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The dislocated, deterritorialized discourse produced by repatriates from formerly European colonies has remained overlooked in academic scholarship. One such group is the Eurasian “Indo” community that has its roots in the former Dutch... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural SociologySelf and IdentitySoutheast Asian Studies
This collection of essays examines the relationship between the media and cosmopolitanism in an increasingly fragmented and globalizing world. This relationship is presented from multiple perspectives and the essays cover, amongst other... more
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      Media StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesCosmopolitan StudiesCosmopolitanism
This chapter describes the significance of the Universal House of Justice for the development of the Bahá’í community as well as for the well-being of humanity as a whole. To understand the singular role of this global institution, the... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionPolitical PhilosophyPhilosophy Of Religion
Este não é um livro sobre a experiência do fim do mundo durante a pandemia de COVID-19. O ensaio que a Zazie Edições publica agora em português, foi escrito entre setembro de 2017 e maio de 2018, em meio à proliferação global de crises... more
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      PsychoanalysisComparative LiteratureLiteratureRefugee Studies
Kwame Anthony Appiah (London, 1954) is one of the most renowned philosophers of contemporary thought. His work in the field of ethics and moral reach diverse subjects as sexual orientation, nationalism, social discrimination on ethnic or... more
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      Cultural StudiesBlack Studies Or African American StudiesAfrican StudiesPhilosophy
This is a draft of a short piece for a special issue (on cosmopolitanism) of the Turkish magazine Sabah Ülkesi. I’ll post the Turkish translation in due course. Academic referencing is not used in this piece.
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      Middle East StudiesCosmopolitan StudiesCosmopolitanismIslamic Studies
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      Early Modern HistoryCosmopolitan StudiesHistory of South Asia
LOCKE, ALAIN Christopher Buck, “Locke, Alain.” Encyclopedia of African American History. Edited by Leslie Alexander & Walter Rucker. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2010. Pp. 224–227 (Vol. 1). ABSTRACT History remembers Alain Locke... more
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      ReligionHistoryAmerican HistoryBlack Studies Or African American Studies
Christopher Buck, “Robert Hayden.” Oxford Encyclopedia of American Literature. Edited by Jay Parini. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. Vol. 2, 177–181. ABSTRACT Robert Hayden was made poet laureate of Senegal in 1966 and ten... more
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      American LiteratureReligionNew Religious MovementsHistory
During the 19th century a number of British writers, poets and intellectuals settled in Florence and, through their writings, translations, and the periodicals they edited, contributed to literary and cultural exchanges between Great... more
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      British HistoryCosmopolitan StudiesIdentity and CosmopolitanismExile and Expatriation
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      PsychologyPhilosophyPhilosophy of MindPolitical Philosophy
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      European StudiesPolitical PhilosophyEuropean integrationEuropean Law
Elsewhere I discuss the relations between the Stoic concept of cosmopolis and similar tendencies in Aristotle, in particular, concerning the distinction between cosmopolis and a “dialogopolis”. In 2008, I coined a more appropriate... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyPhilosophy Of ReligionPhilosophy of Education
Buck, Christopher. “Alain Locke and Cultural Pluralism.” Search for Values: Ethics in Baha’i Thought. Edited by Seena Fazel and John Danesh. Los Angeles: Kalimat Press, 2004. Pp. 94–158. African American philosopher Alain Locke is... more
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      American LiteratureReligionNew Religious MovementsHistory
This book offers a much-needed new political theory of an old phenomenon. The last decade alone has marked the highest number of migrations in recorded history. Constrained by environmental, economic, and political instability, scores of... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryCultural HistoryPolitical Sociology
The consideration of cosmopolitanism in archaeology provides a useful lens for thinking about and expanding how to conceive of interregional interactions and experiences of belonging in the ancient world. Previous models in Mesoamerican... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyGlobalizationCosmopolitan StudiesMesoamerican Archaeology
In the 21st century, an accelerated pace of global movements of people, goods, capital, technology and ideas has led to ambivalence regarding cultural identity for individuals, as well as collectives like neighbourhoods and cities. While... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesGender StudiesMulticulturalism
The southwest coast of India has always been a significant site within the global network of relations through trade and exchange of ideas, commodities, technologies, skills and labour. The much longer history of colonial experience makes... more
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      Cosmopolitan StudiesCosmopolitanismModernityMalayalam
The question of where an ethical position can legitimately ground its principles became a basic question of contemporary ethics, as did the issue of where does an ethics derive its authority and how universalizing should and can its reach... more
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      Political PhilosophyEthicsApplied EthicsGlobalization
Amitav Ghosh’s The Hungry Tide is a story about the Sundarbans, the sort that helps us understand the fascinating and sensitive ecology of what in the novel is called “the tide country,” as well as the crucial importance of this region’s... more
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      World LiteraturesEnglish LiteratureGlobalisation and cultural changePlace Attachment
Sugar Girls & Seamen illuminates the shadowy world of dockside prostitution in South Africa, focusing on the women of Cape Town and Durban who sell their hospitality to foreign sailors. Dockside "sugar girls" work at one of the busiest... more
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      SociologyAfrican StudiesAnthropologySocial Anthropology
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryLatin American StudiesMarxism
After having had some time to adjust to the largest EU enlargements of 2004 and 2007, and facing the UK’s impending “age of austerity” beginning in 2010 (Lane, 2010), Britons generally expressed a moderate opinion on immigrants’... more
