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International Scientific Conference Food has a great effect on the formation of human thoughts and spiritual feelings. In addition to the science of medicine, what religions say about food is important. According to Islam, one of the... more
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      Food Science and TechnologyReligion and FoodJewish FoodFood in Religion
Sul sito “Letture.org” è possibile trovare un’intervista che ho rilasciato riguardo i temi affrontati nel volume “Il Cibo e il Sacro. Tradizioni e Simbologie”, che ho curato insieme alle colleghe Elena Santilli e Alessandra Turchetti. Ho... more
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      History of ReligionAnthropology of FoodHistory of ReligionsFood Culture and Literature
The Introduction to this book is available here: https://www.academia.edu/34095644/Introduction_to_Materiality_and_the_Study_of_Religion_The_Body_of_St_Cuthbert.pdf Material culture has emerged in recent decades as a significant... more
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionAtheismMuseum Studies
Sammendrag Denne oppgaven er en religionshistorisk analyse av supermatfenomenet i Norge. Supermat er utvalgte matplanter som anses å være spesielt næringsrike, og å ha medisinske egenskaper. Å følge en supermatdiett innebærer ofte også å... more
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionHistory of ReligionNew Religions
Table of contents Acknowledgements Introduction Florence Pasche Guignard and Tanya M. Cassidy Part I Positionality, ethics, and reflexivity 1. Talking Back (to Myself) Christin L. Seher 2. It’s a Gluten World Out There: A Celiac... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsGender StudiesWomen's StudiesFood and Nutrition
Abstract: By appropriating both medical and communication technologies, the gender- reveal party has recently emerged as a ritual performance centered on a dramatically staged disclosure of the sex of a gestating fetus. The... more
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      Comparative ReligionGender StudiesWomen's StudiesRitual
L'articolo si prefigge di indagare il rapporto che unisce cibo e religione, alla luce dell'evento festivo e in rapporto a dolci e pani rituali
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      Anthropology of FoodReligion and FoodRitual FeastingRitual Food
This article offers a model of conceptualising religion as taste. Using religion and food as a point of entry, it demonstrates how modelling religion as taste permits attention to such concepts as embodiedness, the place of the senses... more
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      Anthropology of the SensesReligion and FoodTaste
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      ReligionEucharistLiturgical TheologyReligion and Food
À propos d'Exode 16. Extrait : "La communauté est divisée par tente ce qui devient l’échelle des sous-ensembles du large groupe. Chaque tente est sous la responsabilité d'un chef qui ramasse le qu’est-ce et le rapporte à sa tente pour le... more
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      PredicationPraxeologyReligion and FoodCollectivism
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    • Religion and Food
At the end of Gabriel Axel's movie "Babette's Feast", the French maid and former chef is praised for her feast but also told she should not have given everything for that purpose - "for our sake". She replies, "It was not for your sake... more
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      Literature and cinemaDanish LiteratureEucharistReligion and Food
For the indigenous Dene of subarctic Canada, food is central to negotiating their relationships with family, animals, and the spirits of ancestors. Indigenous religions and environmental relationships are seldom discussed in terms of... more
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      Climate ChangeReciprocity (Social and Cultural Anthropology)Indigenous ReligionsReligion and Food
This essay explores how wisdom gleaned from the Musar movement may inspire and enrich Jewish vegan practices. It focuses on approaches to loving-kindness, compassion, empathy, and self-restraint found in the writings of some of the most... more
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      EthicsJewish StudiesVirtue EthicsReligious Ethics
The goal of the essay is to illustrate, without claiming to be exhaustive, how historiography treated some issues related to the interactions between food and religious culture, highlighting topics of special interest and trying to... more
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      HistoriographyFood HistoryReligious HistoryReligion and Food
Abstaining from meat consumption has persistently been a source of debate within religious communities, often functioning as a center pivot around which theological or philosophical orthodoxy and orthopraxy turns. Drawing upon diverse... more
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      Critical Animal StudiesVegetarianismReligion and Food
