Rural Lordship
Recent papers in Rural Lordship
An Article in Scandinavian Journal of History (2013), pp. 273-295.
Rural lordship is one of the classic medieval themes of recent decades, but its specific developments of the late Middle Ages have long been neglected by research, especially engaged in considering other processes in these centuries, such... more
Il tema dell'aristocrazia territoriale e del suo ruolo nella costituzione del ducato visconteo-sforzesco è stato marginalizzato dalla storiografia politico-istituzionale in favore di un paradigma interpretativo centrato su un modello di... more
In February 2009, in anticipation of the construction of a detached house, the Inrap undertook an excavation on the outskirts of a Higher Middle-Ages settlement. The findings, of variable states of preservation, consist of incurved... more
The focus of this essay are the scutiferi and the masnadieri, a category which included armed men on horseback who were of humble origins but became clearly separated from the simple rustici through military practice, closeness to the... more
La gran expansión territorial sobre el Islam protagonizada por Alfonso I el Batallador quedó completada, en lo que a la definitiva configuración territorial de Aragón se refiere, durante los reinados de Alfonso II (1162-1196) y Pedro... more
Au milieu du VIIe siècle, Remacle fonde l’abbaye de Stavelot-Malmedy en Ardenne. Liée aux Pippinides et développant le culte de son saint fondateur, cette institution est pourvue richement en hommes et en terres. L’ouvrage suit... more
In his thesis about Catalonia, Pierre Bonnassie highlighted the widespread use of hydraulic energy from streams. During 10 th and 11 th centuries many peasants were involved in building themselves a lot of small mills that they shared in... more
Comment mesurer le degré d'adhésion des sujets de la seigneurie rurale, et surtout des serfs, au système qui organisait leur propre exploitation ? On s'intéresse ici au contexte qui voit naître des formes honorables de la dépendance... more
En la seva tesi, Pierre Bonnassie destacava la generalitzacio de l’aprofitament de l’energia hidraulica de les rieres catalanes. Als segles x i xi molts pagesos emprengueren la tasca de construir ells mateixos, de manera associada,... more
The essay focuses on the origin and the content of the Mandelli’s lordship in Piovera, castrum on the Tanaro, in Pavia countryside, that in the 14th-15th centuries was provided with strategic importance because of its position between the... more
Download: The paper aims to examine the dominatus of the Fogliano family, one of the most important lordships in the countryside of Reggio emilia. Articulated around the many... more
In Late-Medieval Lombardy, social, economic and institutional changes weakened seigniorial control over tithes; rural lords were often replaced by new players (i.e. rural communities, urban aristocracy). In this essay, I will first... more