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      Animal BehaviorFearStressUltrasound
1 Laboratory of Comparative Psychology and Behavioral Biology, Departments of Psychology and Zoology, Oklahoma State University, 215 N. Murray, Stillwater, OK 74078, USA 2 Uludag Universitesi, M. Kemalpasa MYO, M. Kemalpasa, Bursa 16500,... more
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      PsychologyPavlovian conditioningLearning Motivation
Kenneth Spence (1936, 1937) formalized a quantitative, elemental approach to association theory that has had a broad and dominating influence on learning theory for many years. A set of challenges to the basic approach has spurred the... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceClassical ConditioningHumans
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      HumansAnimalsPavlovian conditioningDrug Addiction
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceAttentionConsciousness
Using an online survey and a week-long diary study, the relationship between music listening behaviors in everyday life and the occurrence of involuntary musical imagery (INMI) is investigated. It is expected that musical imagery may... more
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      Associative Learning and MemoryMusic CognitionMusic in Everyday LifeEarworms
El trabajo se enmarca dentro de los estudios de recepción de las ideas psicológicas en Argentina. Se aborda la figura y la obra del médico y fisiólogo alemán Georg Nicolai, exiliado pacifista que se instala en la ciudad de Córdoba entre... more
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      HistoriaPsicologíaPavlovian conditioningHistoria De La Psicología
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      Animal BehaviorNeuroendocrinologyBehavior GeneticsAdult learning
Resumen Dans un article de 1933 intitulé Sign-gestalt or conditioned reflex? Tolman défend l'idée que l'apprentissage spatial est hors de la portée explicative du conditionnement pavlovien. En effet, il soutient que les... more
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    • Pavlovian conditioning
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceDepressionResearch
This chapter excerpt provides a brief description of classical conditioning. Three video mini-lectures are included.
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      PsychologySocial PsychologyTeaching and LearningEducation
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      Classical ConditioningPavlovian conditioning
Misophonia is a condition in which a person has an acute emotional response of anger or disgust to a commonly occurring innocuous auditory or visual stimulus referred to as a trigger. This case details the effective treatment of... more
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      Clinical PsychologyPavlovian conditioningNeurology and PsychiatryMisophonia
A Critical review of Pavlov’s classical conditioning Theory in personality development.
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      Personality DevelopmentPavlovian conditioning
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      Harm ReductionCase ReportPavlovian conditioningRisk factors
Makalah teori perkembangan psikologi
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      PsychologyHuman Development TheoryAlbert BanduraB.F. Skinner
Classical conditioning of sexual arousal has previously been demonstrated in human males but not in females. This study explored the role of classical (Pavlovian) conditioning in the activation of genital sexual arousal in both women and... more
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      PsychologyAutonomic Nervous SystemClassical ConditioningHumans
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    • Pavlovian conditioning
Reproduz as aulas dadas na disciplina de "História e Sistemas Psicológicos: Behaviorismo" no 2o semestre de 2015 e no 2o semestre de 2016 (concluído em 2017) no Curso de Psicologia da UFSCar. Inicia-se por uma história interna dos... more
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      Georges CanguilhemRadical BehaviorismB.F. SkinnerJohn B Watson
How Cues and Programming Work in Mind Control and Propaganda by Neil Brick This may be very heavy for survivors. This transcript is not a substitute for other ways of recovering from ritual abuse is not meant as therapy or therapeutic... more
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      PropagandaPTSDProgrammingClassical Conditioning
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      B.F. SkinnerPavlovian conditioningTeori Pembelajaran
How to Avoid Being Mind Controlled at a Conference – Presentation at the 2016 Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference – August 2016 The information in this article was written with the help and research... more
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      PropagandaPTSDProgrammingPavlovian conditioning
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      Cognitive ScienceNeuroeconomicsBrain ImagingDecision Making
The considered model of experimental neurosis can serve as a method of determining inadequate perception of reality and is a transitional link from physiological experiments to the study of psychological phenomena. Рассмотренная модель... more
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      Pavlovian conditioningSemiosisSign SystemsConditional Reflexes
Adjunctive behaviors such as schedule-induced polydipsia are said to be induced by periodic delivery of incentives, but not reinforced by them. That standard treatment assumes that contingency is necessary for conditioning, and that delay... more
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      Animal BehaviorExperimental Analysis of BehaviorPavlovian conditioningOperant Conditioning
