Symbolic Anthropology (Anthropology)
Recent papers in Symbolic Anthropology (Anthropology)
This dissertation interprets and explains the cultural symbols used by the Azande in rituals concerning babies and rituals concerning mourners. The formal apparatus used in the analysis contributes to a general theory of cultural meaning.... more
From the perspective of evolution and semiotics, Homo techno may be artistically imaged a a new "species" that is capable of makin increasingly powerful and sophisticated tools due to an increasingly creative adoption of purely symbolic... more
An introductory textbook about the nature of religion from an anthropological perspective with illustrations of its concepts that are drawn from traditional and contemporary human societies.
Che Gevara as a commercial brend Некоммерческих символов не бывает. Как не бывает коммерции без символов — концентратов обмена — информационного, товарного, телесного. При этом самыми дорогими в коммерческом отношении являются торговые... more
In various cultural and religious contexts, from West Asia to Southeast Asia, we come across a number of quite similar creation myths in which a peacock, seated on a cosmic tree, plays a central part. For the Yezidis, a sect of Sufi... more
O presente livro é fruto de cinco anos de pesquisas durante minha graduação em Psicologia. Trata de um livro de pesquisa científica, com bolsa da Fapesp. O livro visa o estudo dos símbolos religiosos e sua relação com a Maçonaria, bem... more
Censimento della Triplice Cinta nella Daunia presentato al V Convegno del Centro Studi Triplice Cinta - Mergozzo - ottobre 2020.
(Đây là bản thảo của bài viết đăng trên Tạp chí Khoa học xã hội (TPHCM) số 5(189)-2014) Từ những năm 60-70 của thế kỷ XX, việc tìm hiểu văn hóa của các cộng đồng người thông qua biểu tượng trở nên phổ biến trong lĩnh vực nhân học văn hóa... more
Part of a lecture series from 2000 -2007
Explaining Oriental rugs and the ancient symbols that can have roots in similar rugs made 3,000 - 4,000 years ago !
Explaining Oriental rugs and the ancient symbols that can have roots in similar rugs made 3,000 - 4,000 years ago !
Symbols are important cultural expressions that may be circulated through both time and space as groups appropriate, modify, and ascribe new meanings to them within a larger context of cultural appropriation and invented tradition. I... more
Article on the phallic Christ in the European medieval culture and art. Historical Anthropology. Religious Studies
Since Brent Berlin and Paul Kay's classic study on Basic Color Terms, the universal chromatic trio of white, red, and black became a matter of scholarly interest. This article examines uses of this chromatic trio to depict ideal womanhood... more
Airports serve as gateways to cities or countries. They are symbolic buildings, the first and last impressions and experiences for visitors. In their early days, airports evoked modernity and impressiveness. Then, during a period of... more
An ethno-historical perspective on the popular magic in Sardinia.
The role of symbolism in religion
Katalog izložbe "Srednjovjekovni simboli", održane u Muzeju hrvatskih arheoloških spomenika od 13. prosinca 2018. do 28. ožujka 2019. godine.
Уже на ранних этапах своего развития человечество особо выделяло коршуна и грифа среди других представителей рода пернатых. Им отводилось важное место в образно-знаковом осмыслении темы жизни и смерти. В Древнем Египте поклонялись и... more
В своей бакалаврской работе я попытался описать роль стрельбы из лука в культурной и социально-политической жизни маньчжуров, народа, правившего Китаем на протяжении двух с половиной веков. Основное внимание уделено: 1) Символическому... more
The Diversity and Unity in the World's Religions
The fourth known pre-Columbian Maya codex—the only one discovered in the 20th century—was found by looters in the mid-1960s. First exhibited in New York in 1971, what has come to be known as the Grolier Codex is half of a hybrid-style... more
The 1960s witnessed the emergence of symbolic anthropology, a theoretical paradigm that called attention to the importance of symbols, meaning, and interpretation in the study of culture. By challenging the hitherto popular grand theories... more
The fourth known pre-Columbian Maya codex, the only one discovered in the twentieth century, was found by looters in the mid-1960s. First exhibited in New York in 1971, what has come to be known as the Grolier Codex is half of a 20-page,... more
Η εργασία αυτή αφορά τον «πολιτισμό», μία κεντρική αναλυτική κατηγορία της ανθρωπολογίας αλλά και μια καθιερωμένη έννοια του σύγχρονου τρόπου ζωής, που αποτελεί σήμερα ένα δυναμικό πεδίο αμφισβήτησης, αντιπαράθεσης, διεκδίκησης και... more
By accepting that the formal structure of human language is the key to understanding the uniquity of human culture and consciousness and by further accepting the late appearance of such language amongst the Cro-Magnon, I am free to focus... more
The allegorical representation of the Five Senses was formed as a kind of iconography in the Middle Ages, however this subject got the peak of its popularity at the Late Renaissance / Early Baroque epoch. The senses were represented as... more
The following article is a detailed attempt to go beyond the visual representation of a circular brooch. This jewelry handicraft comes from the Aurès mountains of North Africa. Geographically, the mountain range stretches in the... more
This essay asks why wronged husbands should have been associated with the he-goat (as in cabrón) and the cuckoo (as in cuckold). It examines folk notions regarding procreation, sexual fluids, and transmissible horns. The discussion also... more