Public Morality
Recent papers in Public Morality
Talking about sex in India is still taboo. Despite being the land of Kamasutra, Indians are very hesitant to talk of sex or related issues in public. This is evident in mainstream media where scenes of intimacy still make news. What... more
Obscenety and Public morality. On the Hidden Limits of the Publication of Folklore Texts The transcription of folklore texts from orality is not only ideologically and technically determined, but is also fundamentally limited by the... more
The comment analyses the Appellate Body report in the controversial dispute over the European marketing ban on seal products (European Communities – Measures Prohibiting the Importation and Marketing of Seal Products). In this context, it... more
The jurists naturally privilege the continuity, stability, coherence. If the political tends to periodically break the coherence of the social structures, the jurists conceive themselves as "doctors" thereof, and "their technique is... more
Özet: Genel ahlak modern hukuk sistemlerinin gelişim süreci ve hukuki düşünce tarihindeki tartışmalar açısından her zaman hukuk ile ilişkisi sorgulanan ve zaman zaman da hukuki alandan dışlanan bir kavram olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır.... more
The liberalization of trade is the main objective of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and its numerous agreements. However, trade liberalization often conflicts with some important societal values and interests. This is the reason why a... more
The paper studies the immense opposition to a nonviolent campaign against the practice of moral policing in Kerala to understand the dominant spaces, collective identities, and discourses that give shape to the outrage of public morality... more
Depuis 1995, des membres se sont régulièrement joints à l’Organisation mondiale du commerce, formant ainsi une mosaïque complexe d’États hétérogènes qui comprend une variété de cultures, de religions, de pratiques et de coutumes. Cette... more
In November 1920, the Alexandria police arrested two sisters, Raya and Sakina, along with their husbands and others, and charged them with the murder of seventeen women. At the end of a trial held in May 1921, the judges sentenced to... more
Les différends commerciaux qui font valoir une défense de moralité publique n’ont occupé et n’occupent encore à ce jour que peu de place au sein des groupes spéciaux et de l’Organe d’appel de l’Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC).... more
This important book takes as its points of departure two questions: What is the nature of valuing? and What morality can be justified in a society that deeply disagrees on what is truly valuable? In Part One, the author develops a theory... more
The paper considers the values and value orientations in four ex-Yugoslav republics (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia, and Slovenia). The starting point of the analysis are cross-national analyses of data from the World values... more
The book deals with two very important but imprecise terms in contemporary law, namely public policy and public morality. It is commendable that such a comprehensive work about general clauses has been prepared. They are the elements of... more
This article examines Art 12 equality jurisprudence with specific reference to the case law and legal discourse over the constitutionality of s 377A of the Penal Code (Cap 224, 2008 Rev Ed), which is paradigmatic, in terms of... more
Publications obscènes ou blasphématoires, relations et mariages homosexuels, communication sur l’avortement, lancer de nains, conversion sexuelle, inceste, don d’embryon ou de gamète, pornographie, chasse aux gros mammifères, interdiction... more
The paper considers the values and value orientations in four ex-Yugoslav republics (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia, and Slovenia). The starting point of the analysis are cross-national analyses of data from the World values... more
EnglishTrade disputes raising a public morality defense have occupied and still hold to this day little spot within the World Trade Organization (WTO) Panels and Appellate Body. The defense, portrayed as an exception, has been submitted... more
Public morality is one of the stated objectives for which WTO Members may seek to justify a measure that impedes trade. The value of considering this single objective is twofold. First, while all six trade disputes relating to the public... more
Abstrakt Problematyka konstytucyjnych podstaw prawodawstwa ochrony zwierząt sta-nowi kluczowy warunek rozstrzygania sporów o granice dopuszczalności ogra-niczeń praw i wolności obywatelskich, dokonywanych w imię humanitarnej ochrony... more
In Nigeria, it is quite common to see human corpses decomposing by the roadside. Existing scholarly comments have emphasised the aspect of state failure implicated in the phenomenon. However, based on observation, analysis of media... more
Los Andes, Mendoza, 25 jun, 2016.
This article examines Art 12 equality jurisprudence with specific reference to the case law and legal discourse over the constitutionality of s 377A of the Penal Code (Cap 224, 2008 Rev Ed), which is paradigmatic, in terms of... more
As countries continue to join the World Trade Organization (WTO), its diversity, which needs to be preserved, also expands. One way a country can uphold its value in that diversified environment is to restrict trade to protect its public... more
The work consists of an introduction and three parts. In the first one, it is shown what one understands by public morality in the United States in the broader context of police power, explaining the evolution of law on the subject until... more
Ireland is one of the sole countries in the European Union that is currently devoid of any legislation concerning Assisted Human Reproduction (AHR). However, there is a Bill presently passing through the pre-legislative scrutiny stage... more
The liberalization of trade is the main objective of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and its numerous agreements. However, trade liberalization often conflicts with some important societal values and interests. This is the reason why a... more
The police power consists of the authority of the state to regulate in the interests of public health, safety, and morals. As American society continues to grow more diverse and pluralistic, courts and commentators have raised concerns... more