Recent papers in Ossuary
Though it is often supposed that the dead are hidden in modern societies and that modern people have no way to relate to the dead, there are a number of sites in which the general public can see and relate to corpses and human remains -... more
La fouille de la Roussillonne, en 2000, a procuré une tombe à incinération de la seconde moitié du IVe ou de la première moitié du IIIe s. av. J.-C. Celle-ci est placée dans un fossé circulaire creusé à la même époque. Un deuxième fossé... more
Il sacrario di Cima Grappa è un monumento di importanza nazionale ed europea: in primo luogo, come luogo dell’estremo riposo per le salme di migliaia di soldati italiani e austro-ungarici; in secondo luogo, come patrimonio storico... more
This paper focuses on Italy’s Fascist ossuaries of the First World War. It is intended to show how a methodology that uses images and texts can expose the political purposes that underpinned the creation of the ossuaries, to contribute to... more
"La tombe du VIIe s. av. J.-C. découverte en 1993, au lieudit Saint- Martin-de-Colombs à Fabrègues, Hérault, contribue à combler quelque peu le vide actuel des connaissances sur les pratiques funéraires dupremier Âge du Fer dans la... more
This thesis is an inventory and analysis of the juvenile remains excavated in 2010 from a Middle Mississippian ossuary at the Shady Grove site (22QU525), located in the Mississippi Delta. This project presents a clear challenge given the... more
The paper describes two ceramic funerary vessels from Southern Kazakhstan. The first one is an oval elongated ossuary (solid, with no lid or ornamentation, on legs), discovered in the middle reaches of the Arys river. The second vessel is... more
Most researchers believe that the Sassanid dead bodies were left in the open air to decompose, and then bones by animals and birds remaining in the troughs and niche was created in the rocks. The spaces created in the hard rock mountain... more
Le site de Magdala en Galilée, proche du lac de Tibériade a révélé plusieurs mosaïques à décor de fleuron ou rosace, l’une aux abords d’un bain rituel (mikvé), l’autre dans une synagogue datant du Ier siècle de notre ère. Nous... more
A single radiocarbon date from an unattributed ossuary excavated near Cobourg, Ontario is re-examined in the light of known problems with the calibration curve in the period 1500 to 1600 A.D. Originally reported by McKillop and Jackson... more
We created a database of anthropological information on 342 of the 1489 crania from amongst the skeletal remains in the Ossario di Custoza (Sommacampagna, VR) - those of the dead from two Italian Risorgimento (wars of independence)... more
In springtime the thoughts of young media folk and religious book editors turn fondly to the mountains of shekels they're gonna rake in off this year's just-in-time-for-Easter "scholars discover radical new take on Jesus" story. The... more
A diagnosis of tuberculosis in prehistoric skeletal remains is not uncommon and can most often be identified by the manifestation of rib lesions and destruction of vertebral bodies, resulting in kyphosis, as well as other elements... more
During surveys over the southern part of the Kuh-e Hossein range and east of Naqš-e Rostam, a group of three pairs of rock-cut niches (two unfinished) was found at the foot of high cliffs rising above the foothills in 2012. Next to the... more
Ossuary in Sedlec – a suburb to Kutná Hora, Czech Republic.