Paracel Islands
Recent papers in Paracel Islands
Central to China's expansive maritime claims is its preferred narrative where alleged historical evidence was offered as "proofs" that SCS and ECS have been part of the Chinese Empire for some two millenia. This paper showed - with... more
文章从地图学史的视角,结合历史地理学的最新理论进展,讨论了对古地图上错讹地理信息的合理认知和处理方法。古地图中的地理信息来源芜杂,兼有实际和想象的内容; 且其表现形式多样,兼具实用和装饰目的。因此,古地图上的错讹必须以丰富的地图学史知识为基础,将其置于当时、当地的情境中去理解。文章以19 世纪初以前中外古地图中对西沙群岛( 帕拉塞尔) 的表现为例,分析了错讹出现、维持以及最后消失的原因。作者认为,“古Pracel”的提法不符合地图学史,系对古地图地理信息的误读。
Since the conquest of Goa in 1510 and Malacca the following year, the Portuguese began to establish a trade Empire in Asia. The high demand for Asian goods, such as spices, tea, silks, cottons, porcelains and other luxury items, combined... more
Like other South China Sea claimants, Vietnam deploys a range of arguments to support its narrative, including the invocation of historical documents, many of which are Western in origin. Hanoi has argued that such documents are... more
A review of Bill Hayton's 2014 book
TÓM TẮT: Đối với quần đảo Hoàng Sa, Trung Quốc đã có yêu sách chủ quyền với toàn bộ quần đảo và đang là quốc gia kiểm soát trên thực tế quần đảo này. Nhờ vào sự chiếm đóng này, dù vấp phải những phản ứng gay gắt và quyết liệt, Trung Quốc... more
The aim of this article is to examine two treaties which are often presented by scholars as potential models for a maritime regime in the South China Sea, namely the Svalbard Treaty and the Antarctic Treaty System. The work concludes that... more
The South China Sea is subject to EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone) claims by a number of nations, which the most extensive being that of China. China claims about 80% of the South China Sea. This claim could turn parts of the South China Sea... more
Il problema della proprietà delle isole del Mar Cinese Meridionale rimane oggi estremamente rilevante a causa del fatto che la Cina non sta solo cercando di trasformare queste terre occupate illegalmente nel suo territorio, ma sta anche... more
A special report that analyzed issues surrounding the territorial disputes in the South China Sea involving Brunei, China, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam. Published by the Yuchengco Center, De La Salle University in 2014.
Nel corso degli ultimi anni vi è stata una frenetica attività da parte di quelle nazioni che reclamano la sovranità sugli atolli e barriere coralline degli arcipelaghi Spratlys e Paracel, è una lunga vicenda il cui risultato ha reso il... more
Before non-European regions adopted international law, a different set of law of territory governed the non-European regions. Notwithstanding their differences, international courts and tribunals have approached non-European territorial... more
This paper analyzes different territorial and maritime disputes between Viet Nam and China in the Northwestern area of the South China Sea, in particular those relating to the recent operations of the HaiYangShiYou-981oil rig and provides... more