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      Islam in EuropeIslamReligion and FoodEuropean Islam
While the religious life in Chinese antiquity knew some forms of fasting, the religiously informed practice of vegetarianism was introduced to China by Buddhist believers only in the Han dynasty. Already in the medieval period, it became... more
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      Chinese ReligionsChinese BuddhismVegetarianismReligion and Food
Bread is the only "food" that has its unique symbolic and metaphorical meaning in Judaism and Christianity (in the sense of life and spiritual maintenance, as well as moral behavior). Religious breads are present in every period of human... more
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      Religion and FoodBible Study
The aim of this paper is to examine the importance of rice-beer (zao) amongst the Zeme Nagas. Colonial and Christian missionaries brought in new ideas into social and cultural practices, quite different from their own, within the Zeme... more
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      ReligionAlcohol StudiesMateriality (Anthropology)Northeast India
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      MysticismIslamic StudiesSufismIslamic Mysticism
Food consumption around the world makes up the basis of human ecology as we eat foods based on our cultural, religious and moral beliefs. Ethical and spiritual concerns have motivated many Greek philosophers like Pythagoras, Plato,... more
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      EthnographyQualitative methodologyAutoethnographyReligion and Food
Elaborato in preparazione all'esame di psicologia delle scelte alimentari. Il testo presenta le varie scelte alimentari legate all'aspetto religioso. In particolare cerca di analizzare le motivazioni delle scelte alimentari legate al... more
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      Religion and FoodFood & CultureAnthropology of ReligionAntropology of Food
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      ReligionComparative ReligionHistoryAncient History
Recent scholarship has shown how investigations into food and poverty contribute to our understanding of late-antique Judaism and Christianity. These areas of inquiry overlap in the study of charity, as providing food was the preeminent... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryJewish LawJewish Studies
Members of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), a branch of Gaudiya Vaishnavism more commonly known as the Hare Krishna movement, often refer to their faith as the “kitchen religion.” Feeding the public free or... more
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      South Asia (History)Religion and FoodHistory of Early Modern and Modern South Asia
Pihko examines inquisition records from medieval Languedoc in order to investigate experiences related to the ritualized and allegedly heretical practice of blessing bread. The chapter provides an overview of the evidence regarding this... more
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      RitualFood HistoryHeresyLived Religion
Religion and food are intrinsically linked. Religion, especially in Antiquity, requires food to form the rite: food as offerings permits the circulation between this world and hereafter, from the living making offerings to the gods and... more
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    • Religion and Food
Cari amici, cari colleghi, sono lieto di invitarvi alla presentazione del volume “Il Cibo e il Sacro. Tradizioni e Simbologie” che si terrà sabato 19 giugno, presso il parco monumentale del palazzo Sforza-Cesarini di Genzano di Roma,... more
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      Sociology of Food and EatingAnthropology of FoodHistory of ReligionsFood Culture and Literature
Le récit de Gn 3 est un texte dense et célèbre. Il met en jeu des données anthropologiques fondamentales, autour de la vie et de la mort, de la procréation, du désir, du travail, du mensonge de la violence et de la souffrance. Mais ce... more
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      ReligionPractical theologyFood HistoryFood and Nutrition
Saperi e sapori dell'accoglienza, Cibo e regole alimentari nelle religioni monoteistiche di Gianpaolo Anderlini 1. A partire dalla tavola "Il cibo è il principale fattore di definizione dell'identità umana, poiché ciò che mangiamo è... more
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      Interreligious DialogueReligion and Food
Identity negotiation is a central part of the immigrant experience. When face to face with a culture or context that is different than one’s homeland, the immigrant must often address what parts of his/her identity are fluid and which... more
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      Religion and FoodReligion and migration
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      Jewish StudiesJudaismReligion and Food
