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      Crying (Psychology)Ritual TheoryPhilosophy of laughterStanislavski System
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionLegitimacy and AuthorityPractice theory
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      ReligionHistory of ReligionChinese ReligionsRitual
This case study examines the importance of rituals in understanding illegal behavior. Particular attention is given to the impact of stress-based symbolically ritualized events on individuals which may lead to mass homicide. For a more... more
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      CriminologyHomicideRitualRitual Theory
This article combines the disciplines of textual/linguistic analysis, anthropology, and perceptual psychology to examine selected ancient Jewish mystical texts that claim to describe the praxis for ascents into heaven and encounters with... more
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      History of ReligionJewish MysticismMysticismRitual Theory
Walter Burkert's approach to myth (summarized in this review-essay) is provocative and complex but it needs to be complemented by the larger vision of Jean Rudhardt and others.
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      MythologyClassicsGreek LiteratureStructuralism (Literary Criticism)
First published in 1988, this volume redefined the anthropological study of menstrual customs. Examining cultures as diverse as long-house dwellers in North Borneo, African farmers, Welsh housewives, and postindustrial American workers,... more
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      Gender StudiesSex and GenderWomen's StudiesFeminist Theory
Recent work on the funerary chapel of Amenirdis I at Medinet Habu has proved her selections from the Opening of the Mouth ritual to be deliberately chosen and meticulously laid out on the walls of her funerary chapel such that the texts,... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionEgyptian religionEgyptian Ritual TextsRitual Theory
A deep study of the magical aspects of ritual, both anthropological, social as wel a psychological. Various models about how rituals works, how the mind deals with magic, how rituals help to overcome time and space limitations, can help... more
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      RitualMagicWitchcraft (Magic)Magic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)
Volume I Praca doktorska napisana pod kierunkiem Prof. UAM dr. hab. Arkadiusza Marciniaka Poznań 2015 2
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      Classical ArchaeologyGender StudiesHistory of ReligionReligion and Politics
It is a great honor to comment on Maurice Bloch's writings, as his work has been very inspirational to my youthful ethnography. A Marxist theorist with a Durkheimian style (Gellner 1999), as well as an indefatigable fieldworker, Bloch has... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionSociology of ReligionAnthropology
RESUMO O presente trabalho pretende apresentar uma discussão em torno da inserção no contexto turístico da prática de um ritual indígena. O Awê, ritual praticado pelos Pataxó da aldeia de Coroa Vermelha em Santa Cruz Cabrália-BA, será... more
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      Indigenous StudiesRitual TheoryEtnologia
This handout describes theory and research, i.e., structural ritualization theory, which focuses on the role of ritual in social life.
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      Social TheorySocial PsychologyCultural SociologyRitual
Toespraak bij de presentatie van het boek "Absent Ritual"
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      RitualRitual Theory
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      Western Esotericism (History)Ritual TheoryHistory of Secret Societies
Undergoing an admission process (an initiation) can induce exaggerated feelings about a group, but there is little research about the role of rewards. This study replicated Aronson and Mills’ (1959) experiment. Seventy participants... more
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      Social PsychologyBehavioral SciencesFocus Group discussionsMotivation (Psychology)
Le tasfih (littéralement « fermage », « scellement ») est un rituel profane de protec-tion de la virginité féminine auquel se soumettent par deux fois certaines jeunes filles tunisiennes, obtenant ainsi le statut de msafha: avant leur... more
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesAnthropologyWomen's Studies
Ritual has been studied from a variety of scholarly disciplines; as a result, it has been approached and defined in a myriad of ways. In a widely read encyclopedia article on "Ritual" published in 1968, the anthropologist Edmund Leach... more
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      Social ChangeRitualRitual TheoryInteraction Ritual Theory
New Religious Movements have intrigued scholars for decades. Oftentimes, people only research these groups when they find themselves at odds with their societies, resulting in a negative bias. This work presents a scientific approach that... more
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      New Religious MovementsCognitive ScienceComputer ScienceArtificial Intelligence
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      ManagementOrganizational TheoryPerformance StudiesOrganizational Culture
Extreme rituals entail excessive costs without apparent benefits, which raises an evolutionary cost problem (Irons, 2001). It is argued that such intense rituals enhance social cohesion and promote cooperative behaviors (Atran & Henrich,... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionEvolutionary BiologyPhysiology
Building on Erving Goffman and Emile Durkheim, Randall Collins has demonstrated that situations have rules, processes, and constraints that are largely independent of more macro-social dynamics—this realm of action is referred to as the... more
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      Social ChangeSocial TheorySocial PsychologyEmotion
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      ReligionJoseph CampbellRitual TheoryCalifornia History
Abstract Background Finland was an agricultural country until the 1960s. Thereafter, Finland modernized rapidly. Studies have postulated that as Finland becomes modernized, intoxication-oriented drinking would gradually decrease.... more
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      Mixed MethodsRitualAlcohol StudiesQualitative Research
Beitrag zur Diskussion des Sonderdrucks von Erwägen - Wissen - Ethik 23 (2012 ) 2,
in response to Burckhard Dücker
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      RitualRitual TheoryRitual StudiesCatherine Bell
