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شیعر و پەخشان وەک هەموو هونەرەکانی دیکە بۆ پەیوەندی لەگەڵ بەردەنگی خۆیان پێویستیان بە چەند کەرەستەیەک هەیە؛ یەکێک لەم کەرەستانە، درکەیە. هەر لە کۆنەوە پسپۆڕانی ئەدەبی ئاماژەیان بە کارتێکەریی درکە لەسەر شێوازی ئاخافتنی ئاسایی و شیعر کردووە... more
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      RhetoricIronyPoetic ImagePoetic Language
En el horizonte de una investigación acerca de las solidaridades entre las artes del lenguaje (lengua, poética, escritura) y maneras de concebir lo real o habitar un mundo, el seminario interrogará el legado filosófico-literario de China... more
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      MetaphysicsChinese PhilosophyChinese StudiesMetaphysics of Time
Текст има за циљ бављење филозофском мишљу француског епистемолога и феноменолога – Гастона Башлара (Gaston Bachelard), измештањем њеног тумачења из општег у конкретно поље архитектуре. Поетику простора (Lа Poétique de l’Espace), као... more
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      Gaston BachelardMartin HeideggerExperiences of Place and SpacePoetics of Space
This paper aims to be a suggestion for the discussion of the poetic image raised by literary scholars, who try to apply the theorem of visual image studies to poetic image. Because the image studies hitherto dealt with visual images, it... more
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      Text And ImageBildtheoriePoetic Image
Упркос томе што је реч о савременом писцу, за Ивана В. Лалића данас можемо рећи да је својеврсни класик српске књижевности. Томе је много допринело интересовање критике и научне заједнице за проучавање његовог дела и одређивање његовог... more
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      PoeticsMetaphorContemporary PoetryPoetic Image
The lecture presents Ezra Pound’s groundbreaking poetics of translation, which overlaps with his best legacy as a writer and consequent impact on Modernist and contemporary literature. In the understanding that there is no historic... more
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      Cultural StudiesClassicsTranslation StudiesLanguages and Linguistics
En el horizonte de una aproximación comparativa a los rendimientos trascendentales del poema –las formas poéticas como exploración de la representación y puesta en común de mundos posibles–, el seminario examinará cómo las figuraciones... more
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      MetaphysicsHomerChinese PhilosophyDante Studies
A modern paradigm of Oriental-Occidental translatio is presented by ... Andrés Claro ... in his comprehensive study “Montage as East-West Poetic Configuration. Ezra Pound’s Translation of Chinese Images”. The critic demonstrates that Ezra... more
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      Comparative LiteratureMulticulturalismTranslation StudiesChinese Studies
Investigación sobre la prolífica etapa poética juvenil de Darío, cuando este sigue el modelo social romántico de Víctor Hugo, y su transformación gradual luego de la muerte de Hugo, bajo la influencia de los poetas parnasianos.
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      American LiteratureSociologyCultural StudiesComparative Literature
En el horizonte de una aproximación al lenguaje poético como formas de proyectar y habitar mundos, se examina el modo en que diversas figuras literarias en tradiciones ejemplares configuran representaciones características en lo real,... more
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      MetaphysicsOntologyTranslation StudiesArchitecture
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      Space and PlacePoetryHermeneuticsMartin Heidegger
Everything Jack Lindsay wrote was about the past or saturated with historical consciousness. Plebeian experiences, rebellion, revolution, and progressive expectations predominate. It is therefore natural to think of him as a Marxist... more
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      MarxismCommunismJorge Luis BorgesPlotinus
Трудот се занимава со дефинирање на екфразата и прикажување на нејзината практична функција во градењето на поетскиот стих преку анализа на избран корпус. Низ примерите од поезијата на Вилијам Карлос Вилијамс и Валас Стивенс, претставници... more
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      EkphrasisWilliam Carlos WilliamsWallace StevensPoetic Image
I. Introduction: from human finitude vis-à-vis time to the infinitude of historical-temporal figurations i. Time as represented by finite and infinite functions: extension and division, potentiality and actuality ii. The basis of... more
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      AristotleMetaphysics of TimePoeticsTheory of Metaphor and Rhetorics
One of the most well-known poems by Williams is “The Red Wheelbarrow”, where through the way the poetic image is being built, the poet wants to direct the reader’s gaze to the way we perceive through our senses. Not allowing the mind to... more
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      LiteraturePoetryEkphrasisWilliam Carlos Williams
Öz Şiiri diğer sanat eserlerinden ayıran en önemli özellik, muhatabına sunduğu sonsuz hayal imkânlarından ileri gelir. Böylesine sonsuz bir hayal âlemine yapıla-cak yolculukta en önemli öğeler, şiirde kullanılan sembol ve imgelerdir. Şeyh... more
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      PoetryDivan EdebiyatıEski Türk EdebiyatıKlâsik Türk Edebiyatı
Arabic sources generally refer to Ibrahim b. Harma (d. ca. 176/792) as one of the “last poets” whose poetry is quoted as lexical and linguistic evidence of sound and “unaffected” language, in other words “pure” Arabic. However, while we... more
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    • Poetic Image
Adopting a comparative approach to the transcendental outputs of poetic language (the forms of language as an exploration of the representation and synthesis of possible worlds), the essay examines how dominant figurations of the poetic... more
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      MetaphysicsOntologyPoeticsRobert Browning
Advance organizers activate the most suitable schema to learn new material. Poetic images are signified in schemata and the elements which are not expressed may be called by advance organizers. The purpose of this investigation is to... more
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      SemioticsSchema TheoryAdvance OrganizerPoetic Image
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      PoetryDivan EdebiyatıKlâsik Türk EdebiyatıPoetic Image
POETICS AND REVISION: VOLELE SU ME DVE SESTRE, SKUPA (1970) AND VOLILE SU ME DVIJE SESTRE, SKUPA (1989) BY MILAN MILIŠIĆ As a poet, Milan Milišić (1941-1991) was a part of both Serbian and Croatian literary scenes and an inheritor of... more
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      PoeticsModern Croatian LiteratureContemporary PoetrySerbian Literature
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Scandinavica 38.2 (2000): 193-216.
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      PoeticsIntertextualityPoetic ImageEdith Södergran
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      ArchitectureGaston BachelardExperiences of Place and SpacePoetic Image