Özet Yaradılış itibariyle inançların, yani dinlerin var olduğu bilinmektedir. Din insan ile yaratıcı arasındaki meseledir. Dinler mantığıyla, Allah insanı yiyecek ve içeceğe muhtaç olarak yaratmıştır. Yeme içme ile ilgili kuralları ilk... more
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      GastronomyReligion and FoodCuisineGastronomi
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      Islamic StudiesIslamAnimal Sacrifice (Anthropology)Sacrifice (Anthropology Of Religion)
This article is focused on an analysis of symbolic representations of the Aztec warrior – as a winner-fighter and as a deified deceased – in the form of food offerings and vegetal semblances. Afterwards we analyze the possible... more
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      AztecsReligion and FoodMesoamerican ReligionAztec Culture
Cari amici, sono felice di informarvi che dopo alcuni anni di blocco forzato riprendono finalmente le pubblicazioni di “Religio”, la collana di studi del Museo delle Religioni. È attualmente in corso di stampa, infatti, il volume “Il Cibo... more
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      Anthropology of FoodFood HistoryHistory of ReligionsFood (Anthropology)
Partant de l’idée bien établie que la religion exerce une influence profonde sur les modes d’alimentation, trois chercheurs en théologie, en géographie et en sciences politiques ont unis leurs connaissances pour débusquer cette influence... more
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      ChristianityHinduismHalal foodAnthropology of Food
in: L. Scaffardi e V. Zeno-Zencovich (a cura di), Cibo e diritto. Una prospettiva comparata (vol. 1), Roma TrE-Press, 2020, pp. 25-63
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      Religion and FoodEthical veganismFood LawEquality and Non Discrimination
Environmental theology (or, ecotheology) developed slowly during the first half of the twentieth century and has become a major field of study since the late 1960s. While many of the issues discussed in ecotheological works have... more
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      TheologyHistorical TheologySystematic TheologyAnimal Theology
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      ChristianityReligion and Food
This article examines the development of ‘eating Jewishly’ among participants at Shoresh Jewish Environmental Programs in Toronto, Canada. Participants at Shoresh construct and draw upon Jewish tradition in order to resolve gaps between... more
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      Foodways (Anthropology)Social JusticeEnvironmental EthicsLived Religion
Distinct practices of eating are at the heart of many of the world’s faith traditions—from the Christian Eucharist to Muslim customs of fasting during Ramadan to the vegetarianism and asceticism practiced by some followers of Hinduism and... more
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      ReligionChristianityHinduismPostcolonial Studies
Despite distorting narratives about extremism, specific individuals and communities of Muslims in America ground themselves in wholesome relationships among people and in the places where they find home. Between 2001 and 2009, Taqwa... more
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      Halal foodAnimal StudiesSustainable agricultureReligion and Ecology
L’introduzione offre una panoramica critica degli aspetti relativi all’alimentazione connessi alla sfera religiosa, come il ruolo ricoperto dal simbolismo alimentare nei contesti a carattere rituale e nei racconti mitici, il suo definire... more
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      AnthropologyHistory of ReligionAnthropology of FoodHistory of Religions
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      Religion and FoodEntheogens and ReligionHistory of FoodCult of Demeter and Kore
Climate change leading to a drastic decline in caribou populations has prompted strict hunting regulations in Canada’s Northwest Territories since 2010. The Dene, a subarctic indigenous people, have responded by turning to tradition and... more
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      OntologyClimate ChangeIndigenous ReligionsReligion and Food
This report of the Utica 2014 includes my report on the Islamic bone assemblages shedding light on the diet at the 10th-12th c. Pig bones are probably residual and the diet relies mainly on ovicaprids and cattle. Birds are well... more
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      Islamic ArchaeologyZooarchaeologyBone and AntlerReligion and Food
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      Religion and PoliticsLaw and ReligionIslam in EuropeIslam
What’s Cooking, Mom? offers original and inventive narratives, including auto-ethno- graphic discussions of representations, discourses and practices about and by mothers regarding food and families. These narratives discuss the multiple... more
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      SociologyNutrition and DieteticsGender StudiesEducation