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      HumansAnimalsPavlovian conditioningDrug Addiction
Attempts at combining Uexküll’s ideas with those of Peirce within a single quasi-discipline called ‘biosemiotics’ are ill-founded. Peirce’s ‘interpretant’ sensu lato refers to two qualitatively different mental states, one relating to... more
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      SemioticsCommunicationTheories Of ReferenceBiosemiotics
Over a hundred years have passed since the birth of behaviorism or behavioristic psychology, often regarded as the "first force" in contemporary psychology. Many might assume that "the dark night of behaviorism" has subsided once and for... more
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      Critical TheoryOrganizational BehaviorReligionBuddhism
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      PsychologyGeriatricsSocial WorkCognition
Th e article analyzes Sergej Chakhotin's transfer of the concept of refl ex from Russian physiology to German propaganda. Chakhotin had been working at Ivan Pavlov's laboratory in St. Petersburg in the 1910s. Th e experiences he had there... more
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      History of ScienceNazi GermanyPavlovian conditioning
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      ZoologyAnimal WelfareAnimal BehaviourAnimal Production
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      PsychologyRussiaLearningClassical Conditioning
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      Pavlovian conditioningI. P. Pavlov
There are three periods of Russian history that exhibit significant elements of continuity and discontinuity: the tsarist period, the Soviet or Bolshevik period, 1917–1991, and the contemporary period of the Russian Federation. The... more
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      Russian StudiesHistory of ScienceRussian HistoryHistory Of Psychology
Misophonia is a recently identified condition in which an individual has an acute reaction of hatred or disgust to a specific commonly occurring sound. We propose that misophonia is a form of conditioned behavior that develops as a... more
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      Clinical PsychologyChild Clinical PsychologyClassical ConditioningPavlovian conditioning
Fear extinction learning is a highly adaptive process that involves the integrity of frontolim-bic circuitry. Its disruption has been associated with emotional dysregulation in stress andanxiety disorders. In this article we consider how... more
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      Cognitive Behavioral TherapyDevelopment StudiesPavlovian conditioningAmygdala
An organism's ability to adapt to environmental challenges is aided by disparate neural systems, acting independently and interactively to influence behavioral responding. With respect to associative learning, emotional , contextual, and... more
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      Associative Learning and MemoryPavlovian conditioning
Objective: Misophonia is typically characterized as an extreme emotional response to auditory and visual stimuli. In several case studies, physical responses have also been reported. This study sought to determine whether adults with... more
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      Pavlovian conditioningNeurodevelopmental DisordersMisophoniaClassical Conditioning of Human Behavior
The role of conscious awareness in human Pavlovian conditioning was examined in 2 experiments using masked fear-relevant (snakes and spiders; Experiments 1 and 2) and fear-irrelevant (flowers and mushrooms; Experiment 1) pictures as... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceFearAffect
article sur les fiches préparatoire du premier livre de Foucault, sur Pavlov et la revue "Cahiers de psychopathologie"
in J.-F. Bert & E. Basso (éds.), "Foucault à Münsterlingen", Paris, Editions de l'EHESS, p. 197-219
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      MarxismMichel FoucaultPavlovian conditioning
Differential aversive Pavlovian conditioning with a foul odor as unconditioned stimulus (US) and neutral faces as conditioned stimuli (CS) was compared between 9 noncriminal psychopaths as defined by the Hare Psychopathy Checklist Revised... more
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      PsychophysiologyFacial expressionAntisocial Personality DisorderBiological Sciences
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      Japanese StudiesJapanese LiteratureJapanese Language And CultureHistory of Science
The growth of Human–Animal Studies, multi-species, and posthuman scholarship reflects an “animal turn” offering important theoretical, ethical, and methodological challenges to humanities, science, and social science disciplines, though... more
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      Human-Animal RelationsPosthumanismHistory Of PsychologyHuman-Animal Studies
Politics is a construct of civil order and an overthought stratagem for peaceful domesticity. The role of politics however does the ironic service of keeping dominion rather than instilling domestic sovereignty. It is a broad term that... more
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      American PoliticsEducationPresidency (American Politics)Art
Учетная карточка щенка немецкой овчарки, родившегося в блокадном Ленинграде, была случайно найдена в пакете с канцелярским мусором и теперь хранится в государственном архиве. История этого документа открыла наше исследование межвидовых... more
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      Soviet HistorySoviet Union (History)StalinismPavlovian conditioning
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      AgingSocial BehaviourMotivationSocial behavior
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceEmotionEye tracking