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Il presente volume raccoglie i risultati di tre anni di indagini archeologiche svolte nel territorio di Agnone (Is) e nei Comuni limitrofi di Belmonte del Sannio, Capracotta, Vastogirardi e San Pietro Avellana. L’area in esame è quella... more
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      Italic ArchaeologySamnitesSannitiMolise
L'orientamento dei templi sannitici presenta una costante nell'orientamento degli edifici sacri che non corrisponde a quello degli Etruschi e dei Romani
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    • Samnium
Contributo di ricerca con scoperte fino a ora inedite, precisazioni e integrazioni utili allo studio dell'epigrafia romana nella valle del Tammaro fra Cercepiccola e Cercemaggiore nell'area orbitante nel municipio di Saepinum (oggi loc.... more
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      Roman EpigraphyEpigrafiaCorpus inscriptionum LatinarumSamnium
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      Latin LiteratureLatin EpigraphyGreek and Latin EpigramSamnium
The volume offers an overview on Christian architecture in Molise between Late Antiquity and the High Middle Ages.
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      Art HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesEarly Medieval Archaeology
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      Archaeology of pre-Roman ItalyAncient Weapons and WarfareAncient Weapons and WarfareVotive offerings
Data computerisation is a strategic element for the study and valorisation of cultural heritage. The final goal of this project is to collect the Oscan inscriptions from Samnium and to store them in a digital archive, taking into account... more
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      ArchaeologyHistorical LinguisticsSamnitesEpigraphy
As Rome’s most notorious opponents on Italian soil, the Samnites have always occupied a special position in scholarship on ancient Italy and early Roman imperialism. The prominence of the Samnites in classical studies can be traced... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyRoman HistoryMediterranean prehistory
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      PhilologyReligionHistoryEuropean History
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    • Samnium
Tesi di laurea triennale in Epigrafia e istituzioni romane, anno accademico 2014-2015. Relatrice: Professoressa Francesca Cenerini
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      Political ElitesLatin EpigraphyRoman EpigraphySamnites
The archaeological site of Montagna di Gildone (CB, Molise) is one of the major hillforts currently known within the Samnite area (Fig. 1). Parts of its imposing polygonal walls have been mapped and an abundance of surface material has... more
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      ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyArchaeological field surveyBronze and Iron Ages in Italy (Archaeology)
Abstract in italiano: Come tributo a Mario Torelli, in questa sede presentiamo la recente scoperta di un bollo impresso su un frammento di opus doliare ritrovato nel territorio della colonia latina di Venusia (Basilicata). Il bollo reca... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyRoman HistoryLandscape Archaeology
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyArchaeology of pre-Roman ItalyIron Age
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyArchaeology of pre-Roman ItalyIron Age
Viene esaminato il processo di municipalizzazione del Sannio pentro. Fonti letterarie ed epigrafiche consentono di collocare la piena municipalizzaizone del Sannio pentro nell'età di Cesare con la costituzione di cinque municipi duovirali... more
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      SamniumRoman Municipal Administration In Italy and the West
Nel corso dell’indagine condotta presso numerosi archivi italiani sono stati rinvenuti nuovi documenti riguardanti la storia dell’abbazia beneventana di S. Sofia, una delle fondazioni monastiche più importanti dell’Italia meridionale. È... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesLatin PaleographyDiplomatics (Medieval)
This article presents the first results of the Ancient Hillforts Survey, a large-scale lidar-based analysis and ground-truthing aimed at creating a representative and comparative dataset of hillforts in Italy unbiased by site location or... more
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      Remote SensingAerial ArchaeologyArchaeology of Southern ItalyMountain communities
The agrarian divisions of the Gracchan age: a balance sheet - The Gracchan reform had an effective implementation; it wanted to solve the problems of the plebs of Rome and the military conscription. In order not to affect the interests of... more
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      Roman EpigraphyRoman roadsRoman Republican HistoryDaunia
Rome rapidly expanded in the Republican period, and conquered the entire Italian peninsula with its wide variety of city-states and tribes. The impact of Roman imperialism and expansionism on religious life in the newly incorporated areas... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryClassicsPostcolonial Studies
Si presentano i risultati delle indagini archeologiche svolte nel 2014 presso Trivento (CB) loc. Morgia Pietra Fenda, dove sono stati rinvenuti i resti di un santuario rurale di età sannitica.
