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This paper examines the politics of mobility which surrounded the London 2012 Olympics. We provide a critical discussion of the mobility conflicts, problems and criticisms which emerged from our research with local people in the Stratford... more
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      GlobalizationSporting EventsOlympics and OlympismSport
Carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions related to spectator's transportation to collegiate football events is a significant consideration in the overall carbon footprint of collegiate sporting events. Transportation mode affects CO 2 emissions... more
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      Sustainable TransportationUrban PlanningSporting EventsEnvironmental Sustainability
Although sports heritage is increasingly recognized as a potential catalyst of tourism, heritage sporting events (HSEs) are still an emerging concept in the academic literature. Notions that associate sports events and heritage remain... more
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      Sporting EventsEvents management
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      Event ManagementSporting EventsEvents managementEvent marketing
▶ The book presents the role of festivals in relation to the urban spaces ▶ Provides the overview of the origins, history, and the main factors of festival development ▶ Presents the case study of the city of Lodz, Poland ▶ Provides a... more
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      Cultural StudiesHuman GeographyCultural GeographyUrban Geography
Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social... more
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      ScreenwritingCritical TheoryCritical TheoryCritical Theory
The rapid increase in the number of events and the growing awareness of Beach Handball is expected in the next years. The World Games flavour make a definitive contribution to boosting Beach Handball in terms of audiences, participants,... more
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      Event ManagementSports ManagementSporting EventsEvents management
This paper studies the gender gap in sport event attendance – characterized by higher male and lower female participation – using a macro-sociological and cross-national comparative approach. We argue that because gender is produced and... more
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      Sociology of SportGenderGender EqualitySporting Events
The present study tested a theoretical model of the correlates of role ambiguity of major sport event volunteers. The sample consisted of 328 volunteers involved with the 2012 Ontario Summer Games. Participants completed an online... more
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      LeadershipSports ManagementSporting EventsSatisfaction
The aim of this study is to explore the relationship between McDonald’s and its sponsorship of The Olympics by testing how the consumer has been influenced. H1 = Attributes associated with sporting events are transferred to sponsoring... more
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      MarketingSport MarketingSporting EventsOlympics and Olympism
The role of sports events has been evolving over time. If events are still planned to bring people together and to generate economic benefits, they are increasingly used as marketing strategies to help promote, position, and brand... more
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      Sporting EventsEvents managementDestination BrandingSports marketing
Events and festivals have become increasingly important policy tools for cities and regions. They are able to produce a wide range of externalities, including economic impacts, image change, social capital and cultural regeneration. All... more
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      Mega Events As Catalysts For RegenerationSporting EventsEvents managementFestival Tourism
Phronetic organizational research is an approach to the study of management and organizations focusing on ethics and power. It is based on a contemporary interpretation of the Aristotelian concept phronesis, usually as ‘prudence’.... more
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      ScreenwritingCritical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurship
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      MarketingIntercultural CommunicationTourism MarketingFestivals and music
Within some disciplines, for example sociology, management, history, media and cultural studies, strong trends on sports research have been established. In some disciplinary spaces, however, interest in sport has content and context has... more
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      SociologySociology of SportSporting EventsSports Development
Desde la vuelta de la democracia en 1983, en el fútbol argentino se produjeron más de 220 muertes asociadas al espectáculo o a sus hinchas, de las cuales casi 100 ocurrieron en los últimos 10 años. Asimismo, según nuestros propios... more
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      Football (soccer)SecuritySporting EventsArgentina
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      Sporting EventsSocial InclusionSport for DevelopmentFutbol
Sport events have been studied predominantly in isolation from other genres, as single events that have economic or social impacts mainly for urban communities. Yet, the apparent economic and social value of recurring small-scale sport... more
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      Cultural StudiesCommunity DevelopmentSocial and Cultural AnthropologyEvent Management
Mexico City hosted a World Cup for homeless players during the second week of October 2012. It was the tenth edition of this social and sporting event, which originated in Graz, Austria, in 2003. This document reviews the forms of social... more
