Siegfried Kracauer
Most cited papers in Siegfried Kracauer
Italy’s most successful ballet of the late-nineteenth century was Luigi Manzotti and Romualdo Marenco’s _Excelsior_ (1881). Its subject was the technological progress of modern times; its principal characters were allegories of... more
This article traces the motif of ruination in the cinema to theorize the specific affinity between ruins and the medium of film. Drawing on André Bazin's notion of a cinematic "Nero Complex," as well as on Siegfried Kracauer's realist... more
Es geht um politische Filmtheorie, im Ansatz zum/am/mit Mainstream-Film. Im Fokus liegt die Bildwerdung, Wahrnehmbarkeit, Erfahrbarkeit der Möglichkeiten, Praktiken, auch Hindernisse, von Subjekt- und Allianzbildungen, die... more
In the aftermath of the US-led ‘global war on terror’, emerging weaponised media of warfare present new means for the military ‘policing’ of populations. Algorithmic modes of observation are applied for the identification of targets,... more
Review of a biography of the German film director Leni Riefenstahl.
The year 1926 marked the passage of Germany’s Law to Protect Youth from Worthless and Obscene Publications. In combination with the Reich Motion Picture Law of 1920, this legislation sought to shelter minors from the corrupting forces of... more
Kracauer’s rehabilitation in the 1990s sidelined his Marxist framework of the middle-to-late Weimar era in favour of the then still dominant if decaying paradigms of post-structuralism and post-modernism. It was also silent on the... more
How do cinematic portrayals of the weather reflect and affect our experience of the world? While weatherly predictability and surprise can impact our daily experience, the history of cinema attests to the stylistic and narrative... more
Contemporary eco-docs are never fully in control of the ‘sights of refuse’ that they show us. Toxicity and its resistance to representation only amplify the threats to stabilised meaning posed by the document. In many instances, the toxic... more
Nuri Bilge Ceylan is a puzzling filmmaker who started his career as a photographer and initially made films with a "photographic" spirit. But from his first films known as the Trilogy of Province to his award winning latest feature Winter... more
Prenant au sérieux le caractère référentiel et automatique du mode d’objectivation du réel par la caméra, André Bazin a fixé l’idée que le cinéma est un art absolument réaliste qui nous débarrasse de l’expression de l’artiste, des effets... more
The three structuring topics of this chapter will be the relationship between art and technology in the work of the Frankfurt School, including the notion of art as itself a type of technology; repetition as a dynamic in the field of art,... more
To speak of music as ineffable is to invoke a prevalent musical ideology. For many musicians and listeners, the clichés still ring true. Phrases like “music starts where language fails” reflect deeply-held beliefs, forming the raison... more
Entre os anos 1925 e 1933, Siegfried Kracauer publicou uma série de artigos a respeito da cidade no jornal alemão Frankfurter Zeitung. Os mesmos foram reunidos no livro Ruas em Berlim e em outros lugares, editado em 1963. O trabalho... more
Buscando os aspectos da crítica da cultura de Siegfried Kracauer que apontam para uma crítica radical da sociedade, o presente texto analisa a caracterização feita por aquele autor da arte industrializada do início do século XX nas obras... more
Review: "Because of its inspiring move to bring together the theoretical projects of phenomenological, aesthetic, and poststructuralist philosophy with the urgency of sociocultural and historical reality, Conscientious Viscerality... more
The conflict of the image, which historically oscillates between realist and formative tendencies, is invested by the power that the lens offers the photographer as a means of scrutinizing the captured physical reality and producing an... more
Este artículo presenta una reflexión del impacto de lo tecnológico en el imaginario sociocultural, analizando una etapa muy fructífera en esta relación: la modernidad y el desarrollo de la vanguardia. Debido a la actual presencia de... more
Artykuł poświęcony jest powieści Andrzeja Kuśniewicza z 1970 roku zatytułowanej „Król Obojga Sycylii”. Jest ona analizowana jako intertekstualna metapowieść historiograficzna mówiąca o relacji między pojedynczym podmiotem, jego... more
Published in: Michel Chaouli, Jan Lietz, Jutta Müller-Tamm, Simon Schleusener, Eds.: Poetic Critique: Encounters with Art and Literature. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021 (pp.175-201).... more
Impressive cinema palaces with exterior façades illuminated appealingly at night were significant for the big city life of the roaring twenties. The film screenings in the prestigious buildings were framed by a diverse supporting... more
Die Überlegungen meines Beitrags fußen auf der Annahme, dass zwischen den Denkarten, Schreibweisen und Produktionsformen der Realisten Kracauer und Kluge interessante Ähnlichkeiten und Korrespondenzen bestehen, die jedoch bisher kaum... more
Em Jacques Offenbach e a Paris de seu tempo (1937), Siegfried Kracauer propõe construir a “biografia de uma sociedade”, a Paris do Segundo Império. O autor busca determinar “a função social” de Offenbach e suas operetas, enfatizando a... more
Einst Königsdisziplin des Journalismus ist die Reportage dieser Tage in Verruf geraten. Aufgrund ihrer erzählerischen Verfasstheit wird ihr vorgeworfen, dass sie die Verfälschung von Fakten geradezu forciere, dass sie zu literarisch sei.... more
This article investigates the role of names, naming, and anonymity in the career and reception history of Siegfried Kracauer. A signature motif of his life and writings, the notion of anonymity is ambivalent, signaling both invisibility... more
El artículo indaga la configuración de los procesos alienantes a los que se enfrenta el protagonista de Pequeño hombre, ¿y ahora qué?, de Hans Fallada, a la luz del desarrollo de los sectores medios alemanes en la República de Weimar. Se... more
El trabajo intenta explicitar el concepto de crítica en la obra de Siegfried Kracauer durante el período de entreguerras. Pone para ello en entredicho una clave interpretativa generalizada que quiere todavía hoy encontrar en este filósofo... more
This paper discusses the aesthetic and political motivations of the great importance that Walter Benjamin gives to Charlie Chaplin in Das Kunstwerk im Zeitalter seiner technischen Reproduzierbarkeit (1935-1936). First, it proceeds to... more
Resumen: El objetivo del presente artículo es el estudio de las interpretaciones del Kitsch en las obras de Ernst Bloch, Siegfried Kracauer y Walter Benjamin durante la República de Weimar y los primeros años del régimen... more
O presente artigo é o capítulo introdutório de um estudo mais amplo sobre a análise histórico-sociológica original de Kracauer do fenômeno do nazifascismo e da “propaganda totalitária”. [O trabalho, que havia sido... more
ABSTRACT ENGLISH At the intersection of film/cinema theory and political theory, this essay constellates under the name of maintenance-German: Wartung-the creation of purity by cleaning and waiting-German: Warten-as staying, maintaining.... more
On the value of recycling old film theory and films for thinking a longue durée conceptualization of the anthropocene. Considers "natural history" as a genre of the anthropocene (in which genre is understood as a mode of historical... more