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From Henry David Thoreau to Bill McKibben, critics and philosophers have long sought to demonstrate how a sufficient life—one without constant, environmentally damaging growth—might still be rich and satisfying. Yet one crucial episode in... more
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      Political EconomyVictorian StudiesBritish HistoryChildren's Literature
Suppose you are preacher who wants to speak a word to a polarized situation. Words take on meaning within a context and unfortunately yours is a situation divided between " right " and " left " (here meant very generally to signify the... more
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      JournalismPlatoAristotleWar Studies
This paper explores certain issues that arise at the borderline between conceptual analysis and metaphysics, where answers to questions of a conceptual nature compete with answers to questions of an ontological or metaphysical nature. I... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of ActionMetaphilosophyNormativity
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsRobin George Collingwood
It might appear that the titular question has already received a widely accepted answer (as indicated by Peter Kivy in 1999): aesthetic expression is an emotional quality of an expressive object, and not the actual expression of its... more
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      Robin George CollingwoodPeter KivyMonroe C. BeardsleyAaron Ridley
Szövegelemző szemináriumi dolgozat.
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      PhilosophyRobin George CollingwoodR.G. Collingwood, philosophy of historyHistory of Philosophy
R.G. Collingwood (1889-1943) is well known for his contributions to the fields of aesthetics and the philosophy of history. Perhaps the most distinctive and constant feature of his work, however, is his effort throughout to articulate and... more
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      HistoryPhilosophyPhilosophy of ScienceHistory of Science
Claude Lévi-Strauss holds that history and anthropology difffer in their choice of complementary perspectives: history organizes its data in relation to conscious expressions of social life, while anthropology proceeds by examining its... more
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      Literary StylisticsRoland BarthesLinguistic stylisticsStructuralism/Post-Structuralism
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      Social TheoryMichel FoucaultRobin George CollingwoodUmberto Eco
"Spanish translation of R. G. Collingwood, "Question and Answer”, chapter five of the book An Autobiography, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1939, pgs. 29-43. Traduccion castellana del articulo de R. G. Collingwood, "Pregunta y... more
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      Research MethodologyRobin George CollingwoodLogic of Questions
This is the penultimate version of the chapter. Please refer to the published version.
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      Philosophy of ActionInternalism/ExternalismRobin George CollingwoodReasons and Causes
El libro pretende recorrer, de la mano de textos tutelares, el debate sobre la cultura de masas en su momento inaugural y sin duda más apasionado: el periodo de entreguerras del siglo pasado. Fue en ese momento cuando el fenómeno “de las... more
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      Theodor AdornoVirginia WoolfMass cultureSiegfried Kracauer
It is a common statement in the most traditional views of the history of the philosophy of art to consider the nineteenth century as the moment of birth of the expression theory of art, a theory that ended pushing aside the already... more
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      AestheticsPhilosophy of ArtRobin George CollingwoodGeorge Dickie
It is the ambition of natural science to provide complete explanations of reality. Collingwood argues that science can only explain events, not actions. The latter are the distinctive subject matter of history and can be described as... more
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      Philosophy of AgencyPhilosophy of ActionPhilosophy of HistoryPractical Rationality
Is the cinema just a craft, or a form of art? In this essay, my thesis is that the cinema is a form of art as it performs functions that craft does not. To this end, I will focus on Collingwood’s definition of craft posed in The... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryPhilosophy of ArtTheory and Practice of Visual Arts
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      Historical AnthropologyHistoricismRobin George CollingwoodBenedetto Croce
Die Stoßrichtung von Gadamers Antwort auf den Historismus bleibt in der Forschung ein umstrittenes Thema: Während seine philosophische Hermeneutik einerseits beschuldigt wird, lediglich die Aporien des Historismus zu radikalisieren, sehen... more
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      HistoryPhilosophyResearch Methods and MethodologyResearch Methodology
"Michel Weber and Will Desmond, (eds.), Handbook of Whiteheadian Process Thought, Frankfurt / Lancaster, ontos verlag, Process Thought X1 & X2, 2008. (695 p. + 726 p. ; ISBN 978-3-938793-92-3 ; 398 €) Gathering 115 entries written by 101... more
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كتاب مبادئ الفن لكولينجوود المترجم الى العربية في طبعته الآولى: الترجمة الكاملة (إبريل 1966 – الدار المصرية للتأليف والترجمة) لاحمد حمدى محمود ومراجعة على ادهم. نشرت مكتبة الأسرة عام 2001 طبعة ثانية لثلث محتوى هذه الترجمة بعنوان: (الكتاب... more
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesAestheticsPerformance Art
In this essay, Ahlskog examines R. G. Collingwood’s conception of the philosophy of history and its metaphilosophical import. Ahlskog shows that Collingwood’s philosophy of history is simultaneously both a descriptive metaphysics of... more
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      MetaphilosophyPhilosophy of HistoryTheory of HistoryHistorical Theory
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      HistoryPhilosophyHistory Of Modern PhilosophyRobin George Collingwood
The status of art in Plato's philosophy has always been a difficult problem. As a matter of fact, he even threw the poets out from his ideal state, a passage that has led some interpreters to assess that Plato did not develop a proper... more
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      AestheticsPlatoPhilosophy of ArtRobin George Collingwood
Conspiracy theories are widely deemed to be superstitious. Yet history appears to be littered with conspiracies successful and otherwise. (For this reason ‘cock-up’ theories cannot in general replace conspiracy theories since in many... more
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      Conspiracy TheoriesPhilosophy of HistoryKarl PopperRobin George Collingwood
Fearing that his health would not permit him time to leave to the world the full range and depth of his offerings in philosophy, R. G. Collingwood sat down in the late summer of 1938 with the intention of getting as much of his thinking... more
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      EpistemologyPhilosophy of ScienceLogicPhilosophy of History
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      Philosophy of HistoryRobin George CollingwoodSystematical Philosophy
This long paper makes the following claims on Collingwood's theoretical and methodological approach to the study of human societies: 1. All social scientific research has both a historical and a non-historical component, which we may... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of SciencePhilosophy of HistoryPhilosophy of Social Science
An exploration of the connections between two ideas that beguile us in their relative proximity but which stand stubbornly apart, if only because of the considerable distance between their respective purveyor’s styles of thinking: ... more
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      AestheticsWittgensteinMarcel ProustRobin George Collingwood
Second year BA Theology essay on the existence of the Devil with reference to R.G. Collingwood's 1916 essay 'The Devil'.
