Recent papers in Remunicipalisation
ÖZ Bu çalışmada suyun metalaşması süreci analiz edilmekte; suyun metalaşması sürecinde yerel yönetimlerin ikili rolüne değinilerek su hakkı mücadelelerinin yeniden belediyeleştirme talepleri ele alınmakta; su hakkı mücadelelerinde bir... more
This dissertation examines two urban social movements – in Berlin and Minneapolis - that ran campaigns for democratically run, public, municipal scale energy utilities. These movements are early attempts to bring movement-based... more
The built environment in Egypt has long vexed the country’s citizens who continue to face the challenges of accessing safe transportation, clean water, and affordable housing primarily through self-reliance in the absence of strong... more
El presente artículo ha sido desarrollado en el marco del proyecto de investigación PROTO_LOCAL cuyo objetivo es analizar distintas políticas destacadas de los nuevos gobiernos locales surgidos de candidaturas ciudadanas o municipalistas... more
The remunicipalization of Parisian water services: new challenges for local authorities and policy implications Joyce Valdovinos* Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3, Paris, France (Received 23 January 2011; final version received 22... more
This paper proposes Critical Legal Engineering [CLE] as a new methodology for legal-geographic action research. While legal geography is on the rise, geographers rarely participate in legal or judicial process, and when they do – for... more
Resumen: El escenario de los últimos años en materia de gestión urbana del agua, nos muestra la existencia de una tensión entre un modelo de gestión de expertos que basa sus decisiones en prioridades de eficiencia económica, dejando de... more
Resumen. En el contexto social y político catalán surgido tras el estallido de la crisis de finales de 2008, el debate sobre la gestión del agua ha ido tomando relevancia pública hasta el punto de ser parte central en los programas... more
Remunicypalizacja dotyczy usług publicznych, w szczególności tych o charakterze technicznym (np. dostarczanie wody, energii, gazu, transport), ale może dotyczyć również usług społecznych (np. edukacja, opieka zdrowotna, usługi rynku... more
En el contexto social y político catalán surgido tras el estallido de la crisis de finales de 2008, el debate sobre la gestión del agua ha ido tomando relevancia pública hasta el punto de ser parte central en los programas políticos que... more
Kamusal hizmetlerin özelleştirilmesi ile birlikte fiyatlarda görülen yüksek artışlar, iş koşullarının kötüleşmesi, altyapı yatırımlarının gerçekleşmemesi, şirketlerin adil kaynak yönetimi ve eşit hizmet yerine kâr elde etmeye odaklanması... more
The 2008 economic and political crisis produced a favourable opportunity structure for the emergence of new and innovative left-wing political projects and trade union strategies in Spain, especially in relation to remunicipalisation... more
During the Water War in 2000, residents of Cochabamba, Bolivia, famously mobilized against water privatization and gained back public control of the city’s water utility. Nearly two decades later, the water movement’s vision of democratic... more
State-owned Enterprises and Alternatives to the Polarized Development in a Global Economy in Crisis
02 September 2014
Montevideo, Uruguay
ANTEL, II Seminario de Empresas Públicas
02 September 2014
Montevideo, Uruguay
ANTEL, II Seminario de Empresas Públicas