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      Cambridge UniversityPresenteeism
Presenteizm, çalışanların bedenen işinin başında olduğu halde, zihinsel olarak işinin başında olamaması durumudur. Presenteizm mental ve fiziksel sağlık sorunlarına sebep olabilmekte hem çalışanın hem de örgütün verimliliğini negatif... more
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      Work-Related StressWork StressIş StresiRole Ambiguity
This study investigates the impact of three leadership styles; the transactional leadership style, the transformational leadership style and laissez faire on presenteeism among the healthcare professionals in Pakistan. Using a structured... more
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      Transformational LeadershipTransactional LeadershipLeadership stylesLaissez-Faire Leadership
Un phénomène distingue nettement les hommes et les femmes sur les lieux de travail : l’absentéisme. L’absentéisme touche davantage les femmes que les hommes (Côté et Haccoun, 1991). Ainsi, selon les données de l’enquête emploi de... more
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      Gender and WorkAbsenteeismPresenteeism
Küreselleşme ile hem örgütler hem de çalışanlar arasında yoğun bir rekabetin yaşandığı günümüz çalışma ortamında işte var olamama (presenteeism) önemsenmesi ve mücadele edilmesi gereken bir olgudur. Örgütler politikalarını oluştururken... more
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      Örgütsel DavranışPresenteeism and AbsenteeismİNSAN KAYNAKLARI YÖNETİMİPresenteeism
Objective: Workplace bullying is an increasing phenomenon that concerns managers and employees. However, few studies have investigated how workplace bullying relates with work-related exhaustion and indicators of productivity loss due to... more
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      Workplace BullyingWell-BeingStress and BurnoutPresenteeism
Bu çalışmada beş büyük kişilik özelliklerinin tükenmişlik algısı ve presenteizm davranışları üzerindeki öncüllük rolünün incelenmesi ve bu ilişkide çalışma süresi ile eğitim durumunun düzenleyicilik etkisinin ortaya konulması... more
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      TükenmişlikBeş Faktör Kişilik ÖZellikleri (NEO_FFI)Presenteeism
tObjective: The objective of this research is to evaluate the efficacy of manual therapy for tension-typeheadache (TTH) in restoring workers quality of work life, and how work presenteeism affects this relation.Design: This study is a... more
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      Quality of lifePresenteeism and AbsenteeismTension-Type HeadachePresenteeism
Öz Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, akademisyenlerin işkoliklik özelliklerinin mensup oldukları kuşağa göre farklılık arz edip etmediğinin belirlenmesidir. Katılımcıların işkoliklik düzeyini ölçmek için, Schaufeli, Taris ve Bakker (2006)... more
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      Generation XAbsenteeismGeneration YAcademicians
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      Work-Life BalanceTeachersStructure Equation Modeling Using AMOSPerceived Supervisor Support
This study is designed in order to deal with the impacts of presenteeism tendency on work-life balance. The work-life balance indicates the consistency between the time spent at work and in private life. Conflicts between these two... more
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      ProductivityWork-Life BalancePresenteeism and AbsenteeismPresenteeism
This report outlines and discusses the insights on how to manage short-term absenteeism within the workplace, as well as point out themes related to Human Resource Management. Additionally, management considerations have been discussed... more
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      Human Resource ManagementWorkplace StudiesStrategic Human Resource ManagementInternational Human Resource Management
Presenteeism is a growing problem in developed countries mostly due to an aging workforce. The economic costs related to presenteeism exceed those of absenteeism and employer health costs. Employers are implementing workplace health... more
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      Program EvaluationHealth PromotionDecision TreesWorkplace
Being in the workplace while worker is ill- called as presenteizm- cause loss of productivity in the workplace. Also this cause affect badly worker‟s general health and loss of cost as an establishment. It is possible to say that life... more
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    • Presenteeism
Bu çalışmanın genel amacı; Presenteeism ile işkoliklik ve alt boyutları arasında ilişki olup olmadığını belirlemeye yöneliktir. Bu nedenle araştırma ilişkisel bir model şeklinde desenlenmiştir. İşkolikliğin alt boyutları olan “işten zevk... more
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      WorkaholismPresenteeism and AbsenteeismPresenteeismİşkoliklik
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      AsthmaLinear modelsComorbidityProspective studies
nsan kaynağının rekabetçi üstünlük sağlamada kilit rol oynadığı günümüz çalışma hayatında,insan faktörüne bağlı olarak ortaya çıkan problemler, işletmeler ve kamu kurumlarında olduğu kadareğitim ve öğretim veren üniversiteler içinde önem... more
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      AbsenteeismPresenteeismAbsence of EmployeeDecrease in Efficiency
In this study we explore the lived experience of emotional labour of ten hospitality employees and tries to get a deeper understanding of how they interpret it in their life world. In-depth interviews were conducted with the front-line... more
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      Social StatisticsEmotional LabourHospitalityThe qualitative report
This report outlines and discusses the insights on how to manage short-term absenteeism within the workplace, as well as point out themes related to Human Resource Management. Additionally, management considerations have been discussed... more
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      Human Resource ManagementWorkplace StudiesStrategic Human Resource ManagementInternational Human Resource Management
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      Social SupportBelgiumWorkplaceHumans
Bu araştırma, Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı'na bağlı resmi ve özel okullarda görev yapan öğretmenlerin presenteeism (işte var olamama) ve örgütsel özdeşleşme düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın evreni Ordu... more
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      öRgütsel öZdeşleşmePresenteeism
