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In a world faced with accelerating climate change, economic instability and resource limits, it is urgent to find better indicators of progress towards sustainability. The available indicators mostly succeed at measuring unsustainable... more
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      Climate ChangeBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesResource Limitation
Power law cumulative frequency (P) vs. event size (l) distributions P (≥ l) ∼ l −α are frequently cited as evidence for complexity and serve as a starting point for linking theoretical models and mechanisms with observed data. Systems... more
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      EngineeringMathematicsPhysicsInformation Theory
Rhamnus alaternus L. is a dioecious, fleshy-fruited shrub, typical of Mediterranean vegetation, which has been recorded from the region since the tropical Tertiary. Reproductive biology of this species has been studied in Southern Italy... more
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      Plant BiologyReproductive BiologyResource LimitationLaboratory experiment
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      BiologyAnimal ProductionSeasonalitySouth Africa
This research describes the formalization of statements of the form fact f is irrelevant to fact g given theory M. We motivate the need for representing and reasoning with such statements in problem-solving systems, and outline the... more
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      Experience DesignData InterpretationResource Limitation
Purpose: This communication reports skeletal pathology in a Pleistocene endemic deer from the Mavromouri caves of Crete. Materials: 287 bones and bone fragments from Mavromouri caves are compared to 2986 bones from Liko Cave. Methods:... more
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      Island StudiesMetabolic diseasesCreteResource Limitation
resulting in a pass rate of 51%. Scores ranged from 34.8% to 70.5%. Overall, 80% of students considered the OSCE to be a more objective clinical assessment tool, most appreciated the time-efficiency of the process, and all respondents... more
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      PharmacologyEducationMedical EducationUganda
Trade-offs between acquisition capacities for aboveground and belowground resources were investigated by studying the phenotypic plasticity of leaf and root traits in response to different irradiance levels at low nutrient supply. Two... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsPlant BiologyEcology
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      RoutingRouting algorithmEnergy HarvestingResource Limitation
Background Radiological imaging is paramount for defining the genitourinary fistulae commonly associated with anorectal malformations prior to definitive surgery. The imaging options are resource-limited in many parts of the world.... more
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      Resource AllocationResource LimitationPediatric radiologyInfant
Although weed research in maize has broadened from an emphasis on herbicide technology to include studies of weed± maize competition, many studies only consider competition descriptively (e.g. de®ning the critical period for weed... more
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      Soil moistureMaizeField CropsResource Limitation
Cassava or manioc (Manihot esculenta Crantz), a perennial shrub of the New World, currently is the sixth world food crop for more than 500 million people in tropical and sub-tropical Africa, Asia and Latin America. It is cultivated mainly... more
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      GeneticsPhotosynthesisPlant BiologyPlant Molecular Biology
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      Optimal ControlPopulation DynamicsBiological SciencesSouth Africa
P < 0.05). Surprisingly, few micronutrient deficiencies were found, except for low serum levels of vitamin A (44% of patients). Conclusion. Acute malnutrition, superimposed on chronic malnutrition, is common in patients with Wilms tumour... more
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      AnthropometryDeveloping CountriesComorbidityMicronutrients
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is an emerging technology that shows great assure for various futuristic applications both for public and military. Many researchers tried to develop further cost and energy efficient computing devices and... more
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      Sensor Network SecurityWireless Sensor Network SecuritySmart HomeResource Limitation
Introduction: Identification of yeast isolated from clinical specimens to the species level has become increasingly important. Ever-increasing numbers of immuno-suppressed patients, a widening range of recognized pathogens, and the... more
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    • Resource Limitation
The extant population of Hawaiian monk seal (Monachus schauinslandi) numbers around 1,00 distributed among six island atolls in the remote Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI) and at several small, emerging colonies on the Main Hawaiian... more
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      MultidisciplinaryResource LimitationProximity EffectHawaiian Islands
Areas permanently cultivated under DMC systems (Direct seeding mulch-based cropping systems, which are part of the family of practices known as Conservation Agriculture) have increased remarkably in Latin America over recent decades,... more
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      EngineeringParticipatory ResearchNatural Resource ManagementComplex System
Permanent hearing loss is a leading global health care burden, with 1 in 10 people affected to a mild or greater degree. A shortage of trained healthcare professionals and associated infrastructure and resource limitations mean that... more
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      AudiologyHealth CareGlobal HealthTelemedicine
Advances in material growth techniques have recently made large volume LaBr 3 :Ce crystals commercially available. These scintillators are currently being assessed by ESA for use as remote sensing gamma-ray spectrometers on future... more
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      Remote SensingAlternative EnergyX RaysResource Limitation
The Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority piloted the use of Minilab kits, a thin-layer-chromatographic based drug quality testing technique, in a two-tier quality assurance program. The program is intended to improve testing capacity with... more
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      Program EvaluationService QualityHealth PolicyTanzania
Maternal mortality from postpartum hemorrhage remains high globally, in large part because women give birth in rural communities where unskilled (traditional birth attendants) provide care for delivering mothers. Traditional attendants... more
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      NursingMaternal MortalityResource LimitationNursing Studies
The extant population of Hawaiian monk seal (Monachus schauinslandi) numbers around 1,00 distributed among six island atolls in the remote Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI) and at several small, emerging colonies on the Main Hawaiian... more
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      BiologyMultidisciplinaryResource LimitationProximity Effect
This review reports on why is there still rabies in the world?-an emerging microbial and global health threat. Rabies remains an important public health issue in the world. While rabies has been controlled throughout most of the developed... more
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      Global HealthPublic HealthLatin AmericaDeveloping Country
Adaptive radiations are an important source of biodiversity, but resolving which ecological pressures seed these processes in natural systems remains difficult. Here the adaptive radiation among Telmatherina , a genus of freshwater fish... more
