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The paper (Foucault Studies, 25 [see link to site*]) builds upon a growing body of critical research on the proliferating use of bibliometrics as a means to evaluate academic research, but brings to it a specifically Foucauldian,... more
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      BibliometricsBiometricsMichel FoucaultFoucault and education
PurposeThe current review aims to examine the growth trajectory, most influential documents, intellectual and conceptual structure of the literature regarding gender issues in family business research.Design/methodology/approachThe... more
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      SociologyFamily BusinessBibliometricsScienciometrics and bibliometrics studies
O artigo traça o perfil autoral, disciplinar, bibliográfico e temático da revista DADOS por meio de uma análise bibliométrica de todos os textos publicados pelo periódico nos seus 50 anos de existência (1966-2015). A composição da base se... more
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      Social SciencesScienciometrics and bibliometrics studies
Bibliometrics is an interdisciplinary area which communicates with all other areas of research. An organization of national importance doing research has to rely on the expert reviews and analysis of research performance. Experts use... more
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      Digital LibrariesLibrary and Information ScienceInforamation TechnologyInfographics and data visualization
Esta contribución revisa la historia del control bibliográfico y de uno de sus mecanismos básicos: la revista periódica, a partir de cuatro momentos en el desarrollo de las publicaciones seriadas y la manera como éstos se asocian con los... more
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      Scientific JournalsBibliographic controlScienciometrics and bibliometrics studiesHistoria da Bibliometria
Background: Medical negligence is an increasing public health concern among healthcare providers worldwide as it affects patient safety. It poses a significant risk of patient injury, disease, disability, or death. The WHO has recognized... more
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      Health SciencesMedical SciencesBibliometricsPolitical Science
This article presents results of a bibliometric study of output in the area of translation studies in the Arab World, published over the period from 1960 to 2014 ; this study has two main objectives : the first consists in carrying out a... more
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      Translation and InterpretingScienciometrics and bibliometrics studies
Los Sistemas Gestores de Contenido (CMS, siglas en inglés) han generado un impacto en el mundo de la creación de productos digitales. Son herramientas informáticas que permiten la creación, almacenamiento, actualización, recuperación y... more
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      BibliometricsCMSContent Management Systems (CMS)Scientific Productivity
The coverage of Indian science and technology (S&T) periodicals in major international indexing and abstracting (I&A) services has been studied. It is found that about 1200 Indian S&T journals are being covered by at least one of the... more
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    • Scienciometrics and bibliometrics studies
This study used the bibliographic scattering analysis to explore the scientific publications trends on gifted individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) over the past 23 years. The study examined the applicability and... more
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      Special EducationBibliometricsAutism Spectrum DisordersTwice Exceptional Students and Education
Many researches have been developed about Customer Relationship Management (CRM) on several areas of knowledge, for instance, on Information Systems, Marketing, Strategy, Psychology and others. This diversity of approaches and... more
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      BibliometricsCustomer Relationship Management (CRM)BibliometryBibliometric and citation analysis
El trabajo examina la Revista Argentina de Psicología, en el período en que fue impresa, de 1969 a 2002. La revista fue editada por la Asociación de Psicólogos de Buenos Aires. Se realiza un estudio bibliométrico en el cual se analiza la... more
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      History of ScienceHistory of Psychology - Psychology Education - PsychologyScienciometrics and bibliometrics studiesBibliometría
The bibliography in the 21st century acquires a new impuls, now as a basis for bibliometric measurements, in demand both for the evaluation of individual and institutional publications ratings, and for a comparative analysis of trends in... more
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      Analytical bibliographyModelingматематическое моделированиебиблиография
المستخلص أصبحت العلوم كلها في زماننا المعاصر متشابكة بطريقة لا يتخيلها أحد فقانون zipf والذي يقيس تردد الكلمات في النصوص قد قام عليه عالم لغوي، وهذا القانون ينتمي الى القوانين الببليومترية والتي انشغل بها علم المكتبات منذ فترة وهذا... more
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      Library ScienceArabic Language and LinguisticsQur'anic StudiesApplied Linguistics
Studiul de faţă îşi propune o serie de analize bibliometrice, pornind de la o analiză generală a universităţilor din ţară, până la cazul particular al Universității din București. Datele pe care ne vom baza cercetarea provin de la cele... more
