Oriental cults
Recent papers in Oriental cults
Until 1993 there were conducted first excavations in what promised to be the site of one of the most important buildings of Petra, the stunning capital of the Nabataean kingdom. Its construction, whose initiation century BC, several... more
The cult of Mithras has been present for three centuries in Herzegovina. Its significance for classical history and civilization is reflected through the fact that it continued to exist in the territory of today's Herzegovina after Roman... more
published in Religion et pouvoir. Monde romain 218 av. J.-C. – 235 ap. J.-C., Atlande, Paris 2019, p. 195-228.
"Le présent ouvrage est consacré à une des facettes les plus hellénisées d’Isis, qui fait d’elle une déesse liée à l’élément marin. À l’aide de nombreux documents tant écrits que figurés, et souvent trop méconnus, l’auteur offre une... more
Lo que pretendemos con el presente libro es ofrecer una herramienta que permita acceder de forma completa y ordenada al conjunto significativo de fuentes escritas relacionadas con los misterios mitraicos desarrollados en el imperio... more
Antički orijentalni kultovi na tlu današnje Bosne i Hercegovine su ostavili dosta svojih materijalnih potvrda od kojih se najviše trebaju izdvojiti kultovi Mitre i Atisa. Pored prethodno navedenih, imamo potvrde i ostalih orijentalnih... more
This chapter serves as the introduction to a volume of essays, proceeding from a 2013 conference, on “eastern” deities in the Balkan provinces of the Roman empire. This contribution thus introduces readers to the major questions and... more
Riassunto: In questo lavoro si prendono in considerazione i documenti epigrafici come segnali della diffusione di culti " orientali " nella regio IV Italiae (Samnium et Sabina). Nella prima parte si fa il punto sulla presenza di analoghi... more
Firmicus Maternus wrote "De errore profanarum religionum" in a crucial period for the relationship between the traditional cults of the Roman empire and the Christian religion. The need for a definition of the religious identities led the... more
Mithras, Mithraism & Mithraic Mysteries: All Ancient Greek and Latin Texts Relating to Mithras and the Mithraists ΑΝΑΔΗΜΟΣΙΕΥΣΗ ΑΠΟ ΤΟ ΣΗΜΕΡΑ ΑΝΕΝΕΡΓΟ ΜΠΛΟΓΚ “ΟΙ ΡΩΜΙΟΙ ΤΗΣ ΑΝΑΤΟΛΗΣ” Το κείμενο του κ. Νίκου Μπαϋρακτάρη είχε αρχικά... more
LOS CULTOS ROMANOS DE ORIGEN ORIENTAL EN DACIA / ROMAN CULTS OF EASTERN ORIGIN IN DACIA RESUMEN El autor aborda un amplísimo tema no tratado en su conjunto hasta la fecha por la historiografía rumana, ni por la española ni tampoco por... more
The article investigates a statuette depicting a Syrian deity found in the filling of a pit in the “Baths of Elagabalus”. This presents an iconography very unique, and some elements (a female image before its feet, scaled ependytes) may... more
The question of the western origin of the Mithraic cult has been supported traditionally by the own Persian origin of the god Mithra and by the presence of other testimonies in the worship linked by this territory. The analysis of the... more
I culti orientali nell’Africa romana non hanno mai riscosso da parte degli studiosi di questi temi lo stesso interesse che le attestazioni dei medesimi culti hanno avuto nelle province europee dell’impero. Nel corso della ricerca sono... more
We propose in this paper the need to review a variety of testimonies found in Italica and since half of the twentieth century they were identified as evidence certifying the presence of a Mithraic community in this city. We propose a new... more
recensione alla mostra "Il Nilo a Pompei. Visioni d'Egitto nel mondo romano" - Museo Egizio di Torino
The professional career of R. Beck in the study of Mithraism is long and quite prolific. In fact, R. Beck along with the three other scholars to whom this book is dedicated (R. Gordon, J. Hinnells and L. Martin) are among the main... more
The paper deals with the identification of the original location, during Classical Antiquity, of the sculpture today known as the Vatican Ariadne, for the first time documented at the beginning of the 16th century as part of the... more
Compte rendu de Jaime ALVAR, Los cultos egipcios en Hispania, Besançon, Presses Universitaires de Franche Comté, 2012, dans Latomus, 74, fascicule 2, 2015, p. 498-499.
Indice Introduzione. «Il laboratorio comune della terra» di Corinne Bonnet e Ennio Sanzi Parte Prima Vettori e Attori di culto 1. Su alcuni fedeli della Mater Magna di Françoise Van Haeperen Il gallo Genucio, né uomo né donna/Il... more