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Text-to-speech (TTS) conversion system enables user to enter text in Gujarati language and as an output it generates the equivalent sound. This type of system will be greatly useful for illiterate and vision-impaired people to hear and... more
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This paper presents methodologies involved in text normalization and diphone preparation for Bangla Text to Speech (TTS) synthesis. A Concatenation based TTS system comprises basically two modules- one is natural language processing and... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingSpeech SynthesisNLPBengali Text to speech
Phonotactics deals with freedoms and restrictions in a language on the permissible combinations of phonemes. To help in the study of Shona phonotactics for deployment on e-infrastructure, an exhaustive phone set (list of all phones) for... more
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      Speech SynthesisAudio Signal ProcessingSpeechShona language
This paper is introducing a new notice system which does not require reaching to the display or any pinning or pasting of papers anywhere. The system is consists of the voice alert notice which can be built on single board known as... more
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      Computer ScienceOsTTSRaspberry Pi
Communications between deaf-mute and a normal person have always been a challenging task. The project aims to facilitate people by means of a glove based deaf-mute communication interpreter system. The glove is internally equipped with... more
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      CommunicationImage ProcessingGestureTTS
As the software systems are getting more and more complex each day, the ability of the user to put up with this complexity is reducing. An elegant solution to deal with this issue is to build a personal assistan agent which is capable of... more
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      Human Computer InteractionTTSIOTPersonal Assistants
This paper describes the TTTS (Turkish Text-To-Speech) synthesis system, developed at Fatih University for Turkish language. TTTS is a concatenative TTS system aiming to advance the process of developing natural and human sounding Turkish... more
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      Speech SynthesisTTSTurkish Text to Speech
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      TTSSistem Indra
This paper gives updates on the development of two studies on grapheme to phoneme (G2P)1 of Khmer language. Their Methodology, datasets and results are carefully reviewed and compared. This is done to evaluate which system perform better... more
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      Computational LinguisticsTTSKhmerLTS
In this study, the framework of a concatenative text-to-speech system for Turkish is built and its evaluation techniques, namely MOS, DRT and CT have been considered. Naturalness and intelligibility of the Turkish TTS system is tested by... more
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      Speech SynthesisTTSTurkish Text to SpeechMean Opinion Score (MOS)
This paper investigates the impact of independent and dependent losses and coding on speech quality predictions provided by PESQ (also known as ITU-T P. 862)a nd P. 563 models, when both naturally-produced and synthesized speech are used.... more
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      Acoustic EngineeringTelecommunications EngineeringComputer ScienceHuman Computer Interaction
This paper investigates an impact of independent and dependent losses and coding on speech quality predictions provided by PESQ and P.563, when both naturally-produced and synthesized speech are transmitted over various channels. Two... more
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      Acoustic EngineeringTelecommunications EngineeringComputer ScienceHuman Computer Interaction
An unlimited vocabulary text-to-speech engine has been developed, which currently handles both Tamil and Kannada Unicode text. The input text is processed by a grapheme to phoneme converter module, which uses language specific... more
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      Speech SynthesisTTS
As part of a general framework for the development of global information systems, we include support for the development of aural interfaces. The framework uses an object-oriented database for the management of application, document... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringHuman Computer InteractionVoice Recognition
In this paper, we present a Text to Speech (TTS) synthesis system for Bangla language using the open- source Festival TTS engine. Festival is a complete TTS synthesis system, with components supporting front-end processing of the input... more
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      Computer ScienceSignal ProcessingSpeech SynthesisOpen Source
All areas of language and speech technology, directly or indirectly, require handling of real (unrestricted) text. For example, text-to-speech systems directly need to work on real text, whereas automatic speech recognition systems depend... more
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      Human Computer InteractionNatural Language ProcessingSpeech SynthesisPattern Recognition
Hindi speech synthesis requires significant quality improvement. The naturalness of the state of the art waveform synthesizer is attributed due to the use of syllable as a basic unit. The primary reason for choosing the syllable as a... more
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In this study, a concatenative text-to-speech system for Turkish is built. The system uses simple techniques and the concatenation units are obtained from the atomic units. This approach is very well suited for Turkish language structure... more
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      Speech SynthesisMosTTSTurkish Text to Speech
Abstract: - This paper describes the TTTS (Turkish Text-To-Speech) synthesis system, developed at Fatih University for Turkish language. TTTS is a concatenative TTS system aiming to advance the process of developing natural and human... more
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      Speech SynthesisTTSTurkish Text to Speech
This paper explores the modeling of prosody parameters for improving naturalness of Tamil speech synthesis, by studying recorded utterances of speech with and without explicit emotions. To begin with, we look at interrogative and... more
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      EnergyDurationInterrogativesDiscrete Cosine Transform
ABSTRACT India is home to about 1600 languages. Less than 5% of this population is English literate. A consortium effort on developing a common framework to build text-to-speech synthesis (TTS) in various Indian languages has already been... more
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      Cerebral PalsySyllableFestivalBrowser Plugin
This article focuses on the systematic design of a segment database which has been used to support a time-domain speech synthesis system for the Greek language. Thus, a methodology is presented for the generation of a corpus containing... more
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      Speech SynthesisTTS