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      ReligionGender StudiesRitualAustralia
Artykuł przedstawia analizę rytuału-zjawiska wypełniającego życie ludzkie od zarania dziejów. Zamiłowanie do rytuałów jest jedną z głównych cech ludzkości. Każda społeczność wykształ-ciła pewne rytuały, ponieważ to one stanowią o postawie... more
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      History of ReligionRitual TheoryReligious StudiesRytuał
Esztári Réka (1984) assziriológus, az ELTE BTK Assziriológiai és Hebraisztikai Tanszékének tudományos segédmunkatársa, valamint a PPKE BTK Történelemtudományi Doktori Iskola Eszmetörténeti Műhelyének doktorjelöltje; folyóiratunk... more
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      AssyriologyMesopotamian ReligionsRitual TheoryAncient Mesopotamian Religions
Rituals are a pervasive and ubiquitous aspect of human culture, but when we naïvely observe an opaque set of ritual actions, how do we come to understand its significance? To investigate this, across two experiments we manipulated the... more
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      Experimental PsychologyRitualPsychology of ReligionRitual Theory
Abstract: The Saussurian adagio according to which linguistics is "le patron général de la sémiologie" is well known. To a certain extent, the verbal and non-verbal may be subjected to a common, semiolinguistic scheme of investigation.... more
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      SemioticsPerforming ArtsTheatre StudiesPerformance Studies
One of four known ancient Maya books, the Grolier Codex depicts different manifestations of Venus; the column of glyphs on the left of each panel records days in a 104-year Venus almanac. These plaster-coated bark-paper pages,... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionMythology And FolkloreEthnohistory
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      Sumerian ReligionEgyptologyAssyriologyHittitology
[From the introduction]. The Reb gong Vale is a densely populated high-altitude agricultural oasis that runs north-to-south for approximately twenty kilometers through the northeastern Tibetan Plateau, surrounded by barren pastoral... more
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      Area StudiesAnthropologyGlobalisation and cultural changeEthnography
Se analiza el universo de ideologías, prácticas y representaciones cosmológicas asociadas por los chané del noroeste argentino con el ámbito del monte. Se describen etnográficamente fenómenos como la división conceptual del espacio; la... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionCultural StudiesSociology of Religion
Rituals are thought to bind individuals together. Rituals that are perceived high in pain and behavioral synchrony increase social bonding, but the relative contribution of perceived pain vs. synchrony is unexplored. In addition, gender... more
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Taking the example of the Basel carnival Fasnacht, the paper shows in what way ritual can maintain the impression of being traditional and unchan-ging, and yet be open to changes and innovations. As the basic conceptual framework we use... more
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      Ritual TheoryVictor TurnerCarnivalBasel
https://www.centrodeestudiosandaluces.es/publicaciones/el-mito-de-la-tierra-de-maria-santisima-religiosidad-popular-espectaculo-e-identidad El volumen ‘El mito de la tierra de María Santísima. Religiosidad popular, espectáculo e... more
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      RomanticismPopular Culture and Religious StudiesRitual TheoryReligion and Popular Culture
מאמר זה דן בטקס במוזרותו החידתית של ריטואל יצירת הגולם אצל המקובלים הראשונים. בריטואל זה נוצר הגולם דמוי האדם באמצעות אדמה ושמות קדושים, בטכניקה הנגזרת מ"ספר יצירה". בחלקו הראשון של המאמר מוצג ההיסוס הפרשני בדבר טבעו של ריטואל הגולם... more
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      Comparative LiteratureMartin HeideggerRitual TheoryKabbalah
L’article se propose de définir les articulations entre les rites et la construction de l’identité dans l’œuvre de Joujou Turenne, conteuse, comédienne, danseuse et scénariste haïtienne, contrainte à l’exil au Québec dans les années 1970.... more
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      Identity (Culture)PerformanceFrancophone LiteratureFolklore (Literature)
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      History of ReligionAncient myth and religionRitual TheoryHistory of the Study of Religions
How do ‘new’ and ’old’ Islamic actors in contemporary Albania define religious legitimacy, the nation and religious otherness? This chapter uses Olivier Roy’s analytical distinction between accommodationism and neo-fundamentalism as a... more
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      ReligionNew Religious MovementsComparative ReligionCultural Studies
Rituale in der Schule haben Konjunktur, was zahlreiche Veröffentlichungen in Form von Werkbüchern, Arbeitshilfen, Internetseiten, aber auch wissenschaftlichen Publikationen nahelegen. Zu denken ist hierbei sowohl an die... more
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      TheologyReligious EducationLiturgyLearning and Teaching
While philosophy and religion were never sharply distinguished in China, what we now call Chinese philosophy incorporated, theorized, and sometimes opposed practices and views that can reasonably be called religious. These included... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionDaoismDivinationReligious Pluralism
Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale (2020) 0, 0 1-2. © 2020 European Association of Social Anthropologists
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      European HistoryAnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyEthnology
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      Classic Maya (Archaeology)Maya ArchaeologyMaya ArtRitual Theory
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      FascismNationalismSymbolismSecond World War
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      RitualChinaMing DynastyChinese linguistics
Paleolithic Art
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      HistoryArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyAnthropology
LOUIS-VINCENT THOMAS (1922-1994) commence sa carrière sur le continent africain et y étudie tout à tour les systèmes de pensée, les représentations, la notion de personnalité, les idéologies, les mythes, les rites et les symboles. Une... more
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      SociologyAfrican StudiesAnthropologyDeath