Saddam Hussein
Recent papers in Saddam Hussein
Oil corruption in Iraqi Kurdistan arose from US/UK and Turkish patronage systems and clientalism. This investigative paper examines how IOCs and other businesses began preparing the ground in northern Iraq to benefit themselves long... more
The formation of the «Arabian Axis» in the number of state coalition opposing the aggression of Saddam Hussein in Kuwait (1990-1991) is regarded in the article. Research methodology is based on the principles of four types of scientific... more
Author: Joseph S. Nye
Date: Mar. 11, 2013
9/11, Civilian Casualties, Costs of War, Iraq War, September 11th Attacks, U.S. War On Terror, War On Terror, Saddam Hussein, George W. Bush, Terrorism
Author: Joseph S. Nye
Date: Mar. 11, 2013
9/11, Civilian Casualties, Costs of War, Iraq War, September 11th Attacks, U.S. War On Terror, War On Terror, Saddam Hussein, George W. Bush, Terrorism
These are the slides and script for the NAVA 55 presentation.
This book drews theoretical and literary lessons from classical Arabic rhetoric, contextual studies, and modern literary criticism.
The 2003 invasion of Iraq by the United States yielded no evidence to Saddam's possession of weapons of mass destruction. This paper aims to analyze the intelligence utilized by the U.S. Bush Administration to justify the invasion of... more
Scholarly literature highlights the systematic actions taken in the modern Middle East to destroy the Kurdish language. With a primary focus on Turkey, scholars have described this process as a policy of linguicide, or language genocide,... more
Since June 2014 the Chaldean Catholic Church has faced an existential crisis. The recent attacks of the terrorist forces of the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant have resulted in increasing levels of persecution and forced... more
Publisher: BBC News Date: 2004 Bush Doctrine, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Fascism, George W. Bush, Iraq War, National Security State,... more
Discuss the causes and consequences of "Operation Desert Storm" in 1990/91. "Operation Desert Storm" was one of the few modern wars with a high degree of systemic legitimation-backed by the UN, NATO, Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states... more
Since its inception as a modern nation state, Iraq has experienced a variety of more or less autocratic rulers who impeded the evolution of democratic institutions. This article joins other works that aim at recovering a legacy of... more
Daesh/ISIS drive to occupy Kurdistan of Iraq and beyond
"A three-volume encyclopedia, the first of its kind, including more than 300 entries on methods, debates, processes and concepts of transitional justice and country studies. This huge encyclopedia, with more than 300 entries by... more
Saddam Hussein practiced many of the principles of Machiavelli, including ruthlessness, manipulation of his citizens, expansionism, militarism, and crushing his enemies. This paper explores those themes in light of Saddam's historical... more
From the formation of the Iraqi modern state by the British in the 1920s, the US-backed overthrow of the revolutionary regime in 1963, the Gulf war, and the sanctions in the 1990s to the US-led invasion and occupation of Iraq in 2003,... more
Sadece coğrafya olarak değil, siyasi olarak da genişliği olan, pek çok bilinemezlerin, karmaşık ilişkilerin, sorunların ve çatışmaların, ihanetlerin ve dostlukların, birleşme adına yapılan ayrışmaların, homojen zannedilen heterojenliğin,... more
Daniel chapter 11 gives characteristics of the world leaders mostly during the Greek empire, and transitions to the Roman empire, as two rival powers: the king of the north, and the king of the south. The last king of the north is... more
This paper examines the systematic efforts to dismantle or destroy the symbolic dimension of the Baathist regime in Iraq since 2003. It argues that while the Baath were undeniably cruel and oppressive, they did undertake one of the... more
Faculté des sciences économiques, sociales, politiques et de communication (ESPO) Ecole des Sciences Politiques et Sociales (PSAD)
Long before dragons were busy being the best things in Game of Thrones, the world has been telling tales about them. And guess what: they don't all end in monsters being slain and maidens being rescued. In Iran, for instance, a dragon is... more
Irak Türkmenleri denildiği zaman hafızamızda ilk olarak Kerkük ve Musul canlanır. Fakat Osmanlı İmparatorluğunun dağılmasından sonra maalesef Türkler için hüznün ve acının adeta merkezi haline gelmiştir. Bu acılar dokunaklı bir şekilde... more
Since the Middle Ages, Saladin has been one of the most influential figures of historical memory in Eurasia. He was used as a symbol of the noble enemy, of war with the West and Israel, and of peace. In various incarnations he was also a... more
A dieci anni dall’inizio della guerra in Iraq, ripensando allo sterminato repertorio iconografico che essa ha prodotto, si può affermare che le immagini non ufficiali, anzi censurate e non autorizzate nate all’interno della prigione di... more
A top model 4WD Land Cruiser speeds down an unmade road past low-level, breeze block houses and crumbling baked clay hovels. It pulls up with a screech of brakes in front of a new house constructed of marble cladding. The house is set... more
This paper focuses on the impact of the war and subsequent occupation (2003–2011) on Iraq’s heritage, documenting the most significant and devastating instances of heritage damage and destruction that occurred. Moving forward, this... more
This article explores the nationalist ideologies in Iraq from the end of the Ottoman era to the fall of the Ba’ath regime in 2003, with emphasis on how Iraq’s past, especially ancient Mesopotamia, was used by various Iraqi regimes to... more
Irak'ın Kuveyt'e müdahalesiyle başlayan süreç Abd öncülüğünde koalisyon güçlerinin Irak savunma ve stratejik hedeflerini askeri yöntemlerle tasfiyesine sebep olmuştu. Bu evrenin bir uzantısı olan Irak Kürtleri ile Irak Merkezi yönetimi... more
Now that Saddam Husayn’s rule over Iraq has ended, there is time to revisit the dominant scholarly paradigms for interpreting this particular period within the broader history of Iraq in the twentieth century. How do we make sense of the... more
Identity in the focus of proclaimed politics: Yesterday Nebuchadnezzar, today Saddam Hussein (‘Nebuchadnasar al-ams Saddam Hussein al-yawm’) The politics of Ba’ath Party and Saddam Hussein both strongly insisted on the Mesopotamian... more
The Legacy of Iraq critically reflects on the abject failure of the 2003 intervention to turn Iraq into a liberal democracy, underpinned by free-market capitalism, its citizens free to live in peace and prosperity. It argues that mistakes... more
Karya ini telah diterbitkan di Jurnal Bestari Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, periode Januari-April 2008. Pada tanggal 9 April 2003, Amerika menggulingkan pemerintahan Saddam Hussein. Pasca Saddam, proses politik tidak dapat... more
Today, no sense of legitimacy sustains Iraq as a state; no sovereignty controls the people within the country. This study introduces and develops the concept of sociocide in order to account for why the current social system in Iraq... more
Scholarship on Iraq under the Ba’th regime has traditionally focused on the rule of Saddam Hussein and his narrow inner circle. The centrality of the former president in Iraqi politics until spring 2003 and the tyranny of his regime were... more
La guerra in Iraq portò a dei chiari e concreti risultati militari, mettendo in moto una serie di eventi che hanno reso e rendono tutt’ora incerto il futuro del Medioriente e delle genti che lo popolano. Analizzando tali eventi ritengo... more
Saddam Hüseyin daha iktidara gelmeden istihbarat ve güvenlik örgütlerine önem vermeye başladı. Özellikle Sünni Araplardan oluşturduğu geniş güvenlik ve istihbarat ağı, rejimin herhangi bir iç müdahaleye maruz kalmadan 2003’e kadar ayakta... more