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      Sociology of SportFootball (soccer)HomelessnessSports Management
Existe desde el año 2003 un mundial de fútbol para personas desamparadas o en situación de calle. Después de la edición de París 2011, el Zócalo de la ciudad de México fue designado para albergarlo en octubre 2012. De acuerdo con los... more
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      HomelessnessSporting EventsSoccerEvents
This research aims to examine football fans’ awareness of their team sponsors and to compare sponsorship awareness between season ticket holders and casual spectators. Data was collected from among fans of a professional football team... more
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      Football (soccer)TeamsRecreation & Leisure StudiesSports Management
Attention is directed to the difference in event legacies created by mega-events which often cause dramatic physical changes in urban environments and those which accompany events which leave very little imprint on the landscape where... more
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      Sporting EventsEvent impactsEvent Legacy
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      Football (soccer)Recreation & Leisure StudiesStructural Equation ModelingLoyalty (Marketing)
L’Azerbaïdjan depuis l’arrivée au pouvoir d’Ilham Aliyev promeut par le biais de divers « outils » (puissante modernisation de Bakou, accueil de l’Eurovision etc.) une image renouvelée du pays devant lui permettre de sortir de... more
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      Sporting EventsAzerbaijanBakuSports Mega Events
This conceptual paper argues for a broader view of the role of events in social systems. When analysed as social phenomena, events can be seen as social actors that have the potential to both sustain and transform social systems. The... more
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      Festivals and musicEvent ManagementMega Events As Catalysts For RegenerationNetwork Society
One initial step in the management of stakeholders is the identification and classification of these actors. This study sought to answer the research question: how managers of Brazilian professional soccer clubs identify and classify... more
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      Football (soccer)Economics of Football (soccer)StakeholdersSports Management
Tida como o maior projeto de intervenção urbana da América Latina, a Operação Urbana Consociada da Região do Porto do Rio de Janeiro, uma parceria entre o poder público e a iniciativa privada conhecida pelo nome fantasia de PROJETO PORTO... more
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      Sporting EventsCreative CityRio de JaneiroCreative Economy
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      Visitor studiesEvent ManagementConsumer Experience ManagementSporting Events
Since their first conceptualizations, systematic sports events hosting policies (SSEHP) evolved due to the simultaneous transformation of sport and sports events, as well as the emergence of territorial marketing. In the last decades, the... more
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      Sports ManagementSporting EventsSportPublic Policy
Marques, L. and Richards, G. (2015) Bidding for Success? Impacts of the European Capital of Culture bid. Scandinavian Journal of Tourism and Hospitality. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15022250.2015.1118407 The increasingly multi-faceted... more
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      Event ManagementMega Events As Catalysts For RegenerationSporting EventsEvents management
The ability to draw attendees to performances is vital to the success of a sport organisation. As a result, sport managers and academics attempt to investigate motivations that drive decisions to attend events. In order to make... more
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      Social PsychologyMotivation (Psychology)Sport MarketingSporting Events
The timing of hosting sport tourism events during tourism high season can socially impact the quality of life of the residents living within the host community. Therefore, in order to successfully assess the impact of these types of... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism ManagementRecreation & Leisure StudiesSporting Events
For over fifty years, successive waves of critique have underscored that the apolitical character of much of Political Science research betrays the founding mission of the discipline to have science serve democracy. The Caucus for a New... more
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      ScreenwritingCritical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurship
The use of football programs as a vehicle for social change has increased exponentially in recent decades. This article utilizes Goffman’s sociology as a framework to approach the Homeless World Cup. Firstly, we examine how the... more
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      SociologySociology of SportSocial PsychologySelf and Identity
À chaque évènement sportif d’envergure internationale, Jeux olympiques, Coupe du monde, Super Bowls ou Grands Prix de Formule 1 confondus, l’hypothèse selon laquelle l’exploitation sexuelle, la prostitution et la traite des femmes... more
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      Human TraffickingTrafficking in WomenSporting EventsProstitution & Trafficking
In a recent policy debate in this journal, focusing on gender and the events industry, Rhodri Thomas states that his intention in writing the piece was to challenge policy-makers and those working in representative organisations related... more
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      Critical Race TheoryRace and EthnicitySporting EventsWhiteness Studies
Paper submitted for the volume Ethical dilemmas in the Creative, Cultural and Service Industries, edited by Johan Bouwer.
