Recent papers in Szombathely
The study presents what did the state, the council, the civil organizations and the individuals do in the field of child protection in Szombathely as well as the network of child protection institutions in the late 19th and the early 20th... more
A hatvanas években mennyire volt messze a múlt? Hol kezdődhetett a jelen idő? A szocialista tudatra nevelés, a város lakosainak szórakoztatása, vagy esetleg a turizmus fellendítése adta a motivációt? A szocialista hazafiság eszményei,... more
A közlekedéstörténet a történelemtudomány és a honismeret szerves része. Magyarországon jelenleg kevés professzionális történész foglalkozik a témával, leginkább műszaki végzettségűek járják körbe a történettudomány módszereinek... more
A városi tér közlekedés-szempontú használatában vannak egyedi és uniformizált tényezők. Egyedi például a város kiterjedése, utcahálózata, beépítettsége, a városrészek kapcsolódása, a terepviszonyok. Uniformizált tényezők a közlekedési... more
The book explicates the half century long history of the vehicular transport company which played a crucial role in the everyday lives of the citizens of Vas County and Szombathely. The book also presents the merging of the legal... more
The study presents the rapid development of a West Hungarian town Szombathely between 1867 and 1914 for example the population growth from 1869 to 1910 reached 309.3% which was one of the highest rates in the Carpathian Basin. The writer... more
The study adopts a complex approach to present and analyse how the annexed territories following the Treaty of Trianon and the new borders impacted transport in the western Hungarian county of Vas, and its largest transport hub of... more
The book presents nearly one century of basic education of the eastern district of Szombathely while indicating the national trends in Hungary (Klebelsberg cultural policy, single-sex education, introduction of primary school,... more
The monograph presents and analyses the development of transport, the beginning and the history of mass transit of 14 towns during the dualistic era as part of the urbanization of the Western Transdanubia (West Hungary). The regionally... more
The study presents while focusing on the Western Transdanubia (Hungary) first of all the beginning of civil aviation and it's attributes (getting familiar with flight, airshows, airmail etc.) until the ban on aviation was put in place in... more
The book is about the civil aviation history of a West Hungarian city, Szombathely. First the familiarizing with aviation, then the establishment of the airfield in 1915 and the starting of the pilot training is presented. The airport... more
A történelmi Magyarországon az első nagy és úttörő jellegű vállalkozás vizi erőből elektromos energia előállítására a Rába-folyó ikervári szakaszán valósult meg 1896-ban. Hazánkban ekkor még csak a felvidéki Gölnicbányán-szepességi... more
In: Múlt és Jövő 2021/2. 71-88.
The existence of public mass transport was a good indicator of the urbanization of a city in the 19th century. The book presents us straightforwardly the one and a half century of public mass transport of a significant West Hungarian city... more
The study presents when and at what cost was a new School built and handed over in the socialist era in the place of the elementary school destroyed in the Second World War by bombing raids (1944) in the eastern district of Szombathely.... more
The study presents the passenger vehicle fleet, all of the wagon types (technical description, technical drawing) of the city tramway of Szombathely, one of the Hungarian city tramways, from 1897 to 1974. The trams which were put into... more
The study aims to give a picture, about the special trains turning up in the train station of Szombathely between the two world wars. It mostly discusses where, and for what reason did they travel to, or from where did they arrive. It... more
As a consequence of the rapid development of the western Hungarian town, Szombathely in the 19th century the local mass transportation started. The first vehicle of this purpose was the omnibus. The study presents the history of the... more
1999 tavaszán ünnepelte a Vasi Volán Közlekedési Rt. jogelőd vállalatainak (MAVAUT, TEFU nemzeti vállalatok szombathelyi központjai) megalakulásának 50. évfordulóját. E tanulmányban képet kívánok adni e jogelőd vállalatok által... more
The study presents why Hungarian Railways decided on introducing excursion trains with a 75% reduced fare (nickel-and-dime trains) in 1932 (boosting passenger traffic and domestic tourism, etc.). Then it outlines the preconditions, the... more
The number of available apartments in Szombathely did not keep up with the rapid development of the town during the dualism (e.g. the population growth from 1869 to 1910 was 309.5%). As a result Szombathely was considered among the towns... more
Tanulmányomban Sopron és Szombathely példáján keresztül megpróbálok képet alkotni arról, hogy Nyugat-Magyarországon mi jellemezte a városi közlekedést, a helyi tömegközlekedést, volt-e utóbbinak hálózata, s hogyan szolgálta mindez a... more
Cover, presentation and index of the volume in which the essay is published.
Copertina, presentazione e indice del volume in cui è pubblicato il saggio.
Copertina, presentazione e indice del volume in cui è pubblicato il saggio.
Because of the rapid development of the western Hungarian Szombathely in the second half of the 19th century and the significant traffic of the omnibuses, an effort to improve the mass transportation and to establish horse-drawn or... more
The 3rd urban tramway of the pre-1920 Hungary was established in Szombathely. The study presents the construction history of the tramway, its handover and operation (routes, schedule, vehicles etc.) in the end of the 19th century and in... more A múlt század hatvanas éveiben általában augusztus végén, 1961 és 1969 között megtartott szocialista fesztivál, a Savaria Karnevál nem sokban hasonlított... more