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      GeographyIndonesiaDietMolecular Ecology
This article presents the results of a survey sent to Evaluation Use Topical Interest Group (TIG) members for the purpose of ascertaining their perceptions about and experiences with evaluation use. Fifty-four percent (n = 282) of the 530... more
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      Decision MakingAction ResearchOrganizational LearningBusiness and Management
Project Arable Biomass Renewable Energy (ARBRE) was a 'flagship' project in the UK to demonstrate electricity generation from dedicated energy crops, employing the high efficiency of gasification combined cycle technology while also... more
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      Renewable EnergyEnergy PolicyWaste ManagementMultidisciplinary
This paper uses empirical field research to examine whether short-term best practice interventions (BPIs) can lead to improvements that are sustained in the long term. In addition, this research investigates the implied conflict between... more
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      EngineeringOperations ManagementCritical MassMathematical Sciences
The security of operating systems is a main concern for all computer users and programmers. Operating system developers have addressed this concern in different ways, resulting in a number of security improvements for existing operating... more
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      OPERATING SYSTEMCase StudyResource LimitationEase of Use
This review paper first discusses the needs for fundamental changes in the energy system for major efficiency improvements in terms of global resource limitation and sustainable development. Major improvement in energy efficiency of... more
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      EngineeringSustainable DevelopmentEnergy ConsumptionHigh Energy Density Physics
6 Abstract: This review reports on why is there still rabies in the world?-an emerging microbial and global health threat. Rabies remains an important public health issue in the world. While rabies has been controlled throughout most of... more
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      Global HealthPublic HealthLatin AmericaDeveloping Country
HIV/AIDS and food insecurity are two of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in sub-Saharan Africa, with each heightening the vulnerability to, and worsening the severity of, the other. Less research has focused on the social... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyInternational organizationsStigma
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      Educational MeasurementProgram DevelopmentComputer SimulationProfessional Learning
Introduction: The WHO clinical guidelines for HIV/AIDS are widely used in resource limited settings to represent the gold standard of CD4 counts for antiviral therapy initiation. The utility of the WHO-defined stage 1 and 2 clinical... more
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published by Oxford University Press in 1983, and Indonesian Marine Capture Fisheries, a 1987 ICLARM publication which he co-authored with two Indonesian colleagues. His primary research interests are in the political economy of... more
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      SociologyPolitical EconomyApplied EconomicsThird World
The Gouldian Finch (Erythrura gouldiae) has experienced significant decline in population and the extent of its range over the past 40 years, which has generally been attributed to the availability of suitable foraging habitat. Less... more
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      Conservation BiologyConservationEcologyHabitat Suitability
This study explores global energy demand, and hydrogen&#x27;s role, over the 21st century. It considers four illustrative cases: a high (1000EJ) and a low (300EJ) energy future, and for each of these conditions, a high (80%) and low (20%)... more
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      EngineeringClimate ChangePeak OilEnergy demand
Patterns of mangrove vegetation in two distinct basins of Florida Coastal Everglades (FCE), Shark River estuary and Taylor River Slough, represent unique opportunities to test hypotheses that root dynamics respond to gradients of... more
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      Biological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesEcosystemsResource Limitation
Background: As in other resource limited settings, the Ministry of Health in Zambia is challenged to make affordable and acceptable PMTCT interventions accessible and available. With a 14.3% HIV prevalence, the MOH estimates over one... more
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Quinine remains an important anti-malarial drug almost 400 years after its effectiveness was first documented. However, its continued use is challenged by its poor tolerability, poor compliance with complex dosing regimens, and the... more
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      Medical MicrobiologyMalariaTreatment OutcomeTuberculosis
This paper examines the integration of computational complexity into game theoretic models. The example focused on is the Prisoner’s Dilemma, repeated for a finite length of time. We show that a minimal bound on the players’ computational... more
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      Game TheoryComputational ComplexityArtificial IntelligentResource Limitation
Since the first cases of infant HIV infection were described in the early 1980s, significant progress has been made in our understanding of risk factors for mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of HIV as well as effective interventions to... more
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      Global HealthPregnancyUnited StatesResource Limitation
This study assessed the performance of a rapid, low-cost, colorimetric method, the resazurin microtitre assay (REMA) plate method, for the detection of resistance to isoniazid and rifampicin in 136 clinical isolates of Mycobacterium... more
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      ColorimetryMedical MicrobiologyBiological SciencesMycobacterium tuberculosis
Ultrasound has great potential as an imaging technology in resource-limited environments. We present a novel tele-ultrasound approach designed to realize that potential by connecting a remote technician to a radiologist. Our preliminary... more
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      AlgorithmsOpen Source SoftwareUltrasoundComputer Systems
6 Abstract: This review reports on why is there still rabies in the world?-an emerging microbial and global health threat. Rabies remains an important public health issue in the world. While rabies has been controlled throughout most of... more
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      Global HealthPublic HealthLatin AmericaDeveloping Country
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceOrganizational ChangeDecision Making
The problem of optimal policy formulation for teams of resource-limited agents in stochastic environments is composed of two strongly-coupled subproblems: a resource allocation problem and a policy optimization problem. We show how to... more
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      Markov Decision ProcessOptimization ProblemSocial WelfareResource Limitation
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      EngineeringGeneticsCognitive ScienceComputer Science
Browse plants play an important role in providing fodder for ruminants in most parts of the World. However, the presence of tannins and other phenolic compounds in a large number of these feed resources limits their utilization as animal... more
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      Animal ProductionResource LimitationNitrogenPhenolic compound
Background: Although clinical audit is an important instrument for quality care improvement, the concept has not yet been adequately taken on board in rural settings in most resource limited countries where the problem of maternal... more
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      NursingTanzaniaMaternal MortalityPregnancy