Recent papers in Festival
This paper explores arts festivals in terms of their relationship to local economic development within the rural island region of Orkney in Scotland. Fourteen qualitative, semi-structured interviews were conducted with arts festival... more
Though Gurus have been an integral part of ancient Hinduism, the celebration of a specific purnima in their honour in the month of Ashadha is a contribution of Buddhism and Jainism. Gurus and their ashramas or pathshalas have served as... more
Dashahra and Diwali are two of the Hindu festivals in India, while during the same period, the Buddhists celebrate Vijayadashmi and Deepdan-utsava respectively on the same days.
Following the conclusion of the Mexican-American War and continuing through the first half of the twentieth century, the ethnically Mexican population in Texas suffered discrimination and ethno-racial segregation from the dominant,... more
Report on the research activities of the ATLAS Events Group for 2014, including the ATLAS Events Monitoring Project.
Ce volume invite à réfléchir autant sur les anthologies de littérature mondiale que sur la place de la littérature africaine de langue française dans celles-ci. Par anthologie de littérature mondiale, nous entendons toutes sortes... more
In the article, the author analyzes a specific type of mega-event, the festival. The purpose of the study is to compare two disparate types of opinion on the social, economic and cultural meaning and function of festivals. These opinions... more
Chapter 3 presents empirically informed analyses of a number of new public space projects initiated first as counter-projects and counter-spaces by a variety of community and historic preservation society interests. It demonstrates... more
مرد هفتادساله ای
که باید از اشتباهاتش درس بگیرد
گزارش هفتادمین دورۀ جشنوارۀ سینمایی کن (2017 فرانسه)
که باید از اشتباهاتش درس بگیرد
گزارش هفتادمین دورۀ جشنوارۀ سینمایی کن (2017 فرانسه)
Festiwal Pieśni i Piosenki Religijnej Sacrosong (1969–1999) powstał w czasie, gdy stopniowo wchodziły w życie postanowienia Soboru Watykańskiego II, a wśród nich to dotyczące otwierania Kościoła katolickiego na nowe formy ewangelizacji.... more
Dashain is also called Dassehra, Bada Dasain, or Vijayadashami, and is a large Hindu festival celebrated each year. It is celebrated at the beginning of the harvest season when crops have been grown and harvested, and it is an auspicious... more
PANAFEST est un webdocumentaire à propos de duatre festivals panafricains majeurs des années 1960 et 70 : le premier Festival mondial des arts nègres (Dakar 1966), le premier Festival culturel panafricain (Alger 1969), Zaïre74... more
Pressures of globalisation such as the focus on the growth of productive economies, consumerism, and long work-hours have fragmented cultural beliefs and practices worldwide. Devaluation of deeply held soulful, creative, and nature-based... more
Festivals are at the heart of British music and at the heart of the British music industry. They form an essential part of the worlds of rock, classical, folk and jazz, forming regularly occurring pivot points around which musicians,... more
From its origins in the hippy sunset of 1970, Glastonbury Festival has become one of the leading events in Britain’s countercultural calendar. For three decades it has attracted thousands of seekers, idealists, hedonists, pacifists,... more
Indian Sweet Dishes (Mithais) are legendary for its uniqueness, variety, and irresistible taste. You might have tasted many puddings, muffins, desserts, or sweet dishes but once you have tasted any of the Indian Sweets (Mithai), you... more
An ostentatious cavalcade pulses through the sprawling gate on the verge of the desert, sending dust clouds into orbit. Riding in this motley caravan, virgins and veterans alike arrive in Black Rock City (BRC), the colossal fire-arts... more
As the world’s oldest living religion, Hinduism has some ancient features that have not been modified or edited to suit more refined modern tastes, that generally avoid raising many stark issues of life. In fact, until some young... more
Una veloce panoramica teorica e pratica sul marketing degli eventi culturali e sulla concezione esperienziale degli eventi, corredata da alcuni esempi di festival italiani. Estratto dalla Tesi di Laurea Magistrale in Cinema in Marketing... more
Woodstock is only the tip of the iceberg. Popular music festivals are one of the strikingly successful and enduring features of seasonal popular cultural consumption for young people and older generations of enthusiasts. In fact, a... more
Estratto dalla Tesi di Laurea Magistrale in Cinema: "Festival cinematografici e territorio. Identità, comunicazione e posizionamento di progetti culturali complessi", depositata presso l’Università degli Studi di Torino nel mese di Giugno... more
This festival guide is is not only a guide for those who want to organize historical events, it´s also a guide in to the reenactment scene. It´s easy to read and written in a informal language.
Festivals, occurring to commemorate historical events and continuing to serve as a reminder and a guide in the contemporary times, can be seen as an avenue where public memory and recall is valued (Belghazi, 2006 in Agonos, et.al., 2014).... more
Throughout history, the Druids have always been seen as sorcerers who had a strong bond with nature. Ancestral knowledge holders within Celtic society, directed all religious activity as the highest authority linked to the gods, practiced... more
Cultural festivals can attract cultural tourists, extend the tourist season and add vibrancy to the cultural scene. However, there is relatively little research on how festivals affect tourist experience of the destination or outcomes... more
This essay takes the motif of ruin as an entry point for a foray into the subject of the commons. It engages Garrett Hardin’s nearly unknown discussions of literature and poetry to shed critical light on his famous idea of “The Tragedy of... more
This work establishes connection between various festivals of the world to the the ancient tradition festivals that began and ended with the harvest season considered a significant events for humans since the dawn of civilization of... more
Festival ritüel Karnaval merasim Saturnalya Dionisos
The thesis begins with the first chapter, which is dedicated to general geographical, economic and historical information, that helps acclimate the reader and get to know better the country. Then the second chapter clearly focuses on the... more
Suburbs have long been associated with assumptions and imposed meanings that do not fit the everyday reality of city life. Very little research has looked at the ways in which suburbs are experienced, represented and imagined as ‘real’... more
Magical Ceremonies during the Ritual Year of the Greek Farmer. In Minniyakhmetova, Tatiana and Kamila Velkoborská (eds.): The Ritual Year 10: Magic in Rituals and Rituals in Magic. The Yearbook of the SIEF (Société Internationale... more
O presente artigo propõe um panorama do contexto festivo e cultual em honra a Dioniso na Ática (região em torno a Atenas), durante a realização das Dionísias urbanas (também chamadas de Grandes Dionísias ou simplesmente de Dionísias). Sua... more
In Making Intangible Heritage, Valdimar Tr. Hafstein—folklorist and official delegate to UNESCO—tells the story of UNESCO’s Intangible Heritage Convention. In the ethnographic tradition, Hafstein peers underneath the official account,... more
Maroc Festival National des Arts Populaires archive photos by Paola Ghirotti, 2022 Nei primi anni Duemila la fotografa Paola Ghirotti per molti mesi ha percorso il Regno del Marocco per lavoro, un nutrito archivio fotografico in... more