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      Library ScienceBibliometricsLibrary and Information ScienceLibrary and Information Studies
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      Scienciometrics and bibliometrics studiesIlmu PerpustakaanKajian Pemakai
El artículo establece las tesis doctorales centradas en cómic y humor grá co realizadas en España entre los cursos académicos 1974-1975 y 2020-2021 (siendo los datos de este último provisionales). Se incorpora un listado de los trabajos... more
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      BibliometricsHistoriographyComics StudiesComic Book Studies
The research discusses the concept of chaos theory and application of its principles to the scholarly communication for information science in the Web environment, through shed light on the concept of chaos idiomatically and understood,... more
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      Information ScienceScienciometrics and bibliometrics studiesChoas Theory
Bereits in den 30er Jahren wurde zur Quantifizierung von Wissenschaftsentwicklungen auf bibliographisches Material zurückgegriffen. Robert K. Merton machte an Hand von Veröffentlichungslisten Aussagen zur „Entwicklung und Wandel von... more
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      Knowledge organizationScienciometrics and bibliometrics studies
Se realiza un análisis bibliométrico de la producción científica de la Facultad de Psicología (FP) de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata recogida en la base de datos Scopus desde que hay registro hasta la actualidad, atendiendo a... more
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      BibliometricsPsicologyScienciometrics and bibliometrics studiesBibliometrics Analysis
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      Scienciometrics and bibliometrics studiesBibliometría
Contemporary research on Roma from diverse disciplines has grown strongly during the last years. This is the first bibliometric study on the field of Romani studies considering the period 1997-2018 with the aims of mapping scholar's... more
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      BibliometricsDiscriminationNetwork AnalysisEthnic and Racial Studies
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      International RelationsScience PolicyInvestigación y Políticas / Research and PolicyResearch Policy
The Polish slang word PUNKTOZA (‘running for points’) over the last few years. Its Russian equivalent is балломания.
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      Evaluation ResearchBibliometricsScientometricsTesting
It is a text for an introduction to science and science aimed at undergraduate students of various disciplines with examples and applications at the level of the Caribbean region in Colombia.
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      Apropiación social de la Ciencia y la TecnologíaScienciometrics and bibliometrics studies
The term Big Data is being used widely by companies and researchers who consider your relevant functionalities or applications to create value and business innovation. However, some questions arise about what is this phenomenon and, more... more
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      Information SystemsInformation ScienceInformation TechnologyManagement Information Systems
La recensione al libro di Valeria Pinto "Valutare e punire, (Cronopio), pubblicata sulla rivista critica di diritto privato di Stefano Rodotà, diventa l'occasione per riflettere sul dispositivo governamentale della valutazione scientifica... more
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      Critical TheoryDigital LibrariesInternational Relations TheoryPolitical Theory
The modern stage of social development is characterized by the transition to a new form of development of society in which knowledge becomes an important value, both as an economic and a strategic resource. Therefore, in the knowledge... more
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    • Scienciometrics and bibliometrics studies
The aim of this study was to evaluate the scholarly communication of research journal: Islamic studies published during 2009 to 2011 using the bibliometric parameters. Data were collected for study from printed volumes of research journal... more
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      Bibliometric and citation analysisScienciometrics and bibliometrics studies
The book discusses the centrality of English in the globalized world, especially in the context of science, and the negative aspects or little problematised that the position of supremacy of English means for Social Sciences. For the... more
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      Social SciencesCultural GlobalizationScienciometrics and bibliometrics studies
With a view to analyzing research ouput and its various measures in this field, publications from 2000-2015 (15 years) were downloaded from the SCOPUS database. This paper presents the findings of a bibliometric study of Textile Research... more
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      BibliometricsBibliometric and citation analysisScienciometrics and bibliometrics studies
Abstrak Penelitian deskriptif survei ini memetakan kualifikasi, potensi, minat meneliti, minat karya ilmiah dan produktivitas karya ilmiah pustakawan UGM, yang bermanfaat untuk perencanaan dan penyesuaian pembinaan karir. Hasil analisis... more
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    • Scienciometrics and bibliometrics studies
