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In this paper we revisit the topic of how to formulate error terms for estimation problems that involve rotational state variables. We present a firstprinciples linearization approach that yields multiplicative error terms for unit-length... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAerospace EngineeringMeasurement ErrorPose Estimation
Building on our previous work on rigid analytic uniformizations, we introduce Darmon points on Jacobians of Shimura curves attached to quaternion algebras over Q and formulate conjectures about their rationality properties. Moreover, if K... more
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      Number TheoryAlgebraic GeometryPure MathematicsElliptic Curve Cryptography
This paper is the second one of a series of three and it is the continuation of [1]. We review some properties of the algebraic spinors in Cℓ 3,0 and Cℓ 0,3 and how Weyl, Pauli and Dirac spinors are constructed in Cℓ 3,0 (and Cℓ 0,3 , in... more
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      Dirac equationClifford algebraQuaternion Algebra
Currently, many six degree of freedom (6-DOF) trajectory simulations and simulations of gyroscopic motion use quaternions to define a vehicle's orientation. Of those that do, however, none take full advantage of the properties of... more
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      Degree of FreedomQuaternion Algebra
This paper presents the equations for the implementation of rotational quaternions in the geometrically exact three-dimensional beam theory. A new finite-element formulation is proposed in which the rotational quaternions are used for... more
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      EngineeringAlgebraModelingFinite element method
proposed a method that allows simultaneous computation of the rigid transformations from world frame to robot base frame and from hand frame to camera frame. Their method attempts to solve a homogeneous matrix equation of the form AX =... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringAlgebraSensitivity AnalysisMeasurement Errors
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      Pure MathematicsQuaternion Algebra
In the literature, conventional 3D inverse dynamic models are limited in three aspects related to inverse dynamic notation, body segment parameters and kinematic formalism. First, conventional notation yields separate computations of the... more
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      MathematicsAlgorithmsDentistryBiomedical Engineering
Aragona-Fernadez-Juriaans showed that a generalized holomorphic function has a power series. This is one of the ingredients use to prove the identity theorem.
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      Mathematical AnalysisPower SeriesBoolean SatisfiabilityContemporary Mathematics
Let f be a modular eigenform of even weight k ≥ 2 and new at a prime p dividing exactly the level with respect to an indefinite quaternion algebra. The theory of Fontaine-Mazur allows to attach to f a monodromy module D F M f and an... more
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      Number TheoryAlgebraic GeometryPure MathematicsStability of Functional Equation
We give an algorithm to determine a finite set of generators of the unit group of an order in a non-split classical quaternion algebra HðKÞ over an imaginary quadratic extension K of the rationals. We then apply this method to obtain a... more
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      MathematicsGroup Ring TheoryPure MathematicsNon-commutative Geometry
Let f be a modular eigenform of even weight k>0 and new at a prime p dividing exactly the level, with respect to an indefinite quaternion algebra. The theory of Fontaine-Mazur allows to attach to f a monodromy module D_FM(f) and an... more
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      Number TheoryAlgebraic GeometryStability of Functional EquationLocal Cohomology
We propose QTRU, a probabilistic and multi-dimensional public key cryptosystem based on the NTRU public key cryptosystem using quaternion algebra. QTRU encrypts four data vectors in each encryption session and the only other major... more
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      Non-commutative GeometryPublic key cryptographyMulti DimensionalQuaternion Algebra
In this paper, we considered the theory of quasideterminants and row and column determinants. We considered the application of this theory to the solving of a system of linear equations in quaternion algebra. We established correspondence... more
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      Linear EquationsQuaternion Algebra
We exhibit a closed hyperbolic 3-manifold which satisfies a very strong form of Thurston's Virtual Fibration Conjecture. In particular, this manifold has finite covers which fiber over the circle in arbitrarily many ways. More precisely,... more
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      MathematicsNumber TheoryInformation TheoryFace
We present a new classification of Clifford algebra elements. Our classification is based on the notion of quaternion type. Using this classification we develop a method for analyzing of commutators and anticommutators of Clifford algebra... more
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      MathematicsLie AlgebraPhysicsPure Mathematics
Is "Gravity" a deformation of "Electromagnetism"? Deformation theory suggests quantizing Special Relativity: formulate Quantum Information Dynamics SL(2,C)_h-gauge theory of dynamical lattices, with unifying gauge... more
