Public Sector Reforms
Recent papers in Public Sector Reforms
Despite the introduction of a Public Private Partnership Policy Implementation Framework a decade ago, Botswana has implemented only a handful projects under the Public Private Partnerships (PPP) arrangement. Known PPP projects include... more
In this book, the author analyzes e-government reforms in Kazakhstan from a multitude of dimensions, including, but not limited to, political, social, economic and technological ones. It examines the adoption of a wide range of... more
e-Government is often hailed by both scholars and practitioners as a tool for reforming the service delivery system in the public sector. Governments around the world aimed to modernize and reform their public sector with the use of... more
Öz Tüm yönetim sistemleri gibi kamu yönetimi de kendini çevre ve koşullara uygun olarak yenilemeyi ve güncellemeyi hedeflemektedir. Türk Kamu Yönetimi, Cumhuriyetin ilanından bu yana çok sayıda idari reformun öznesi olmuştur. Bu çalışma,... more
In the 21st century most African countries have embraced the third wave democracy. Good governance, sound public policy and sustainable development are associated with political liberalisation, and efficient and effective Public... more
This paper examines the use of performance measurement information in the Tanzanian public sector by focusing on one public organization; the National Housing Corporation (NHC). In most countries, public organizations are now engaged in... more
Using digital technologies as an integrated part of service delivery mechanism by the state cannot be overemphasised. Besides improving governance through greater transparency and accountability of government functionaries, it helps... more
This study was aimed at evaluating the Performance Management Package (PMP) in the Zambia civil service. More specifically, it examined the key elements of the PMP and its implementation and attempted to determine the extent to which work... more
The study sought to identify the traditional political institutions and modern democratic governance in Ghana by using Akim Abuakwa as the case study. Eleven communities in the Abuakwa Traditional area were specifically selected for the... more
The study explored the effects of students' absenteeism on student academic and school performance in Uganda. The study also assessed the effectiveness of class attendance monitoring tool; the challenges faced by the school administration... more
Los laboratorios o equipos de innovación pública constituyen un fenómeno emergente y novedoso en el territorio de las políticas públicas en la región. En este contexto, la innovación ya no es un tema ajeno a los gobiernos y servicios... more
Comparing Business Regulation in 190 Economies
Annotation: This thesis attempts to explore the relationship between the concept of "reform" and "administration" or, in particular, public administration during the financial crisis in Greece. It is well known that in Greece, as well as... more
Uno de los principales desafíos de la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible consiste en configurar un nuevo marco de gobernanza pública y una renovada arquitectura estatal que permitan promover sociedades pacíficas e inclusivas para... more
The book studies transformations of European universities in the context of globalization and Europeanization, the questioning of the foundations of the «Golden Age» of the Keynesian welfare state, public sector reforms, demographic... more
Reformar el Estado es un aspecto indispensable para garantizar el desarrollo económico y social de un país, una adecuada inserción internacional y el bienestar de todas las personas que constituyen una sociedad. En este sentido, la... more
Purpose – The purpose of this article is to explore the path towards Results-Oriented Government (ROG) by proposing a framework that can lead to achieving it into actual practice. Design/methodology/approach – The article is based on... more
The water authority in Botswana has been experiencing increasing challenges of water supply and distribution since the reform of the sector in 2009. The centralization of water supply and distribution on the Water Utilities Corporation... more
Capítulo sobre la mirada desde la sociedad civil La Agenda de Probidad y Transparencia impulsada por la Presidenta de la República Michelle Bachelet Jeria, marca un hito en la historia del sistema político de nuestro país y, sin duda –al... more
El problema principal que abarca el Federalismo Fiscal en la mayoría de los países se basa en el grado de descentralización de las tomas de decisiones, tanto impositivas como de gasto público, que existe entre los distintos niveles de... more
Institutional development is an important phenomenon for all countries in the world, both theoretically and practically. The main principle of institutionalism is to recognize the decisive influence of formal and informal institutions on... more
Inovacija je sastavni dio rada bilo koje organizacije ako želi biti konkurentna na tržištu. Međutim, kada je riječ o organizacijama iz javnog sektora, postavlja se pitanje koliko su motivirani da budu inovativni. Inovacije nameću visoke... more
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the promising potential of open data in Kazakhstan to boost public sector innovations and trace the emergence of related civic engagement initiatives in order to understand how it affects the... more
The potential of public policies and the services provided by any State are closely linked to the quality of its civil service. The ways in which the civil service is managed - in other words, the human resource planning policies,... more
Crowdsourcing is rapidly evolving and applied in situations where ideas, labour, opinion or expertise of large groups of people are used. Crowdsourcing is now used in various policy-making initiatives; however, this use has usually... more
This is a library based historical and qualitative research which reviews public administrative reforms in Afghanistan with a focus on international donors' financial assistance and the commitment of political leadership in Afghanistan.... more
This article reviews the operation of two improvement partnerships in Pakistan, where third sector organizations adopted selected state schools. The authors reflect on the lessons arising from both schemes in the light of the Institute of... more
Despite several challenges, Ukraine is moving forward relatively quickly with its governance reform efforts. Unlike other changes sparked by the Euromaidan Revolution, subnational governance restructuring has already produced real changes... more
From the end of the 1970s up to the 2000s, governments in the developed and developing countries were involved in implementing economic, social, political, cultural and legal reform programs. The first wave of public sector reforms came... more
This is a library based historical and qualitative research which reviews public administrative reforms in Afghanistan with a focus on international donors' financial assistance and the commitment of political leadership in... more
U postupku donošenja u Hrvatskom saboru su dva temeljna zakona kojima se regulira državna uprava Republike Hrvatske. Riječ je o Konačnom prijedlogu Zakona o izmjenama i dopunama Zakona o državnim službenicima te o Prijedlogu Zakona o... more
Consecutive turns in public management, in both policy and literature, provide frameworks and reforms which seem to argue for wholesale rejection of what has gone before. Some New Public Governance (NPG) advocates argue that New Public... more
The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of New Public Management (NPM) reforms/practices on innovation in public sector organizations. Although much is written on NPM, the assumption that NPM reforms stimulate organizational... more
This article aims to construct a frame for the sake of understanding why the Vatican's economic reform is so often called into question in the public space. For present purposes, the public space must be distinguished according to the... more