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      Arctic Social ScienceArctic and Antarctic politics, science policy, geopolitics of the polar regions, international relations
Modern ethnic processes in different groups of Enets occur, depending on the specific ethno-demographic situation. In the northern (tundra) group of weak processes of cross-breeding with Caucasians, but actively mixing with the Nenets.... more
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      Indigenous StudiesArctic Social ScienceIndigenous PoliticsInterracial Families
The Northern Sea Route (NSR) for the Russian Federation is a strategically important maritime communication with the status of a historically established national transport artery. Despite its applicability to the Arctic, and therefore to... more
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      Law of the SeaArctic geopoliticsArcticArctic Governance
Para analisar a emergência do Ártico como espaço geopolítico, busca-se compreender a importância da região em duas dimensões diferentes. Em primeiro plano, entender a importância desse espaço a partir da abertura de novas rotas de... more
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      RussiaArctic and Antarctic politics, science policy, geopolitics of the polar regions, international relations
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      Australian HistoryAntarcticaArctic and Antarctic politics, science policy, geopolitics of the polar regions, international relationsAntarctic Treaty System
This chapter considers opportunities for Arctic states to manage and conserve biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction in the High Arctic and reviews the positions of China and the EU in relation to such potential frameworks. As the... more
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      Environmental LawPolar StudiesInternational LawArctic Social Science
Планируемое уменьшение ледового покрова в Арктике ведет к изменению геополитического статуса этого морского региона: он становится более открытым для осуществления различных видов морехозяйственной деятельности. Приход в Арктику всех... more
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      Polar StudiesInternational SecurityMaritime LawSecurity Studies
This article considers the legal and policy issues surrounding the establishment of continental shelves beyond 200 nautical miles (nm) from sub-Antarctic islands. Under the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) a... more
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      Public International LawArctic and Antarctic politics, science policy, geopolitics of the polar regions, international relationsAntarctic Treaty SystemUnclos 1982
В настоящее время тема освоения Арктики представляет собой систему вопросов как национального, так и международного уровня. Для Российской Федерации, обладающей уникальным ресурсным потенциалом, деятельность, осуществляемая в Арктическом... more
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      TransportationRisk ManagementOil and gasArctic Governance
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      Russian StudiesArctic Social ScienceRussian PoliticsArctic Governance
"Science, Geopolitics and Culture in the Polar Region" is the second of five volumes in the series "The Nordic Experience" – the outcome of an interdisciplinary, multi-year research project at the Centre for Baltic and East European... more
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      Nordic StudiesArctic Social ScienceScandinavian historyScandinavian Studies
The Geographic South Pole is a place of paradox. It is a point around which the Earth, quite literally, pivots; yet it has a habit of falling off the edge of our maps. An invisible spot on a high, featureless ice plateau, the Pole has no... more
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      Polar StudiesEnvironmental HumanitiesAntarcticaAntarctic tourism
The 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) is considered as the universal legal regulator towards maritime spaces and resources. However, many states are directly and indirectly violating its basic Articles and... more
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      Polar StudiesMaritime LawMarine EcologyMarine Protected Areas
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      Economic HistorySociologyCultural StudiesEconomic Sociology
Reflexiones sobre la nueva Ley Chilena Antártica es una compilación de artículos preparados por los miembros de U-Antártica sobre la nueva Ley Chilena Antártica, Ley 21.255 (2020).
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      International RelationsInternational LawAntarcticaDerecho Ambiental
This paper explores the relationship between tourism and the challenges of governance in the Arctic region. Recently, both political and academic interest in the Arctic has been on the rise as a result of the increasing geopolitical... more
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      Business EthicsBotanyLandscape EcologyGeography
The 1991 Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty (Madrid Protocol), the latest instrument of the Antarctic Treaty system (ATS), establishes environmental standards to manage 10% of the planet. Under the Madrid... more
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      EIA StudiesArctic and Antarctic politics, science policy, geopolitics of the polar regions, international relationsAntarctic Treaty SystemEnvironmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
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      GeopoliticsArctic and Antarctic politics, science policy, geopolitics of the polar regions, international relationsAntarctic Treaty System
With the northwards expansion of offshore petroleum activity in Arctic states, there is a concern of the adequacy of emergency response systems. Petroleum activity in these areas is challenging due to harsh weather conditions, darkness,... more
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      Arctic Social ScienceArctic GovernanceGovernance of Marine and Coastal ResourcesArctic and Antarctic politics, science policy, geopolitics of the polar regions, international relations
На современном этапе Арктика представляет собой регион геополитического значения, открывающий обширные возможности по освоению углеводородных ресурсов и развитию транзитных путей. Для Российской Федерации, обладающей огромным ресурсным... more
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      Environmental StudiesRisk ManagementArctic ClimateArctic geopolitics
The applications presented about the sovereignty over Antarctica by the United Kingdom on the International Court of Justice against Chile and Argentina in 1955 are analyzed. The documents delivered during the process are also revised.... more
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      International RelationsInternational LawSovereigntyArgentina
Antarctica has been considered one of the most intriguing regions of the planet for research due to its inhospitable environment (which has contributed to its geographic isolation); and also due to its cooperative political framework,... more
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    • Arctic and Antarctic politics, science policy, geopolitics of the polar regions, international relations
On April 2, Russia adopted the “Energy Strategy 2035” (ES-2035) planning document.