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      PhysicsQuantum InformationSpecial RelativityGauge theory
In this paper, we considered the theory of quasideterminants and row and column determinants. We considered the application of this theory to the solving of a system of linear equations in quaternion algebra. We established correspondence... more
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      Linear EquationsQuaternion Algebra
We apply a study of orders in quaternion algebras, to the differential geometry of Riemann surfaces. The least length of a closed geodesic on a hyperbolic surface is called its systole, and denoted sysπ 1. P. Buser and P. Sarnak... more
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      Number TheoryDifferential GeometryPure MathematicsFuchsian group
We describe a collection of computer scripts written in PARI/GP to compute, for reflection groups determined by finite-volume polyhedra in H 3 , the commensurability invariants known as the invariant trace field and invariant quaternion... more
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      Computer ArithmeticDifferential GeometryFinite VolumeQuaternion Algebra
Abstract. It is conjectured that there exist only finitely many isomorphism classes of endomorphism algebras of abelian varieties of bounded dimension over a number field of bounded degree. We explore this conjecture when restricted to... more
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      Elliptic Curve CryptographyQuaternion Algebra
We study the group of automorphisms of Shimura curves X 0 (D, N ) attached to an Eichler order of square-free level N in an indefinite rational quaternion algebra of discriminant D > 1. We prove that, when the genus g of the curve is... more
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      Number TheoryAlgebraic GeometryPure MathematicsIndexation
In this paper we further develop the method of quaternion typification of Clifford algebra elements suggested by the author in the previous paper. On the basis of new classification of Clifford algebra elements it is possible to reveal... more
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      MathematicsPhysicsPure MathematicsQuaternion
I consider differential of mapping f of continuous division ring as linear mapping the most close to mapping f. Different expressions which correspond to known deffinition of derivative are supplementary. I explore the Gateaux derivative... more
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      Taylor SeriesDifferential equationQuaternion AlgebraHigher order
In this paper, we compare three inverse kinematic formulation methods for the serial industrial robot manipulators. All formulation methods are based on screw theory. Screw theory is an effective way to establish a global description of... more
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      MathematicsInverse ProblemsInverse KinematicsIndustrial Robots
Single-case, longitudinal studies of the threedimensional vestibulo-ocular response (VOR) were conducted with two spaceflight subjects over a 180-day mission. For reference, a control study was performed in the laboratory with 13 healthy... more
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      Space flightMovementEye MovementsOscillations
The method for processing perturbed Keplerian systems known today as the linearization was already known in the XVIII th century; Laplace seems to be the first to have codified it. We reorganize the classical material around the Theorem... more
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      Applied MathematicsMatrix TheoryPort Hamiltonian systemQuaternion Algebra
In [8] we constructed pairs of units u, v in Z-orders of a quaternion algebra over Q(√ −d), d ≡ 7 (mod 8) positive and square free, such that u n , v n is free for some n ∈ N. Here we extend this result to any imaginary quadratic... more
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      AlgebraGroup Ring TheoryPure MathematicsFree Group
We propose an algebraic framework for studying coherent space-time codes, based on arithmetic lattices on central simple algebras. For two transmit antennas, this algebra is called a quaternion algebra. For this reason, we call these... more
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      AlgebraArithmeticQuaternion Algebra
Representations of two bridge knot groups in the isometry group of some complete Riemannian 3-manifolds as $E^{3}$ (Euclidean 3-space), $H^{3}$ (hyperbolic 3-space) and $ E^{2,1}$ (Minkowski 3-space), using quaternion algebra theory, are... more
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      Pure MathematicsRepresentation TheoryRepresentationSpace Use
In the context of the integration over algebras introduced in a previous paper, we obtain several results for a particular class of associative algebras with identity. The algebras of this class are called self-conjugated, and they... more
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      Associative AlgebraBoundary ConditionQuaternion Algebra
We introduce and investigate the topological algebra of Colombeau Generalized quaternions, H. This is an important object to study if one wants to build the algebraic theory of Colombeau generalized numbers. We classify the dense ideals... more
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      Mathematical AnalysisPower SeriesBoolean SatisfiabilityContemporary Mathematics
The basics on the arithmetic on quaternion algebras is introduced: (maximal) orders, (principal) ideals, (reduced) norm/discriminant, ideal classes, etc.