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      SociologyCosmopolitan StudiesImmigration Studies
The article analyzes two novels of migration by Nigerian women authors in the context of Afropolitanism: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's Americanah (2013) and Sefi Atta's A Bit of Difference (2013). It is argued that Afropolitanism obscures... more
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      Nigerian LiteratureAfrican StudiesAfrican PhilosophyPostcolonial Studies
Osmanlı Devletinin yıkılışını engellemek üzere ileri sürülen görüşlerin geçerliliklerini yitirdikleri bir dönemde yeni bir kimlik edinimi sağlamanın yanında yeni bir siyaset kurgusu oluşturma gayesi de taşıyarak ortaya çıkan Anadoluculuk,... more
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      HistoryPolitical SociologyPolitical PhilosophySocial Sciences
Aristotle has been continuously at the frontier of philosophical reflection for almost 2400 years. Throughout the 20th century the influence of his practical philosophy has been growing. His «non-modernist» concept of phrónêsis or... more
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      PsychologyPhilosophyPhilosophy of MindPolitical Philosophy
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryCosmopolitan StudiesGlobal Citizenship
The Italian architecture in the Egyptian city "Alexandria" during the cosmopolitan era, especially at the end of the 19th century as well as the first half of the 20th one has often been a good example of being a mother of arts, meaning... more
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      ArchitectureCosmopolitan StudiesEgyptVisual Arts
Ernst Robert Curtius is well known as an advocate of European literature, which transcends national boundaries. Most importantly, he is recognized as a literary historian, who wrote European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages... more
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      Literary JournalismPhilologyChristianityEuropean History
Cosmopolitanism, Theatre, and the Philippines: Performing Community in a World of Strangers is an attempt toward a theorization of cosmopolitanism via Philippine theatre. The book’s concept is premised on a sense of belonging in a... more
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      Cosmopolitan StudiesGlobalization And Postcolonial StudiesCultural GlobalizationIdentity and Cosmopolitanism
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      Social IdentityCosmopolitan StudiesIdentity (Culture)Cosmopolitanism
This reference book provides the reader with an exhaustive array of epistemological, theoretical, and empirical explorations related to the field of cosmopolitanism studies. It considers the cosmopolitan perspective rather as a relevant... more
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      GlobalizationGeopoliticsCosmopolitan StudiesCosmopolitanism
Mobility studies emerged from a postmodern moment in which global ‘flows’ of capital, people and objects were increasingly noted and celebrated. Within this new scholarship, categories of migrancy are all seen through the same analytical... more
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      AnthropologySocial AnthropologyInternational RegimesGlobalization
Στο πρώτο μέρος της παρούσας εργασίας η συγγραφέας εξήγησε τον όρο του κοσμοπολιτισμού μέσα από μια σύντομη ιστορική αναδρομή από την αρχαιότητα, όπου και πρωτοσυναντάται ο εν λόγω όρος, μέχρι και τον 20 ο αιώνα. Στη συνέχεια, ερμηνεύει... more
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      Cosmopolitan StudiesCosmopolitanismGlobalization and education
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Historiography During the Soviet Nation and State Building Process The concepts of nation and state embody in themselves both normality and artificiality. It is firmly established by historical experience that the human, as the subject of... more
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      Intellectual HistoryEthnohistorySociologyPolitical Sociology
Special issue - on cosmopolitanism - of the Turkish magazine Sabah ülkesi, featuring a Turkish translation of my essay on 'Islamic cosmopolitanism' and work by Talisker Donhaue and others.
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      Middle East StudiesMiddle East HistoryCosmopolitan StudiesCosmopolitanism
Can Kantian cosmopolitanism contribute to normative approaches to immigration? Kant developed the universal right to hospitality in the context of late eighteenth-century colonialism. He claimed that non-European countries had a sovereign... more
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      KantPeace and Conflict StudiesCosmopolitan StudiesImmigration
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      EducationDemocratic EducationCosmopolitan StudiesHuman Rights Education
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      AnthropologyTourism StudiesAnthropology of TourismSocial Anthropology
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      SociologyCultural StudiesLatin American StudiesComparative Literature
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      ReligionCultural StudiesSocial MovementsSocial Theory
After an examination of the ways in which the Mediterranean and modernity have been defined in contradistinction to each other, this chapter shows how an analysis of the similarities and differences among the three main strands of modern... more
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      European HistoryAnthropologySocial AnthropologyTransnationalism
Hawaiian Regional Cuisine (HRC) is an haute cuisine that uses high quality island-grown foods in combination with local ethnic flavors and global techniques to form what we term an "engineered cosmopolitan cuisine." This intentionally... more
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      Cultural StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesGlobalizationInternational Studies
This paper argues that Cassirer's thinking about the relationship between the different symbolic forms is best elucidated via the paradigm of "organic harmony." Although Cassirer did not use the term himself, the harmonious cooperation... more
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      MulticulturalismCosmopolitan StudiesCosmopolitanismBiology
Los numerosos ejemplos que relata son detallados y cuidadosamente estructurados para hacer hincapié en aspectos concretos. Siempre se fija en el contexto. Es ameno, entretenido, a veces inquietante, pero siempre erudito, con una prosa... more
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      EthicsCosmopolitan StudiesCosmopolitanism
From Los Límites del Patriotismo
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      Cosmopolitan StudiesCosmopolitanismMartha NussbaumPatriotism
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesCosmopolitan StudiesCosmopolitanismPhilosophy Of Law