Territorial Disputes
Recent papers in Territorial Disputes
Asia Pacific Perspectives, Volume XIII Number 1, Spring/Summer 2015 https://web.usfca.edu/uploadedFiles/Destinations/Institutes_and_Centers/center-asia-pacific/perspectives/v13n1/APP%20XIII1%2002%20French%2008-17-15.pdf This paper,... more
The aim of this article is to demonstrate how a relational concept of power can benefit Foreign Policy Analysis (FPA). It begins by drawingattention to the fact that Japan’s foreign policy has been portrayedrather enigmatically in terms of... more
Why do countries continue to make sovereignty claims over territories that they lost a long time ago and are in no position to take back by force? Further, why do they refuse compromise solutions that are better than the status quo? We... more
For more than a century, Guatemala has claimed Belizean territory ever since the colonial period. Ever since Guatemala gets its independence from Spain, it has asserted a territorial claim over the country of Belize. Guatemala's claim has... more
Політичні та міжнародно-правові механізми деокупації та віднов- лення територіальної цілісності держави: світовий досвід і Україна: Наукова записка / Кресіна І.О. (керівник авт. кол.), Кресін О.В., Проценко І.М., Савчук К.О., Стойко О.М.... more
The main purpose of this article is to present the maritime delimitation dispute in the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean between Costa Rica and Nicaragua, submitted before the International Court of Justice in 2014. Hence, the full... more
A detailed analysis of the international law controversies surrounding the process of State secession.
Territorial Dispute Between Japan and Russia
DEL VALLE-GÁLVEZ, A., «Gibraltar, ¿costa española? Por una reformulación de la teoría de la ‘costa Seca’ sobre el puerto y las aguas en torno al Peñón», CUADERNOS DE GIBRALTAR – GIBRALTAR REPORTS Num 3, 2018-2019 | ISSN 2444-7382 DOI... more
Extra-procedural document regarding the pending case "Arbitral Award of 3 October 1899 (Guyana v.Venezuela)", which presents to the International Court of Justice and public opinion in general, the view and main arguments of the... more
""In late 2014, the devolved SNP Government in Scotland has stated its intention to hold a referendum on whether the political will exists supporting the independence of the territory from the United Kingdom. This paper considers the... more
A dissertation about the territorial dispute between Burkina Faso and Niger, which was taken to the International Court of Justice after decades of struggles. From colonial history to the modern era, Africa remains a continent suffering... more
Las dos primeras décadas de la historia diplomática en el diferendo territorial por la Guayana Esequiba y las propuestas para el desarrollo conjunto de la Zona en Reclamación entre el Presidente Carlos Andrés Pérez y el Primer Ministro... more
This study focuses on the countries of India and Pakistan and the role of water in the domestic setting of their countries and in their relationship towards each other. As stated above, India and Pakistan are found in areas that overuse... more
THE PRIMER is an initiative of independent researchers. The facts and analyses presented herein represent the authors’ own appreciation of published material and primary sources that were accessible to them during the course of the... more
This volume discusses a range of key domestic forces driving the current Chinese growth ranging from economic reforms to governance practices to analyze their impact and influence at home as well as on China’s foreign and security... more
In recent years, the right to self-determination has been prone to abuse because of the uncertainties as to its proper operation outside the decolonisation context. This article revisits the content and role of self-determination in light... more
"Les recompositions territoriales sont à l'ordre du jour à l'échelle planétaire, au Sud comme au Nord. Il s’agit d'une part, d’une vague sans précédent de décentralisations et de redécoupages municipaux et régionaux associés ; et d'autre... more
In Indo-Pakistan relations, conflict, rivalry and hostility started immediately after their independence in 1947 followed by the first Indo-Pakistan war. Their bilateral relations have always been jeopardized by the Kashmir issue. They... more
Πολλά έχουν γραφτεί και ειπωθεί για το Μακεδονικό Ονοματολογικό Ζήτημα, που τόσο έχει απασχολήσει το λαό μας και την ευρύτερη περιοχή. Αυτό, όμως, που λείπει από την ελληνική, αλλά και την παγκόσμια βιβλιογραφία, είναι μία εξέταση του... more
Rezension zu Alexandra Schweiger: Polens Zukunft liegt im Osten. Polnische Ostkonzepte der späten Teilungszeit (1890-1918), Marburg 2014; Benjamin Conrad: Umkämpfte Grenzen, umkämpfte Bevölkerung. Die Entstehung der Staatsgrenzen der... more
This paper aims to theorize the major aspects of the Spanish–Moroccan rebordering since Spain joined the European Union in 1986. The paper starts by providing a brief historical–geographical overview of the evolution of this border.... more
A finales de mayo del año 2015, fue presentado a la nación venezolana un decreto presidencial que en su contenido y alcance evidenciaría una manufactura de corte castrense. Un decreto que por el ámbito de validez espacial que pretendía... more
A thorough analysis of this landmark case before an International Tribunal on territorial sovereignty, especially as for islands dispute, historic titles, titles arising out of contiguity, succession to treaties, territorial treaties and... more
El presente trabajo desarrolla una investigación sobre las inversiones en el sector de la palma de aceite realizadas por la empresa italiana Poligrow en Mapiripán (Meta). Desde el punto de vista teórico, el análisis introduce el giro... more
The article examines North Korea’s standpoint on the Dokdo question from the perspective of North Korean propaganda and diplomacy. It describes Pyongyang’s historical and legal arguments in favor of Korean ownership, summarizes the... more
The purpose of this chapter is to provide a broad overview of territorial disputes in today’s Asia. The borders of Asia are rather vague. For the purposes of this chapter therefore I will focus only on Northeast, Southeast and South Asia,... more
В статье рассматриваются причины территориальных споров в странах Латинской Америки и Карибского бассейна. «Неопределенность» границ, изменения в международном праве, развитие новых технологий освоения морских и шельфовых ресурсов,... more
The research is focused on examining by describing historically the relationship between the Philippines and China in the disputed claims over the islands in South China Sea. To crystalize this goal, the discourse in the paper heavily... more