We report the design and development of Thirukkurul, the first text-to-speech converter in Tamil. Syllables of different lengths have been selected as units since Tamil is a syllabic language. Automatic segmentation algorithm [8] has been... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceHuman Computer InteractionNatural Language ProcessingSpeech Prosody
This article focuses on the systematic design of a segment database which has been used to support a time-domain speech synthesis system for the Greek language. Thus, a methodology is presented for the generation of a corpus containing... more
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      Speech SynthesisTTS
This paper describes the TTTS (Turkish Text-To-Speech) synthesis system, developed at Fatih University for Turkish language. TTTS is a concatenative TTS system aiming to advance the process of developing natural and human sounding Turkish... more
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      Speech SynthesisTTSTurkish Text to Speech
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    • TTS
Our participation in the Blizzard Challenge 2014 is only for the Tamil language. We have a unit selection based concatenative speech synthesis system. Sentence level viterbi search is used to select the reliable speech units among a set... more
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      Human Computer InteractionSpeech SynthesisThirukkuralEvaluation
In this article, an evolutionary algorithm known as Genetic Programming (GP) was used to design a parametric speech quality estimation model. Nowadays, GP is one of the machine learning techniques employed in a quality estimation process.... more
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      Acoustic EngineeringTelecommunications EngineeringComputer ScienceHuman Computer Interaction
End-to-end text-to-speech (TTS) systems have been developed for European languages like English and Spanish with state-of-the-art speech quality, prosody, and naturalness. However, development of end-to-end TTS for Indian languages is... more
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      Computer ScienceNatural Language ProcessingSpeech SynthesisEnglish
Abstract: The Medical Faculty of the University of Bern uses voice-over in picture driven e-learning modules to avoid split attention induced by the modality effect. To lower production costs, professional narrators have been replaced by... more
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      Computer ScienceText to SpeechTTSE Learning
We report the design and development of Thirukkurul, the first text-to-speech converter in Tamil. Syllables of different lengths have been selected as units since Tamil is a syllabic language. Automatic segmentation algorithm has been... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceHuman Computer InteractionNatural Language ProcessingSpeech Prosody
India is home to about 1600 languages. Less than 5% of this population is English literate. A consortium effort on developing a common framework to build text-to-speech synthesis (TTS) in various Indian languages has already been... more
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      Cerebral PalsySyllableFestivalBrowser Plugin
We present a system that provides an advanced telephone service for the dissemination of both national and regional avalanche forecasts in the Swiss Alps. The service enables members of the public and also mountain guides to access... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringHuman Computer InteractionVoice Recognition
End-to-end text-to-speech (TTS) systems have been developed for European languages like English and Spanish with state-of-the-art speech quality, prosody, and naturalness. However, development of end-to-end TTS for Indian languages is... more
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      Computer ScienceNatural Language ProcessingSpeech SynthesisEnglish
This paper investigates an impact of independent and dependent losses and coding on speech quality predictions provided by PESQ and P.563, when both naturally-produced and synthesized speech are transmitted over various channels. Two... more
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      Speech SynthesisVoipVoIP qosMeasurement of Speech Quality and Intelligibility
Audio podcasting is increasingly present in the educational field and is especially appreciated as an ubiquitous/pervasive tool ("anywhere, anytime, at any pace") for acquiring or expanding knowledge. We designed and implemented a... more
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      Computer ScienceDesignUsabilityAccessibility
ABSTRACT India is home to about 1600 languages. Less than 5% of this population is English literate. A consortium effort on developing a common framework to build text-to-speech synthesis (TTS) in various Indian languages has already been... more
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      Computer ScienceCerebral PalsySyllableFestival
Very good quality, speech synthesis systems exist for languages like English and Chinese. However, only in the recent past, increased attention has been paid for developing TTS for Indian languages. There have been several reasons for the... more
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      Speech SynthesisEnglishTransfer LearningAutomatic Speech Synthesis
This research aims to explore CBAR concepts to implement test oracles to support testing activities of TTS Systems, helping the human in quality evaluations. In an automated software testing environment, Test Oracles represent the... more
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      Software EngineeringContent-Based Information Retrieval (CBIR)Software TestingSoftware Quality Assurance
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      Computer ScienceNatural Language ProcessingSpeech SynthesisMultimedia
A new sinusoidal model based engine for FESTIVAL TTS system which performs the DSP (Digital Signal Processing) operations (i.e. converting a phonetic input into audio signal) of a diphone-based TTS concatenative system, taking as input... more
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      Computer ScienceNatural Language ProcessingOPERATING SYSTEMOpen Source
Audio podcasting is increasingly present in the educational field and is especially appreciated as an ubiquitous/pervasive tool (“anywhere, anytime, at any pace”) for acquiring or expanding knowledge. We designed and implemented a... more
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      Computer ScienceDesignUsabilityAccessibility
This paper shows the current results of development of TTS-MK – a speech synthesizer for Macedonian language. The basic principles for projecting and building of speech synthesizer for Macedonian language, based on concatenation of speech... more
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      Text to SpeechTTSOrthoepyMacedonian language
This paper presents methodologies involved in text normalization and diphone preparation for Bangla Text to Speech (TTS) synthesis. A Concatenation based TTS system comprises basically two modules-one is natural language processing and... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingSpeech SynthesisMultimediaNLP