Removal Efficiency
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Recent papers in Removal Efficiency
The overall goal of this work was to determine the effect of mixing the filter media of a compost biofilter on H 2 S removal efficiency. The behavior of important operational factors such as moisture of filter media, pressure drop and... more
The physico-chemical characteristics of granulated sludge lead us to develop its use as a packing material in air biofiltration. Then, the aim of this study is to investigate the potential of unit systems packed with this support in terms... more
Screening level risk assessment models are used by many countries to assess the treatability of organic chemicals during the sewage treatment process, especially those that are new to commerce. The performance of one such model, the... more
Electro-coagulation (EC) is becoming a popular proc ess to be used for industrial wastewater treatment. In the present study, a laboratory scale electro-coagu lation (EC) process was utilized to treat the texti le wastewater in order to... more
Experimental investigations were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of a retention treatment basin (RTB) with polymer coagulation for the treatment of combined sewer overflows (CSO) at high hydraulic loading rates. The TSS removal... more
Comparative study of the artificial neural network and mechanistic model was carried out for NO removal in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor. The effects of temperature, superficial gas velocity and ammonia/nitric oxide ratio on the NO... more
The present study demonstrates the occurrence of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in surface water from the Mankyung River, South Korea. Samples collected at 5 Sites along the Mankyung River were assayed using a liquid... more
Hydrated lime is normally used as SO sorbent in spray dry scrubbers, whereas limestone is considered unreactive under conditions prevailing in such a system. However, limestone is more easily available and several times cheaper than... more
Centralized wastewater treatment systems require sophisticated technologies and skilled manpower for their operation and maintenance (O&M). These systems have huge construction as well as O&M costs. Therefore, a Decentralized Wastewater... more
Eight pharmaceuticals, two polycyclic musk fragrances and nine endocrine disrupting chemicals were analysed in several waste water treatment plants (WWTPs). A membrane bioreactor in pilot scale was operated at different solid retention... more
When fish are recovered from ponds, the effluent is often drained, presenting both an environmental challenge and an agricultural opportunity. The effects of irrigation with pond effluent and its interaction with applied fertilizer were... more
Electro-coagulation (EC) is becoming a popular proc ess to be used for industrial wastewater treatment. In the present study, a laboratory scale electro-coagu lation (EC) process was utilized to treat the texti le wastewater in order to... more
Methyl parathion (MeP) is a very hazardous pesticide freely used in agriculture in Mexico. This pesticide and others, arriving through different processes, exert significant effects on water quality with serious consequences for... more
The current theory of electrocoagulation has not been able to explain all the phenomena associated with the process, among others the differences in COD removal efficiency in differing wastewaters. In this paper, we discuss the facts... more
Productivity in a CHO perfusion culture reactor was maximized when pCO2 was maintained in the range of 30-76 mm Hg. Higher levels of pCO2 (> 105 mm Hg) resulted in CHO cell growth inhibition and dramatic reduction in productivity. We... more
The aim of the study was to evaluate the behaviour of mercury in the cement clinker production process. Simultaneous measurements of mercury in all important materials and gas streams were performed in three sampling periods on about 300... more
This paper aims to be a quick reference guide to start-up decentralized membrane bioreactors (MBRs). The first part of this study focuses on the impact of different operational parameters on the start-up of decentralized MBRs, which can... more
The aim of study is to investigate the effect of current density and stirring speed in the treatment of poultry slaughterhouse wastewater (PSW) using electrocoagulation with aluminum electrodes. In the experiments, initial pH and current... more
A potential laser etching method has been investigated and implemented in decapsulating wafer level chip size package (WLCSP). A chemically and physically clean surface could be obtained and lead to successful solder reflowing. Firstly,... more