Çalışmanın amacı, işe bağlılık ve prensenteeism arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemektir. Literatürdeki çalışmalarda, presenteeismin iş gücündeki verimliliği etkileyen unsurlardan birisi olduğu ileri sürülmektedir. Presenteeism olgusu... more
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      Presenteeism and AbsenteeismTükenmişlik, Işten Ayrılma Niyeti, Işe BağlılıkPresenteeismIşe Bağlılık
The primary objective of this study was to explore the mechanisms and conditions whereby Tension-Type Headache (TTH) presenteeism relates to health-related loss of productivity as a result of both reduced physical and mental health. To... more
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      Quality of Working LifeProductivityAnxietyQuality of work life
This study aims to examine the relationship of lifestyle behaviors (physical activity, work and non-work sitting time, sleep quality, and sleep duration) with presenteeism while controlling for sociodemographics, work- and health-related... more
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      NursingHealth BehaviorAustraliaHumans
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      PsychologyTraumatic StressAdolescentHumans
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      NursingHealth BehaviorPrimary Health CareOccupational Health
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      Occupational HealthChileHumansMental Disorders
This article investigates various reasons for sickness presenteeism (SP), that is, going to work despite illness. The research questions asked is: What are the main reported reasons for SP in Norway and Sweden? Cross-sectional survey in... more
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      SociologyPublic HealthSwedenNorway
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      NursingHealth BehaviorPrimary Health CareOccupational Health
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      Organizational CultureAdolescentEmploymentWorkplace
To determine whether pain has psycho-social associations in adult Crohn's disease (CD) patients. Patients completed demographics, disease status, Patient Harvey-Bradshaw Index (P-HBI), Short Form Health Survey (SF-36), Short... more
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      PainQuality of lifeMedicineIsrael
Luquini A, Zheng Y, Xie H, Backman C, Rogers P, Kwok A, Knight A, Gignac M, Mosher D, Li L, Esdaile J, Thorne C, Lacaille D. Effectiveness of the Making It Work™ Program at Improving Presenteeism and Work Cessation in Workers with... more
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There are several new treatment options for patients whose asthma remains uncontrolled on free-dose and fixed-dose combinations of inhaled corticosteroids plus long-acting β2-agonists (ICS+LABA). In order to evaluate the likely impact of... more
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      Mental HealthQuality of lifeAsthmaAdolescent
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      Health PromotionResearch DesignOccupational HealthLife Style
ÖZ İş yaşamı içerisinde çeşitli örgütsel ve çevresel faktör ile etkileşim içerisinde olan çalışanlar yapıları nedeni ile biyolojik ve psikolojik olarak diğer bireylerden daha hassas konumdadırlar. Örgütlerde devamlılığın sağlanması çoğu... more
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      PresenteeismPsikolojik Sözleşme
BackgroundMental and physical disorders are associated with total disability, but their effects on days with partial disability (i.e. the ability to perform some, but not full-role, functioning in daily life) are not well... more
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      Mental HealthGlobal HealthMedicineComorbidity
University of Wollongong Copyright Warning You may print or download ONE copy of this document for the purpose of your own research or study. The University does not authorise you to copy, communicate or otherwise make available... more
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The present study aims to describe and analyze how presenteeism and organizational commitment of employees are outlined at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN), a public organization,... more
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      Political ScienceOrganizational CommitmentHumanPresenteeism
To determine whether pain has psycho-social associations in adult Crohn's disease (CD) patients. Patients completed demographics, disease status, Patient Harvey-Bradshaw Index (P-HBI), Short Form Health Survey (SF-36), Short... more
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      PainQuality of lifeMedicineIsrael
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      NursingOccupational HealthWorkplaceHumans
Este estudo tem como tema central um dos principais problemas relacionados ao capital humano: O presenteísmo. Fundamentando-se na construção de um mapa sistêmico, que inclui as principais variáveis que circundam o construto, o objetivo do... more
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      PsychologyFuzzy LogicCorporate SustainabilityMathematical Modelling
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Characterized by pain symptoms, endometriosis affects women's productivity in their prime working years. To evaluate the effect of individual endometriosis symptoms on household chore and employment productivity as measured by... more
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      AdolescentMedicineActivities of Daily LivingWorkplace
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      Quality of Working LifeProductivityMedicineMultidisciplinary
The objective of this research is to evaluate the efficacy of manual therapy for tension-type headache (TTH) in restoring workers quality of work life, and how work presenteeism affects this relation. This study is a secondary analysis of... more
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      PsychologyComplementary and Alternative MedicineQuality of lifeAdolescent
This study assesses potential presenteeism costs and the association of these with a company's business figures. We conducted the questionnaire surveys in alternate years between 2003 and 2007 and linked... more
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Although employees in an organization are forced to go to work, they are sometimes unable to work due to the lack of their physical and psychological health. Being at work physically and taking part in that environment cannot be inferred... more
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      Stress and BurnoutBurnoutPresenteeism and AbsenteeismPresenteeism
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