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      Energy SecurityRussian Energy PolicyArctic and Antarctic politics, science policy, geopolitics of the polar regions, international relationsRussian Foreign Energy Policy
In this compendium of articles, Sergey Sukhankin provides a comprehensive overview of Russia’s policies in the Arctic region since 2014. Adopting a multidisciplinary approach, the author engages with a diverse array of thematic areas... more
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      Political Geography and GeopoliticsRussian StudiesRenewable EnergySecurity Studies
Arctic security is a main security challenge – a global one, not only a regional one – not only for the Arctic countries, but for the whole international community, first of all the European. With Russia and China expanding their role in... more
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      NATOSilk RoadEuropean Foreign PolicyEuropean Union
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      International RelationsPolar StudiesArctic and Antarctic politics, science policy, geopolitics of the polar regions, international relationsEducation science outreach
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryMilitary HistorySociology
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      Critical GeopoliticsArctic and Antarctic politics, science policy, geopolitics of the polar regions, international relations
Abstract. La historia del esquí en la Antártida va más allá de la actividad netamente deportiva y está ligada a distintas actividades e intereses según el período histórico en que se desarrolle. Si dividimos la historia antártica en... more
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      AntarcticaArctic and Antarctic politics, science policy, geopolitics of the polar regions, international relationsAntártidaAntártida, Antarctica
This is a scan of my October 1988 cover story for Discover Magazine on global warming. More on this article is here: http://j.mp/rev1988
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      Climate Change AdaptationEnvironmental StudiesClimate change policySustainable Development
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      Spatial cognitionGeopoliticsArctic and Antarctic politics, science policy, geopolitics of the polar regions, international relations
Este livro é um contributo para a expansão dos estudos de informações e de segurança na Universidade, realizado na perspectiva da História do Presente e sobretudo através da aplicação da técnica da open sources intelligence (osint),... more
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      Political Geography and GeopoliticsAfrican StudiesMilitary IntelligenceStrategy (Military Science)
This book is the result of a 3 years’ research on the expedition of the airship ITALIA to the North Pole in 1928, its tragic crash on the way back to the support ship in Norway, and the much discussed operations for the rescue of... more
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      Benito MussoliniPolo NordItalo BalboRoald Amundsen
Acceleration of the global climate change caused a fastened process of polar ice cap melting. This made the Arctic Sea or the Arctic Ocean as a new potential geopolitical hot-spot for great power competition. Despite being geopolitically... more
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      Strategy (Military Science)International RelationsPolar StudiesArctic Social Science
Canada and Russia are the geographical giants, spanning most of the circumpolar world. Accordingly, the Arctic is a natural area of focus for the two countries. Although the end of the Cold War seemed to portend a new era of deep... more
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      Arctic geopoliticsArcticArctic GovernanceCanadian Arctic Policy
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      Canadian Military HistoryArctic and Antarctic politics, science policy, geopolitics of the polar regions, international relationsArctic Exploration and History
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      ForestryGlobal Environmental ChangeArctic and Antarctic politics, science policy, geopolitics of the polar regions, international relations
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      Russian StudiesArctic Social ScienceRussian Foreign PolicyArctic geopolitics
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      ArcticArctic GovernanceArctic and Antarctic politics, science policy, geopolitics of the polar regions, international relationsRussia’s Foreign Policy and Energy Sector
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
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      Arctic geopoliticsArctic historyArctic and Antarctic politics, science policy, geopolitics of the polar regions, international relationsArctic Exploration and History
Gordon W. Smith, PhD, dedicated much of his life to researching Canada’s sovereignty in the Arctic. His 1952 dissertation from Columbia University on “The Historical and Legal Background of Canada’s Arctic Claims” remains a foundational... more
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      Arctic geopoliticsArctic GovernanceArctic historyArctic and Antarctic politics, science policy, geopolitics of the polar regions, international relations
This poem by Rupert Medd includes some thoughts written on a postcard from Caroline Alexander, author of "The Endurance - Shackleton's Legendary Antarctic Expedition". The Pierced Veneer " In memories we were rich. We had pierced the... more
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      Earth SciencesOceanographyEnglish LiteratureGlobalization
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      European UnionEuropean Union PoliticsArcticArctic and Antarctic politics, science policy, geopolitics of the polar regions, international relations
For centuries, the Arctic has been depicted as a giant desert of ice, an unproductive terra nullius deprived of any strategic value. However, as geopolitical and geophysical change is bringing this neglected region into the spotlight and... more
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      Arctic Social ScienceRussian Foreign PolicyEnergy SecurityNeoclassical realism
As the ice-coverage within the Arctic Region maintains a downward trend, extraordinary opportunities to capitalize on a plethora of untapped resources are looming. The promise for shorter voyages from Asia towards Europe and/or the... more
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      Arctic GovernanceMaritime Training and EducationArctic and Antarctic politics, science policy, geopolitics of the polar regions, international relationsMaritime Safety
Большую часть России составляют северные регионы, которые в стратегических планах становятся приоритетной зоной экономического освоения. В связи с этим очевидна необходимость системной оценки человеческого потенциала Российского Севера, а... more
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      Human GeographyDemographyEconomic GrowthRegional and Local Governance
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      Russian Foreign PolicyArctic and Antarctic politics, science policy, geopolitics of the polar regions, international relationsAlpine and Arctic Research
Environmental and territorial issues of the Arctic and its role in modern international relations
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      Arctic geopoliticsArcticArctic GovernanceCanadian Arctic Policy
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      Postcolonial StudiesGlobalization And Postcolonial StudiesAesthetics and PoliticsMarguerite Duras