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    • Quaternion Algebra
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      MathematicsPure MathematicsQuaternion Algebra
We present a new classification of Clifford algebra elements. Our classification is based on the notion of quaternion type. Using this classification we develop a method for analyzing commutators and anticommutators of Clifford algebra... more
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      MathematicsLie AlgebraPhysicsPure Mathematics
In this paper, we considered the theory of quasideterminants and row and column determinants. We considered the application of this theory to the solving of a system of linear equations in quaternion algebra. We established correspondence... more
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      MathematicsLinear EquationsQuaternion Algebra
We give a simplified and a direct proof of a special case of Ratner's theorem on closures and uniform distribution of individual orbits of unipotent flows; namely, the case of orbits of the diagonally embedded unipotent subgroup acting on... more
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      Number TheoryRepresentation TheoryLocally Compact GroupsQuaternion Algebra
Consider a semigroup generated by matrices associated with an edge-coloring of a strongly connected, aperiodic digraph. We call the semigroup Lie-solvable if the Lie algebra generated by its elements is solvable. We show that if the... more
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      Lie AlgebraPure MathematicsEdge ColoringQuaternion Algebra
We introduce a new equivalence relation for complete algebraic varieties with canonical singularities, generated by birational equivalence, by flat algebraic deformations (of varieties with canonical singularities), and by quasi-étale... more
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      Algebraic GeometryDifferential GeometryPure MathematicsAlgebraic Variety
Is "Gravity" a deformation of "Electromagnetism"? G N m 2 e k C e 2 ≈ 10 −54 ↔ e −1/α ≈ 10 −59. Thus "Gravity" emerges already "quantum", in the discrete framework of QID, based on the quantized complex harmonic oscillator: the quantized... more
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      Quantum InformationSpecial RelativityGauge theoryFine Structure Constant
We obtain an arithmetic expression of the Selberg zeta function for cocompact Fuchsian group defined via an indefinite division quaternion algebra over Q. As application to the prime geodesic theorem, we prove certain uniformity of the... more
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      Algebraic Number TheoryFuchsian groupQuaternion AlgebraAnalysis on Manifolds
In this study, 3-D Lattice Solid Model (LSMearth or LSM) was extended by introducing particle-scale rotation. In the new model, for each 3-D particle, we introduce six degrees of freedom: Three for translational motion, and three for... more
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      GeophysicsFractureMolecular DynamicsSimulation
In this study, 3-D Lattice Solid Model (LSMearth or LSM) was extended by introducing particle-scale rotation. In the new model, for each 3-D particle, we introduce six degrees of freedom: Three for translational motion, and three for... more
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      GeophysicsFractureMolecular DynamicsSimulation
Chiral tetrahedral molecules can be dealt under the standard of quaternionic algebra.
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      Quantum ChemistryParticle PhysicsTHEORETICAL AND COMPUTATIONAL CHEMISTRYQuaternion Algebra
A new direct relativistic four-component Kramers-restricted multiconfiguration self-consistent-field ͑KR-MCSCF͒ code for molecules has been implemented. The program is based upon Kramers-paired spinors and a full implementation of the... more
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      EngineeringChemical PhysicsPhysical sciencesCHEMICAL SCIENCES
The quadratic and cubic arithmetic geometric means (AGMs) are known to be parametrized by Jacobian and bidimensional theta series respectively. We suggest an approach based on codes of length L over an alphabet of size s to parametrize... more
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      Pure MathematicsEJCHamming weightQuaternion Algebra
We give a simplified and a direct proof of a special case of Ratner's theorem on closures and uniform distribution of individual orbits of unipotent flows; namely, the case of orbits of the diagonally embedded unipotent subgroup... more
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      MathematicsNumber TheoryRepresentation TheoryLocally Compact Groups
In this paper, we analyze the performance of an Algebraic Space Time Codes (ASTC), called the Golden code. Due to its Algebraic construction based on Quaternionic algebra, the code has a full rate, full diversity, non-vanishing constant... more
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      AlgebraComputer ScienceLeast squares estimationChannel Estimation
In this paper we present a singularity free trajectory tracking method for the cooperative working of multi-arm robot manipulators. It is based on an inverse kinematic transformation which determines the manipulator's joint angles... more
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      MathematicsAlgebraKinematicsInverse Kinematics
We propose QTRU, a probabilistic and multi-dimensional public key cryptosystem based on the NTRU public key cryptosystem using quaternion algebra. QTRU encrypts four data vectors in each encryption session and the only other major... more
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      Non-commutative GeometryPublic key cryptographyMulti DimensionalQuaternion Algebra