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De komst van vluchtelingen in Nederland fungeert als een katalysator voor het vergroten van spanningen tussen verschillende groepen binnen de Nederlandse samenleving. Pleinen en raadzalen zijn het toneel voor de bezorgde burger geworden.... more
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This study analyses the contestation of the concept of Europe by contemporary anti- liberal groups. The aim of this analysis is to answer the question for the motives of these groups to choose Europe as a point of reference instead of... more
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      History of IdeasConceptual HistoryBegriffsgeschichteRight-Wing Extremism
Die Neue Rechte unterscheidet sich vom Nazi-Klischee. Statt Springerstiefel und Bomberjacke tragen ihre Vertreter_innen Anzüge, geben sich bieder und sitzen in Rechtsanwaltskanzleien, Universitäten und Medienhäusern. In den letzten Jahren... more
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      ConservativismRight-Wing ExtremismNouvelle DroiteRight Wing Populism
Vortrag am 10.05.2016 im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe Kritische Leere/Lehre 3 der Basisdemokratischen Fachschaft Sozialwissenschaften der Universität Hannover Wird Pegida hauptsächlich als eine nationalistische und rassistische... more
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      SociologyPsychoanalysisSocial PsychologyGender Studies
Bu çalışmada İmparatorluk döneminden Cumhuriyet dönemine, Türk toplumunun ve devletinin Avrupa'ya olan akademik, ekonomik ve siyasi alakası; Avrupa'ya çeşitli nedenlerle göç eden Türkler üzerinden ele alınmıştır. İkinci Dünya Savaşı... more
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      Labor MigrationTurkish diaspora in GermanyTurkish-German StudiesIntegration
Der Aufsatz führt in ausgewählte Problemstellungen der gegenwärtigen Forschung zu Sozialen Bewegungen und Protest, insbesondere den Zusammenhang von sozialen Bewegungen und Demokratie, ein. Zunächst wird... more
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      ProtestPartizipationProtest MovementsOccupy Wall Street
In 2021, dynamics and trends generated by the pandemic continued to unfold—not least among far-right social forces. Members of CARR’s Organisation Research Unit (ORU) have helped to reconnoitre these developments throughout the year with... more
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      Political Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismConspiracy TheoriesRadical RightRadical Right-wing Populist Parties
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      ProtestRight-Wing MovementsProtest MovementsPegida
in:  Karl-Siegbert Rehberg / Franziska Kunz / Tino Schlinzig (Hrsg.): Pegida - Rechtspopulismus zwischen Fremdenangst und »Wende«-Enttäuschung? Analysen im Überblick. Transcript: Bielefeld 2016. S. 147-164.
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      Race and RacismProtestRacismProtest Movements
ÖZET 11 Eylül ve bunu takip eden “Terör-Karşıtı” savaşlar sırasında ve sonrasında, İslam, Batı medyasında sıklıkla yer almaya başladı ve güncel söylemde Müslümanlar bir “tehlike” olarak görülmeye/gösterilmeye başlandı. İslam’ın... more
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      European StudiesRacismIslamophobiaPegida
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      GermanyEast GermanyWest GermanyStasi
Multiple Movements can be observed hitting the streets since 2014, which represent something new. Although these Movements are prima facie thematically very different, all share some common motives, which can be described as an... more
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      New Rightfar-right politics EuropePegida
Since its founding in 2014, Pegida has positioned itself as a populist movement striving to limit immigration and to preserve Germany's cultural heritage. It has also aligned itself with other right-wing European political groups whose... more
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      German PoliticsGerman NationalismPegida
The paper reflects on recent developments towards authoritarianism and right-wing populism that have become apparent in a number of Western societies and aims at pinpointing possible cultural foundations for this trend. Using the example... more
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      Critical TheoryPolitical SociologySocial TheoryTrust
İkinci Dünya Savaşı’ndan sonra Soğuk Savaş’ın Batı kanadının lideri ABD’nin desteği ile Batı Avrupa’da yeni bir düzen kurulmuştu. Bu düzende 1949 yılı itibarıyla Avrupa Kömür ve Çelik Topluluğu (AKÇT) ile somutlaşmaya başlayan Avrupa... more
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      Right-Wing ExtremismFar-Right Politicsfar-right politics EuropeExtreme and Far Right
Provoked by global political events, in autumn 2014 a small group of friends around Dresden, in eastern Germany, connected via Facebook to spark off an initiative that, at its peak, brought around 25,000 people onto the streets each... more
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      German StudiesPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismPopulismRight-Wing Movements
The following paper will discuss whether Pegida participants can be accused of having extreme right-wing attitudes or, on the contrary, the movement should be acknowledged as a legitimate form of protest by ‘concerned citizens’. To answer... more
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      Right-Wing MovementsProtest MovementsRight Wing ExtremismPegida
"Moving beyond the focus on political parties, the next chapters provide analyses that delve into street-based practices and argumentation strategies of far-right actors that have recently emerged and received much attention from the... more
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      Social MovementsMediaRight-Wing ExtremismNormalization
Soğuk Savaş sonrası dönemde Avrupa Birliği ülkelerinde ırkçı yaklaşımlar yoğun bir şekilde uluslararası arenada yer almaya başlamıştır. Genel olarak yabancı düşmanlığı ve ırkçılık denilince Avrupa'da akla gelen ilk ülke Almanya... more
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      Extreme Right PoliticsExtreme and Far RightPegida
In the aftermath of the Norwegian terror attacks of 22 July 2011, the question of agency with regard to the convicted perpetrator, Anders Behring Breivik, has frequently been discussed. Did he really act on his own? Were his actions... more
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      Nouvelle DroiteFar-Right PoliticsExtreme and Far RightPegida
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      Comparative PoliticsSocial Movements (Political Science)Survey ResearchIslamophobia
Einführung und Inhaltsverzeichnis. Alle Rechte beim Thelem Verlag Dresden 2016/17.
