosophy is able to exhibit different naturalistic understandings of life in general and of the organism in particular which transcend the physicalistic metaphysics of most... more
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      Self-OrganizationTeleologyOrganismal BiologyTeleodynamics
In the last few decades, several biologists and philosophers of biology have claimed that organisms may be considered teleological entities, spurring on a movement that is often celebrated as the renaissance of teleological thinking and... more
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The Cartesian metaphysical background of most contemporary bioscientists limits their ability to understand the uniqueness of biological processes. This book aims to contribute to the foundation of a new direction in biophilosophy which... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyQuantum PhysicsAlfred North WhiteheadProcess Philosophy
This paper questions the “arguments from design” that inferred from the functions of organism, their structure or their fit to their environnemental, the fact that they have been designed by an intelligent architect. These arguments are... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPhilosophy of SciencePhilosophy of BiologyComputational Complexity
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      Life SciencesHistory of BiologyTheoretical biologyUmwelt
Une réflexion sur le concept d'organisme, à cheval entre biologie et philosophie, et en tant que concept polémique.
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      Philosophy of BiologyBiophilosophyOrganismal Biology
Griffiths and Stotz’s Genetics and Philosophy: An Introduction offers a very good overview of scientific and philosophical issues raised by present-day genetics. Examining, in particular, the questions of how a “gene” should be defined... more
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      GeneticsMicrobiologyEnvironmental ScienceInformation Science
Expert peer review at Medicine® Journal Hesham N. Mustafa Presented April 8, 2018 (Wolters Kluwer)
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      Comparative AnatomyHuman Anatomy (Biology)Evolutionary BiologyMarine Biology
Contemporary biology is affected by a controversy between the adaptationist viewpoint , central to the neo-Darwinian Modern Synthesis (MS), and the developmentalist viewpoint, central in Evo-Devo. The possibility of a synthesis between... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPhilosophy of BiologyImmanuel KantOrganismal Biology
The physical singularity of life phenomena is analyzed by means of comparison with the driving concepts of theories of the inert. We outline conceptual analogies, transferals of methodologies and theoretical instruments between physics... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPhysiologyTheoretical PhysicsComplex Systems Science
Der Panprotopsychismus ist eine besondere Form des Panpsychismus und kann in Abhängigkeit von der Interpretation der Termini „Psychismus“, „pan“ und „proto“ sehr unterschiedliche Bedeutungen haben. Es gibt mindestens zwei Versionen des... more
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      Process PhilosophyPanpsychismTeleologyDarwin
More realistic approaches are needed to understand the complexity of ecological systems. Emergent properties of real systems can be used as a basis for a new, neither reductionist nor holistic, approach. Three systems, termed here... more
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      Landscape EcologyEpistemologyPhilosophy of ScienceSelf-Organization
The first diverse and morphologically complex macroscopic communities appear in the late Ediacaran period, 575 to 541 million years ago (Ma). The enigmatic organisms that make up these communities are thought to have formed simple... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPaleobiologyGeobiologyOrganismal Biology
Biological thinking is structured by the notion of level of organization. We will show that this notion acquires a precise meaning in critical phenomena: they disrupt, by the appearance of infinite quantities, the mathematical (possibly... more
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      FractalsReductionismOrganismal BiologyBottom-up strategies
Spyridon Koutroufinis (ed.), Process and Life — Towards a Whiteheadian View of Living Beings, 2014 (310 pp. ; 978-3-11-035259-7 ; 109,95 €) Alfred North Whitehead is arguably the most original 20th-century philosopher of nature and... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsPhilosophy of BiologyAlfred North Whitehead
Immunology — though deeply experimental in everyday practice — is also a theoretical discipline. Recent advances in the understanding of innate immunity, how it is triggered and how it shares features that have previously been uniquely... more
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      ImmunologyCancerAutoimmunityInnate immunity