Dijital dönüşümün gereği, iş ve günlük yaşamın pek çok bileşeninde yazılımlardan faydalanılmaktadır. Bu alanda ürün çeşitliliği ve rekabet arttıkça sektöre yön veren kalite ve standart çalışmaları da gündeme gelmektedir. Bu bağlamda... more
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      BibliometricsScientometricsSoftware Quality AssuranceSoftware Quality
The article analyzes the production of knowledge about Human Motricity (HM) in 12 Brazilian Physical Education journals classified as A and B by Capes-WebQualis during the period of 2000-2015. Methodologically, the study is characterized... more
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      Health PsychologyHealth SciencesEpistemologyTeaching and Learning
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      BibliometricsNumismaticsAcademia.eduBibliometric and citation analysis
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      BibliometricsEducational ResearchScienciometrics and bibliometrics studiesBibliometría
The full version is available on http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=1989392 Цель данного аналитического обзора - определение динамики и структуры публикаций российских авторов, а также определение места российской... more
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      Russian StudiesEvaluation ResearchBibliometricsRussia
Sahte haber (fake news) kavramı yeni ortaya çıkmış bir kavram olmamakla birlikte son yıllarda araştırmacılar arasında popüler bir çalışma konusu haline gelmiştir. Özellikle 2020 yılının başı itibariyle tüm dünyayı etkisi altına alan... more
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      Scienciometrics and bibliometrics studiesFake NewsSocial Media and Fake News/PropagandaSahte Haber
The current Coronavirus infection (COVID-19) outbreak has had a substantial impact on many aspects of general life. Although a number of studies have been published on the topic already, there has not been a critical review of studies on... more
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      Climate ChangeBibliometricsAir pollutionAir Pollution and Health Effects
Bu çalışmanın amacı; Türkiye’ de İzmir odaklı yürütülen lisansüstü tez çalışmaların özellikleri ve konuları açısından zaman içerisindeki değişimlerini belirlemektir. Bu kapsamda 1972- 2016 yılları arasında Yüksek öğretim Kurulu... more
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      Social Network Analysis (SNA)Scienciometrics and bibliometrics studiespostgraduate theses
A wealth of research has addressed the internationalization of firms using different theories and conceptual approaches. This paper examines the extant research on internationalization specifically delving into seven streams of research:... more
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      GlobalizationInternational BusinessStrategic ManagementInternationalization
Scientometric analysis has been conducted with 448 contributions published in the journal of Indian Journal of Biotechnology which was selected six years for a period between 2007 and 2012. The analysis covers and discusses in terms of... more
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    • Scienciometrics and bibliometrics studies
Abstract Purpose: The increasing role of systematic reviews in knowledge production demands greater rigor in the literature search process. The performance of the Social Work Abstracts (SWA) database has been examined multiple times over... more
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      Social WorkBibliometricsEditing of JournalsMeta-Analysis and Systematic Review
Objective: The research and training trends in Information Sciences in Mexico were examined, based on the doctoral theses of the Postgraduate Program in Library and Information Science of the National Autonomous University of Mexico,... more
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      PhD ThesisDoctoral thesisResearch TrendsScienciometrics and bibliometrics studies
Now a day a novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) has been detected in more than 220 locations internationally, including in the, United States, China, India, Italy Iran, and South Korea etc. Coronavirus, a pandemic threat to human beings, has... more
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    • Scienciometrics and bibliometrics studies
It is now generally accepted that institutions of higher education and research, largely publicly funded, need to be subjected to some benchmarking process or performance evaluation. Currently there are several international ranking... more
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      Research Methods and MethodologyResearch MethodologyEducational ResearchScientometrics
This article means a first attempt to the evaluation approach present in the content of the scientific policies of Central America from a comparative perspective and alternative to the traditional scientometric analysis. Its general... more
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      History of Science and Technologyscience and technology studies (STS)Central AmericaScienciometrics and bibliometrics studies
http://www.unife.it/masters/archivistica/ Il master offre una solida formazione specialistica, basata su un funzionale rapporto fra lezioni teoriche ed esercitazioni pratiche, avvalendosi del vasto patrimonio documentario e librario... more
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      Cultural StudiesItalian StudiesHistory of the BookMedieval Studies