Recent papers in Mithras
کتاب بازتاب باورها و اساطیر آیین میترایی در آیین ایزدی
نویسنده: سامان رحمان زاده
نویسنده: سامان رحمان زاده
The investigations carried out in the last years in the district outside Porta Marina at ancient Ostia begin to clarify not only the development of the coastal landscape, but also the dynamic forms of urbanization that unfold from the 1st... more
The history of the Borghese Collection is closely linked to the establishment of the Louvre in Paris and the history of both of them includes a small story about a magnificent relief. The relief represents the god Mithras in the act of... more
This is the sixth chapter of 'Images of Mithra', a collaborative work written by members of the 'Empires of Faith Project' (2013-18, British Museum / University of Oxford). This chapter looks at the construction of a god by Antiochus I... more
This book is the first comprehensive work focusing on lived ancient religious communication in Roman Dacia. Testing for the first time the ‘Lived Ancient Religion’ approach in terms of a peripheral province from the Danubian area, this... more
This article examines a pair of closely connected episodes in Herodotus’ account about King Cambyses. The deranged Persian monarch kills the Apis, the sacred bull of Memphis, by striking the animal on its thigh with his sword;... more
Sufism formed one of the cultures of resistance which has existed in the social fabric of Persia since antiquity. Such resistance continues to manifest itself today with many looking to Sufism as a model of cooperation between East and... more
MITHRA’S INTERACTION WITH ANATOLIA Mithra which is a divinity associated with sunlight and worshipped by ancient Aryan communities for centuries, appears as the most worshipped and widespread belief among Ancient Pagan Religions.... more
This book examines, in the light of numerous iconographies, the syncretism of three deities associated with the sun, the Indian Sūrya, the Greek Helios, and the Iranian Mithra. The Gandhāran statue of the Bodhisattva Siddhārtha in the... more
The sacrifice of the sacred bull/calf deep in the underground cave, underlines the dualistic nature of the Mitraic Cult. The sacred bull was in its true nature a fetishist manifestation - phallus, of a multitude-form creator solar deity,... more
The Baptism of Jesus of Nazareth happened on Sunday, April 1st, 31 AD. John's 'Pleroma' (Jh.1:16) corresponds to the Pleiades in constellation Taurus. With comments on Pisanello's 'Vision of Saint Eustace' and on Mithraic tauroctony.
This very article is dedicated to Pagan Armenian temple of Garni, one of the most unique and exceptional surviving masterpieces of ancient Hellenistic architecture that was dedicated to Armenian Sun god Mihr and Hellenistic Sun god... more
Lo que pretendemos con el presente libro es ofrecer una herramienta que permita acceder de forma completa y ordenada al conjunto significativo de fuentes escritas relacionadas con los misterios mitraicos desarrollados en el imperio... more
In: Laurent Bricault, Richard Veymiers and Nicolas Amoroso (dir.), Le Mystère Mithra. Plongée au cœur d’un culte romain. Catalogue de l’exposition, Morlanwelz, Musée royal de Mariemont, 2021, 343-349.
El Mesías-Cristo: Un mito ancestral y arcaico reformulado por las sectas del mesianismo apocalíptico judío y transformado por la Iglesia del siglo segundo Es decir, un cristianismo judío sin historia evangélica ni «punto cero». Eliseo... more
Zerbini, Livio (ed.), Atti del convegno "II. International conference on Roman Danubian provinces", 2015, 403-418 The cult of Mithras in Apulum, due to its rich epigraphic and sculptural heritage, was analyzed by Romanian and foreign... more
The importance of Mithra in Iranian religiosity is well known. The goddess Anahita is related to the path of the goddess-mothers characteristics of the Middle East. The importance of this goddess in this period should be taken into... more
As the deity associated with the sun’s glow or sun light, opposed to that of the astral body, Miϑra is the god of the liminal time, viz. the points of contact between day and night (that is, sunrise and sunset) and metonymically between... more
This project examines how the layout and orientation of cult sanctuaries (Mithraea) dedicated to the mysteries of the Roman god Mithras reflect the perceptions of the sky of the participants, in the context of archaeoastronomy.... more
The irruption of the god Mithras in history is related to the presence of the Indo-Aryan population seated between the Hurrians of Mitanni and their inclusion in a peace treaty between this kingdom and the Hittite empire in the... more
Otuz yılı aşkın bir süre önce Kölnlü hocalarım Reinhold Merkelbach ve Ludwig Koenen, beni antik gizem dinleriyle tanıştırdı. Hocalarım bu tanışıklığı, filolog olarak, edebi metinleri ve papirüsleri çevirerek desteklediler. Böylece... more
Il progetto che viene presentato all'interno di questa Tesi di Specializzazione costituisce un ulteriore passo in avanti nella ricerca affrontata nel corso della mia carriera universitaria nel campo della comunicazione dei Beni... more
This essay is primarily concerned with the London Mithraeum's exceptional nature, based on its size, location and the various items found within the structure. It has been suggested that the Mithraeum, like many across the Roman empire,... more
This paper examines four Roman units of weight discovered in the archaeological complex provisionally known as “domus of the Mithraeum” in Tarquinia, respectively during the 2016 and 2017’s campaigns. At least two of them can be likely... more
Twelve centuries separate the decline of Roman Mithraism from the dawn of Freemasonry. Twelve centuries during which the mysteries of Mithras have remained more secret than ever.
Чередниченко А.Г., Шенцов М.Е. Проблема генезиса "иранского митраизма" [Andrei G. Cherednichenko, Maxim E. Shentsov. Problem of genesis of the "Iranian Mithraism"] // Научные ведомости Белгородского государственного университета. - Вып.... more