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      ArchaeologyAncient Topography (Archaeology)SamnitesTopografia Antica
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      SamnitesOscanPre-Roman ItalyLucania antica
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      Landscape ArchaeologyLate Antique ArchaeologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyMedieval Archaeology
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      Roman HistoryPolybiusAncient SicilySamnites
LA MONTAGNA DI CERCEMAGGIORE (CB) Studio documentato con materiale archivistico fino ad oggi inedito dedicato alla “Montagna” di Cercemaggiore (centro molisano dell’appennino centro-meridionale), denominata “Monte Saraceno” solo a... more
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      Art HistoryArcheologiaToponymyArcheologia medievale
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      EarthquakeTsunamigenic EarthquakesEarthquake SeismologyEarthquake Risk and Natural Hazard
CERCEMAGGIORE (CB), RE BOVE E ALTRE SCOPERTE... Sintesi di un lungo studio interamente dedicato al complesso di S. Maria a monte (o del monte) di Cercemaggiore (CB), con molto materiale storico, archivistico ed epigrafico prima... more
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      Jewish StudiesArchaeology of Southern ItalyConfraternities and Luoghi PiiArcheologia medievale
This paper presents the results of the territorial investigation of the lower valley of the Calore River, a tributary of the Volturno, providing contact to and from the hinterland. In the Roman period, this area was administered by the... more
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      Roman VillaeSanniovia LatinaSamnium
SEI ANNI FA LA LOTTA VITTORIOSA CONTRO IL MINACCIATO SCEMPIO EOLICO A TORO (MOLISE) Il 17 aprile 2010 una quarantina di associazioni civili, politiche e ambientalistiche promossero la prima giornata molisana del paesaggio. Un serpentone... more
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      Ancient numismatics (Archaeology)Ancient Roman NumismaticsRoman coinsAncient Numismatics
Riassunto: In questo lavoro si prendono in considerazione i documenti epigrafici come segnali della diffusione di culti " orientali " nella regio IV Italiae (Samnium et Sabina). Nella prima parte si fa il punto sulla presenza di analoghi... more
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      Oriental cultsSamniumImperial Age
Riscoperta e rivalutazione di un antico documento che non è affatto una falsificazione, come alcuni vogliono ancora credere, ma la trasposizione e copia tardiva (sec. XIV) di un testo originale che riabilita appieno la figura di Vincenzo... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesAncient Topography (Archaeology)Ancient Scripts
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      Latin EpigraphyHerculesSamnium
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      Ancient HistorySabellic languagesItalic LanguagesSamnites
Non si tratta solamente della classica monografia storica di paese, bensì di una ricerca più ampia, con una visione più aperta, allargata oltre ogni attuale divisioni geografica e politico-amministrative, coinvolgendo i territori... more
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      ArcheologiaArcheologia medievaleSamnitesBenevento
La storia del Samnium vista dalla  parte dei Sanniti
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Brief overview in Italian of recent and ongoing fieldwork projects (survey, excavation, prospection) in ancient Samnium, modern Molise, including the Tappino Valley (Campobasso area), the territory of ancient Aesernia (modern Isernia),... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyArchaeology of pre-Roman ItalyArchaeological field surveyRoman Urbanism
Fortificazioni e società nel Mediterraneo occidentale (14-16 Febbraio 2019
Catania) - Sessione Poster
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      Landscape ArchaeologySamnitesMoliseTratturi
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      History of CollectionsOrnament (Archaeology)Collecting and CollectionsIron Age
This paper presents the first results of a landscape archaeological project carried out in the territory of the ancient colony of Aesernia, modern Isernia, in Molise, Central-Southern Italy. The nature of Roman Republican colonization is... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyGeomorphology
The gens Abullia and its members are known from inscriptions almost exclusively concentrated in the Regio IV Italiae (Samnium et Sabina): most of them come from Aesernia and its territory. A text concerning Abullius L. Dexter, duovir... more
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      Roman EmpireRoman ItalySamniumtemplum Augusti
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      Ancient HistorySettlement PatternsArchaeology of pre-Roman ItalyAcculturation and 'Romanisation'
Il sito archeologico di Sepino sorge sulla piana di Bojano, un’area di importanza economica strategica essendo al centro di uno snodo stradale che collegava, tra il IV e il III sec. a. C., il Sannio Pentro con la Valle Peligna (Abruzzo) e... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyRoman HistoryLandscape ArchaeologyItalian Archaeology
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      Roman HistorySamnitesSamniumRoman Archaeology
Recent and ongoing technological developments make the application of unmanned aerial platforms increasingly accessible for archaeological research and heritage management. While the effectiveness of drones for documentation purposes of... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyRoman HistoryRemote Sensing
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      Roman HistoriographyRoman RepublicEarly RomeRoman Republican History
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      SamniumHellenisation of Roman ArchitecturePietrabbondante
The sanctuaries of Samnium have often been build on hill-slopes and hill-tops. Were they build on these high ranges on purpose, and what function could this have had?
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      Landscape ArchaeologySamnitesSamniumGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
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      Classical ArchaeologySamniumRoman Archaeology
For too long the socio-cultural developments following Roman expansion in Central-Italy have been treated separately within mutually exclusive ‘monolithic’ discourses, c.q. ‘Romanocentric’ vs. ‘Italic’. In this contribution it is argued... more
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      Archaeological Method & TheoryRoman RepublicCultural IdentityArchaeological Theory