Public Communication
Recent papers in Public Communication
Crises can impact an organisation's viability, credibility and reputation. Communication can preserve and protect the valuable reputation of an organisation, by demonstrating an acceptance of responsibility for the crisis and... more
Il presente contributo indaga l’uso dei social media, e in particolar modo di Twitter, da parte delle pubbliche amministrazioni in occasione di eventi critici ed emergenze ambientali. In particolare il paper si concentra sul caso del... more
Autora: Simone Alves de Carvalho "Capital social e reconhecimento: análise do trabalho da Pastoral da Saúde" apresenta a tese de Simone Alves de Carvalho, defendida em 2018 na ECA-USP. A autora trabalha conceitos que são fundamentais no... more
Resumen: Introducción. La información de las administraciones públicas ha de ser completa e inteligible para que la ciudadanía pueda ejercer su derecho a la participación de forma fundamentada y para que los profesionales de los medios... more
Focusing on modes of security and quarantine practices, this study examines how globalization and the social crises surrounding SARS and H1N1 flu operated to differently regulate certain bodies and areas. I identify four types of... more
Este trabajo plantea como caso de estudio el uso que las administraciones públicas españolas han hecho de las redes sociales y, en particular, de la plataforma Twitter, para interactuar con la ciudadanía como un mecanismo de gestión de... more
Citizen journalism develops dynamically through online media. Many spaces are provided to disseminate information, including information about the potential of an area. This study aims to determine the role of citizen journalism in the... more
El Renacer del Mito aporta una nueva mirada sobre dos temas clásicos del humanismo: el mito y el héroe. Para tal empresa, ha reunido a un grupo de investigadores del ámbito de la comunicación pública, la literatura y las narrativas... more
O artigo procura debater os mecanismos de participação da sociedade civil no processo de tomada de decisão política, considerando o potencial de inclusão que as ferramentas de comunicação pública oferecem para a democracia representativa.... more
This paper explores the relationship between customer-generated word-of-mouth and corporate reputation. After a concise literature review, we present several insights from a multiple case study of 3 organizations. Our main finding is that... more
Digital media in general, and social media in particular, are a distinctive feature of contemporary election campaign strategies. This article adds to the ongoing discussion of the political power of social media by exploring political... more
The world has faced a major increase in forced displacement and the theme has also become the subject of many public , media and political debates. The public communication of refugee organizations thereby increasingly impacts their... more
Pesatnya teknologi internet membuka peluang yang besar bagi institusi pendidikan dalam melakukan komunikasi pada masyarakat luas. Bentuknya adalah penyampaian informasi melalui pesan-pesan yang sesuai dengan karakter dan jatidiri. Sosial... more
Fundamentalna zmiana w komunikacji międzyludzkiej: specyfika komunikacji w mediach społecznościowych. Czego tu się bać: wyzwania stojące przed jednostkami administracji publicznej w związku z obecnością w mediach społecznościowych.... more
Focusing on modes of security and quarantine practices, this study examines how globalization and the social crises surrounding SARS and H1N1 flu operated to differently regulate certain bodies and areas. I identify four types of... more
In recent years, Internet video gaming has grown exponentially amongst a non-traditional and non-targeted group of gamers: those over 50 years of age. In the United States alone, elderly gamers have grown from nine percent of all gamers... more
Una risorsa aggiornata per quanti, operatori, studiosi, ma non solo, vogliano tenersi aggiornati in un momento in cui il continuo svilupparsi di piattaforme e applicazioni tecnologiche anticipa domande e risposte, e il passaggio alla... more
Media massa memiliki peranan penting dalam memberitakan berbagai krisis di Timur Tengah, khususnya Qatar. Berita online dimaksud adalah termuat di media online terkait kebijakan RI dalam mengambil sikap politiknya. Pesan melalui berita... more
En el estudio se analiza cómo la avalancha digital ha obligado a las organizaciones públicas ecuatorianas a plantear sus estrategias, para promover sus servicios e interactuar con los ciudadanos.Metodología: Se procedió a realizar una... more
This paper explores the relationship between customer-generated word-of-mouth (WOM) and corporate reputation. After a concise literature review, we present several insights from case study analysis of three organizations. Our main finding... more
This article draws upon historical and contemporary data to attempt to identify key issues in government media relations and to discuss the processes and challenges involved in attempting to quantify the expenditure on this activity in... more
This article draws upon historical and contemporary data to attempt to identify key issues in government media relations and to discuss the processes and challenges involved in attempting to quantify the expenditure on this activity in... more
Digital media in general, and social media in particular, are a distinctive feature of contemporary election campaign strategies. This article adds to the on going discussion of the political power of social media by exploring political... more
El “Observatorio Participatório (Participativo) de la Juventud” es una red social lanzada en julio de 2013 por el gobierno brasileño para fomentar la colaboración de los jóvenes en los debates destinados a las políticas de juventud. Este... more