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Recent papers in SPQR
The present paper deals with the diversity between the crafts of painting and shield making, which overlapped in terms and final products. The paper follows the question of the emergence of armorial signs and the craft of shield-makers.... more
Fino al secolo scorso l'Adige, privo di argini e sovralimentato dal Noce era soggetto a continue inodazioni e proprio la loro frequenza costringeva il viaggiatore a prendere la via alternativa per permettere di evitare gli impaludamenti... more
Review of Mary Beard's SPQR - Povijest starog Rima (Školska knjiga, 2018)
Recenzió: Mary Beard, SPQR. Az ókori Róma története, Kossuth Kiadó, Budapest, 2018.
A lo largo de los siglos Roma se ha constituido como un mito, un referente al que han acudido todos los poderes hegemónicos –o que aspiraban a serlo– de cada periodo histórico. El ideal romano se ha configurado como paradigma de potestas... more
The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit, UNCED), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, held 3rd-14th June 1992, launched the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) which... more
This study stresses the necessity to separate the notion of dynasty from that of monarchy for speaking of the succession of Augustus. The concern of Augustus was not to hide his will to establish a dynasty but to achieve it in a... more
Cette contribution s’intéresse aux grands individus qui, de Marius et Sylla à Octavien-Auguste, ont marqué l’histoire des guerres civiles de la fin de la République, et traite en particulier des rapports que ces chefs militaires... more
The Augustan principate has many elements of a monarchical system. However, this does not allow to question the reality of the Augustan restoration and to emphasize the ambiguity of the regime. The hypotheses such as “monarchy with... more
Rûm, Martolos, Voynuk terimlerinin açıklanmasına dair
The well-known classical abbreviation SPQR has acquired many spurious expansions over the centuries. One version popular with resentful locals in the early nineteenth century was soli preti qui rregneno, or “only priests reign here” in... more