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      Business EthicsEthicsTourism StudiesEvent Management
Etkinlik söz konusu olduğunda peş peşe gelen sorulardan biri de kim'dir. Kim geliyor, kim sahneye çıkıyor, kim oynuyor? Ancak profesyoneller için bu yetersizdir. Kim sorusu diğerleri gibi yanıtı dümdüz olmayan, madalyonun önü kadar... more
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      Event ManagementSporting EventsEvents managementEvents
The number and size of major international sporting events continues to grow. This paper describes the role, impact and responsibilities for libraries in the production, promotion and collection of large-scale multi-sport events. It uses... more
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      Sporting EventsOrganising International SportsMajor sporting events and there impact on societyMulti-sport events
In response to the increasing debate on the relative worth of small events compared to large events, we create a theoretical model to determine whether smaller events are more likely to create positive economic impact. First, event size... more
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      Mega Events As Catalysts For RegenerationSporting EventsEvents managementCost-Benefit Analysis
The main objective of this study is to examine the importance of sport in urban regeneration. Some of the determining factors relate to the multi-dimensional contribution of mega events (and their marketing) in economic development, the... more
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      Football (soccer)Urban PlanningUrban RegenerationSporting Events
Resumen El objetivo del artículo radica en exponer avances de investigación sobre el deporte, el fútbol en particular, en tanto herramienta de trabajo social. Con base en la observación del festival Football for Hope Caju 2014... more
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      Sociology of SportSocial SciencesFootball (soccer)Sporting Events
The 2017 meeting of the ATLAS Events Group was held in conjunction with the ATLAS Annual Conference in Viana do Castelo. The meeting had a slightly different format from previous years, with the first day being reserved from Events Group... more
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      Event ManagementSporting EventsEvents managementFestival Tourism
Jak przebiegały przygotowania do Euro 2012 w Polsce? Jakie korzyści polityczne, gospodarcze i społeczne widzieli w tym procesie przedstawiciele polskich instytucji? Czy relacje z globalną organizacją sportową miały wpływ na funkcjonowanie... more
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      SociologySociology of SportGlobalizationGlobal Governance
The term ‘phronetic social science’ was coined in Making Social Science Matter (Flyvbjerg 2001). However, as pointed out in that volume and by Schram (2006), phronetic social science existed well before this particular articulation of the... more
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      ScreenwritingCritical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurship
The aim of this paper is to compare residents' perceptions of the negative impacts of hosting the Copa América de Fútbol (CAF) before and after the event in Chile. The perceptions of the residents of two host cities (Concepción and Viña... more
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      Sporting EventsScale DevelopmentResidents Perceptions
Attitudes, and attitudinal change towards persons with disabilities, is an important area of research as it can potentially enable greater understanding of the constraints that may preclude full participation in society. In the realm of... more
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      Critical Disability StudiesSporting EventsAttitudes (Social Psychology)Volunteerism
A 30-item Sport Interest Inventory (SII) was developed and validated for measuring ten unique motives related to consumer interest at an international sporting event. Spectators (N=1,321) attending five different U.S. venues during the... more
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      MarketingMotivation (Psychology)Sporting EventsConsumer Behavior
The theme of the meeting was the role of events as platforms for supporting and developing networks and communities. Events are increasingly being used by places as a means to attract attention, form networks and build communities. This... more
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      Social NetworksSporting EventsEvents managementMega Events
There is ferment in the social sciences. After years of sustained effort to build a science of society modelled on the natural sciences, that project, long treated with suspicion by some, is now openly being rethought. A critical... more
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      ScreenwritingCritical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurship