Recent papers in Tabernacle
This article considers the devotional functions of perspective in Italian fifteenth-century tabernacle design, asking why the perspectival backdrop became such a ubiquitous motif, especially in tabernacles designed to house the Eucharist,... more
Chapitre 8 de la thèse de doctorat de Bruno Restif, soutenue en décembre 2004 à l'Université Rennes 2 Haute-Bretagne sous la direction d'Alain Croix : La Paroisse, cadre d'application de la Réforme catholique en Haute-Bretagne (diocèses... more
The structure of the tabernacle and the order of the divine service (תמיד) reflect the cosmology and ritual of creation. Through the divine service Israel actualizes the divinely created order, becoming partakers of God's "very good"... more
In this paper, I argue that the detailed descriptions of the tabernacle may be a response to Israelite aniconism practices. Comparing the tabernacle descriptions with the use of calligraphy on religious structures in Islam, I argue the... more
Diapositivas útiles
Commentary on the Book of Exodus with the text of new translation of St. Paul's Edition
Brenner (2008) defines Judaism as a religion focused community that was forced to migrate, settle in different geographies and lives under different sovereignties, beginning with the exile of Babylonian, rather than a particular ethnic... more
Stiftung des Lebuser Bischofs Dietrich von Bülow (gest. 1523); dem Bildhauer Franz Maidburg zugeschrieben
Peter J. Kearney's now "landmark" study on the the nature and shape of the tabernacle texts (Ex 25-40), posted here for reader perusal.
This paper, “The Tabernacle - a Type of the Way, the Truth, and the Life,” is an extract from “The ‘I Am’ Statements of Jesus” that was prepared for adult Bible study to get to know Jesus better and to demonstrate how all Scripture... more
The Danish excavation in the late 1920s and early 1930s and Israel Finkelstein's Israeli excavation on behalf of Bar Ilan University in the 1980s revealed evidence of cultic activity at Shiloh. Joshua 18:1 claims that the Israelites... more
Based on an abundance of scientific and historical evidence that has surfaced in recent years, the author believes the Shroud of Turin is the genuine burial cloth that Joseph of Arimathea purchased and used to wrap the body of Jesus.... more
Conoscere il territorio: Arte e Storia delle Madonie, Atti delle III giornate di studio in memoria di Nico Marino (Cefalù - Campofelice di Roccella, 19-20 Ottobre 2012) a cura di Marco Failla, Giuseppe Fazio, Gabriele Marino, Cefalù 2015... more
The tabernacle of Moses and the temple of Solomon were intended as replicas of the cosmos, the true heavenly temple of God and every single detail aimed at a faithful symbolic reproduction of its model. All scriptural descriptions of an... more
Twelve passages regarding the relationship between the seven days of creation (Gen1:1-2:3) and the seven tabernacle speeches (Ex 25-31). A summary of results is provided.
Cuando la nube de fuego de dios se movió desde la cima del monte Sinaí hasta el tabernáculo recién construido, cubriendo la casa de Dios con humo y llenándola con su gloria (Éxodo 40:34), se alcanzó una cúspide en los tratos de Dios con... more
This article is an approach to the remains of a Gothic tabernacle-shrine discovered in the church of Santa Maria de Cap d’Aran (Tredos, Naut Aran, Lleida) on 2014. The fragments preserved are from a type of liturgical furniture well known... more
A conspicuous feature of Jacopo Tintoretto's work is the large number of pairs and occasionally trios of paintings executed on canvas for the chancels and chapels of the churches of Venice. This essay demonstrates how the subjects of the... more
in IL MUSEO DIOCESANO D'ARTE SACRA DI VOLTERRA, a cura di U.Bavoni, A.Ducci, A.Muzzi, Pisa 2018, pp. 84-89
A Study in the Holy Bible and ancient icons (Arabic version).doc
A lo largo de su historia el Imperio romano tuvo que hacer frente a numerosas revueltas, debido al enorme territorio que controlaba. De entre los pueblos que las protagonizaron, los hebreos se contaban entre los que con mayor insistencia... more
Prendendo spunto da studi recenti sulla trasformazione dello spazio sacro fra tardo Medioevo e prima Età Moderna, questo articolo esamina alcuni casi di rimozione del coro dalla navata delle principali chiese medievali di Napoli. Un... more
Álvaro Dinis (Samuel Jachia) was a spiritual leader, founder of the Sephardic Community in Hamburg, known as «Nação Portuguesa». His book Trinta Discursos ou Darazes is a clear evidence of a religious identity that is consistent with... more
Adam's path took him from enjoying the blessings of the middle of the garden to disobeying the Lord's command and being driven east and out of the garden, away from God's presence. On Yom Kippur, Aaron would reverse Adam's path by going... more
The book takes you into the world of the biblical Tabernacle - the Tent of Meeting, the first Temple of Israel. You will learn how really looked and what was biblical Ark of the Covenant for. You will discover a world of theological ideas... more
Scholars have paid a great deal of attention to the descriptive dimensions and physical shapes of the tabernacle and temples (including the First and Second temples and Ezekiel’s vision of the temple), as well as with the form-critical... more
ABSTRACT. Ralf van Bühren geht dem Kirchenbau nach, wie er sich von der Renaissance zum Barock entwickelt hat, und fragt nach dem Einfluss, den dabei das Konzil von Trient gespielt hat. Nicht jede Veränderung im Kirchenbau ist schon einer... more
„Tabernacle” or „Dwelling”. Hebrew term miškān משכן and principle of equivalence in Bible translating" - Tabernacle in the desert, described in the Priestyly Source (P) of the Pentateuch, recives its Hebrew term: miškān. This hebrew... more
La renovación de la capilla mayor del convento dominico de La Orotava en torno a 1811 centra este artículo, analizando pormenorizadamente un dibujo de José de Betancourt y Castro (1757-1816) que puede vincularse con dicha reforma. Se... more
This essay reflects on the statement "God is Jesus." I explore the full implications of the Incarnation as they relate to God's humanity and priesthood.