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      NationalismMuslims in EuropeMuslim-Christian RelationDresden
Der Rechtspopulismus und sein Umschlagen in rechtsterroristisches Gewalthandeln – organisiert wie bei der NSU oder individuell wie bei den »Einsamen Wölfen« Anders Behring Breivik und Frank S. – lassen sich nur dann wirksam bekämpfen,... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologySocial MovementsPsychology
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      IslamophobiaGermanyIslamophobia and MediaIslamophobia In Europe
In this article, we analyze the protest movement PEGIDA's criticism of the press (i. e. 'Lügenpresse', the 'liar press') on Facebook. What are the main points of criticism of the press and what are the reasons expressed for this... more
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      PopulismMedia skepticismPegidaLügenpresse
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      International RelationsRacial and Ethnic PoliticsRace and RacismEthnic and Racial Studies
Erscheint in StuRaktiv (Sommer 2015) - Zeitschrift des Student_innenRates der Uni Leipzig
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      Cultural StudiesDiskursanalyseNeue RechteAntimuslimischer Rassismus
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      American MuslimsMuslims in EuropeIslamIslamophobia
In meinen Arbeit werde ich über die Immigration sprechen, nähmlich die Fluchtmigration, und seine Auswirkungen auf die europäische Politikbühne. Die Flüchtlingskrise die im 2015 ausgebrochen ist, hat eine Perspektivänderung zu einige... more
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      MigrationPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismGerman LanguagePopulism
Tanıyıcı, Ş. ve Kahraman, S. (2016). Migrants, Refugees and the Future of Multiculturalism in the West, Ed.: Buluş, A., vd., 1. International Social Sciences and Muslims Congress, Proceedings Book, Konya, pp. 580-587.
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Übers System jammert man gern. Die ganze Welt bewundert die westliche Demokratie. Die ganze Welt? Nein, unsere Gesellschaftskritiker kriegen einfach nicht genug.
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      Giorgio AgambenNeoliberalismGesellschaftstheorieGewerkschaften
This article provides an analysis of a public protest by the far-right group Pegida-Netherlands, where the participants attempted to demonstratively eat pork near a mosque in Eindhoven on 26 May 2019. This led to fierce responses:... more
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      Muslims in EuropeIslamophobiaReligion and FoodExtreme and Far Right
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En Allemagne, l’espace politique entre la droite parlementaire et l’extrême droite est peu structuré. Les limites entre chaque camp manquent de clarté et laissent la place au développement d’une zone intermédiaire où s’exprime un... more
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      Media StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismPopulism
With a launch event in December, the Global Terrorism Index (GTI) 2020 was presented to a wide audience by the Institute of Economy and Peace. The Index has been one of the most important empirical studies that, for years, has contributed... more
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      TerrorismPolitical Violence and TerrorismExtreme and Far RightPegida
To cite this article: Julian Göpffarth (2020): Activating the socialist past for a nativist future: far-right intellectuals and the prefigurative power of multidirectional nostalgia in Dresden, Social Movement Studies,
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      German StudiesPopulismMemory StudiesNostalgia
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      Performing ArtsDresdenProtest and resistanceNeue Rechte
The following paper will discuss whether Pegida participants can be accused of having extreme right-wing attitudes or, on the contrary, the movement should be acknowledged as a legitimate form of protest by ‘concerned citizens’. To answer... more
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      Right-Wing MovementsProtest MovementsRight-Wing ExtremismPegida
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      Political ParticipationLeipzigPegidaStudents Protests
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      DresdenEast GermanyFeuilletonPegida
Vortrag im Rahmen des Forschungskolloqiums der Gesellschaft für psychoanalytische Sozialpsychologie am 08.10.2016 am Sigmund-Freud-Institut in Frankfurt am Main Die Personen, die an Pegida Demonstrationen teilnehmen, können durch... more
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      SociologyPsychoanalysisGender StudiesPolitical Psychology
They fear to be left-behind, to get extinct or to be played and deceived by the powerful. Within Europe and especially in German-speaking countries the formation of new movements that not only declare war on incoming refugees and... more
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      European StudiesIdentity (Culture)Identity politicsPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/Populism