The present study was conducted to investigate the chromium(VI), COD and sulphate removal efficiency from aqueous solution and treatment of real effluent (CETP) in a small scale bioreactor using sulphate reducing bacteria consortium.... more
Nutrient removal is essential for aquaculture wastewater treatment to protect receiving waters from eutrophication and for potential reuse of the treated water. A pilot-scale wastewater treatment system consisting of a free water surface... more
In order to investigate the effect of temperature, hydraulic residence time (HRT), vegetation type and porous media material and grain size on the performance of horizontal subsurface flow (HSF) constructed wetlands treating wastewater,... more
This paper aims to study fundamentally the impacts of membrane properties on the reactive dye removal from dye/salt mixtures by nanofiltration membranes. To begin with, two types of nanofiltration membranes of similar pore size, namely... more
Water soluble chitosan, dissolved in hot deionized water to obtain 0.8% solution, was used for the coagulation-flocculation of skim natural rubber latex. The efficiency of coagulation-flocculation of skim rubber latex without pH... more
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A continuous injection experiment was implemented in a pilot-scale horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland system to evaluate the behavior of four pharmaceuticals and personal care products (i.e. ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenac and... more
Low cost bentonite clay was chemically modified using magnesium chloride in order to enhance its fluoride removal capacity. The magnesium incorporated bentonite (MB) was characterized by using XRD and SEM techniques. Batch adsorption... more
We demonstrate the ability of non-thermal plasma to promote blood coagulation and tissue sterilization in under 15 seconds of treatment. We demonstrate no gross (visible) or microscopic damage to tissue in as much as 5 minutes of plasma... more
An installation containing a DC negative corona discharge reactor, a pulse corona discharge reactor and a combined electron beam and microwave induced plasma reactor is presented. SO 2 is removed up to 42% through spontaneous reaction... more
In order to ensure a stable and reliable operation of municipal MBR plants, an enhanced mechanical pretreatment of the raw wastewater is essential. Removal of hair, fibrous material and other contraries which can lead to operational... more
Spent liquor from washing of aluminum section materials after etching with caustic soda (NaOH) has been treated. Aluminum was removed from the liquor and caustic soda was regenerated by: (a) adding precipitating agents to hydrolyze sodium... more
Alexandria Sanitary Drainage Company (ASDCO), Alexandria, Egypt has two primary treatment plants, the eastern and the western wastewater treatment plants (EWTP and WWTP) that receive mixed domesticindustrial influents and discharge into... more
Five fluidized bed incinerators combusting municipal solid waste were assessed for the impact of coplanar PCBs on total TEQ emission. In 17 stack measurements, the coplanar PCBs contributed on average less than 3% to total TEQ with a... more
Abstract}This study was conducted to investigate the performance of the upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor treating leachate from acidogenic fermenter in the two-phase anaerobic digestion of food waste. The chemical oxygen... more
Two pilot-scale trickling filters were constructed and tested for manganese removal from potable water, using different fractions of silicic gravel as support media (mono-and multilayer filter). Manganese oxidation in drinking water was... more
Reverse osmosis (RO) reject recovery from the water reclamation process was demonstrated feasible using an integrated pretreatment scheme followed by the Capacitive Deionization (CDI) process. The RO reject had an average total dissolved... more
An azo dye, acid orange 7 (AO7), was selected to study the role of Phragmites australis (P. australis) peroxidases (POD) activity in its degradation in a vertical flow constructed wetland (VFCW). Crude plant extract was found to degrade... more
Ponds Hybrid natural systems PPCP Enantiomeric ratio a b s t r a c t This study assessed the ability to remove pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) of three different full-scale hybrid pond-constructed wetlands and a... more
Microbial monitoring was conducted over a period of more than 1 year at three full-scale riverbank filtration (RBF) facilities, located in the United States along the Ohio, Missouri, and Wabash Rivers. Results of this study demonstrated... more
The recently imposed maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 10 mg/L for arsenic has necessitated many water providers to implement efficient treatment systems to reduce the arsenic content in potable water supplies across the United States. A... more