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      Philosophy Of ReligionTheologyBiblical TheologyRobin George Collingwood
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      HistoryPhilosophyRobin George Collingwood
By means of a reading of the penultimate chapter of Collingwood’s An Essay on Philosophical Method, this paper offers a re-evaluation of several points in leading interpretations of his philosophy. It is argued that this chapter,... more
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      History of Analytic PhilosophyRobin George CollingwoodOrdinary Language Philosophy
In this essay, I examine the similarities between the Lake District in England and Iceland. Both places have tales of a Norse past and settlement, but these settlements were much more closely linked than has previously been discussed.... more
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      Place-NamesWilliam WordsworthViking StudiesRobin George Collingwood
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      PhilosophyPragmatismPhenomenologyGerman Idealism
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      PhilosophySocratesRobin George CollingwoodPluralism
Im 18. Jahrhundert in den Kanon der schönen Künste aufgenommen, strebten moderne Tänzer seit Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts zunehmend danach, den Tanz als von den anderen Künsten unabhängige und gleichwertige – wenn nicht sogar höherwertige... more
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      Cultural StudiesDance StudiesRobin George CollingwoodModern and Contemporary Dance
Does R. G. Collingwood’s meta-philosophical theory that concepts in philosophy are organized as “scales of forms” apply to his own work on the nature of history? Or is there some inconsistency between Collingwood’s work as a philosopher... more
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      MetaphysicsEpistemologyMethodologyPhilosophy of History
[This DRAFT book chapter is virtually complete. A slightly edited version of this chapter has been submitted and approved for publication in the forthcoming volume The Philosophical Legacy of Jorge J.E. Gracia, scheduled to be published... more
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      MetaphysicsOntologyAristotleIslamic Philosophy
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      Historical AnthropologyPhilosophy of ActionHistory of Analytic PhilosophyCultural Sociology
The essays in this dual language volume were inspired by recent challenges facing the humanities. Its idea was first conceived when the author came across with an issue of the elegant journal of Oxford University, examining the future of... more
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      HistoryPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyArt History
This is a preprint draft of paper published in 2020: Chapter 1: On the Logical Character and Coherence of Islamic Economics. Volume: Handbook of Analytical Studies in Islamic Finance and Economics Edited by: Zamir Iqbal, Tarik Akin,... more
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      Islamic LawIslamic EconomicsIslamic PhilosophyCategory Theory
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      Robin George CollingwoodHistoriaFilosofía De La HistoriaIdealismo
By outlining R. G. Collingwood’s philosophy of history, this paper aims to scrutinize Turkish archaeology in terms of its inability to produce theoretical knowledge and contribute to public understanding of the past. Collingwood, in his... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyAnatolian ArchaeologyArchaeological Method & TheoryPhilosophy of History
This paper defends an idealist form of non-reductivism in the philosophy of mind. I refer to it as a kind of conceptual dualism without substance dualism. I contrast this idealist alternative with the two most widespread forms of... more
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      Philosophy of MindMetaphilosophyIdealismRobin George Collingwood
R. G. Collingwood's New Leviathan (1942) presents an account of two 'dialectical' political processes that are ongoing in any body politic. Existing scholarship has already covered the first: a dialectic between a 'social' and a... more
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      Political ElitesRobin George CollingwoodAristocracyGaetano Mosca
This brief essay, in a Festschrift for Alain de Libera, aims to explain his method of philosophical archaeology, examine its relationship to Foucault and Collingwood and raise some possible criticisms.
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      Medieval PhilosophyMichel FoucaultRobin George Collingwood
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      Philosophy of SciencePragmatismIdealismHistoricism
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      CommunicationLeadershipAdam SmithRobin George Collingwood
Au cours des dernières décennies, la question de la réalité du passé historique suscite un vif débat qui concerne non seulement l’historiographie ou la théorie de l’histoire, mais aussi la critique littéraire. Ce débat a été posé... more
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      Roland BarthesPaul RicoeurRobin George CollingwoodHistorical Epistemology
Strauss’s invitation to understand Greek authors as they understood themselves was attacked by influential scholars as anti-historical. In the first part of the paper, I argue that the charge is due to a misunderstanding of Strauss’s... more
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      PlatoHistoricismRobin George CollingwoodLeo Strauss