Recent papers in Tenancy
In the wake of the so-called postmodernist turn in literary studies and criticism, Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath has been subjected to a major interpretative revision that has reoriented the focus solely on the chapters dealing with the... more
El propósito de este trabajo consiste en analizar críticamente la prórroga forzosa. A estos efectos, se incorporarán las actualizaciones que serían oportunas en aquellos casos en los que el Derecho Comparado del Reino Unido, Francia y... more
This article examines the struggle for land tenancy reform and the assassination of Farmers' Federation of Thailand (FFT) leaders in northern Thailand during the period of democratic politics between 14 October 1973 and 6 October 1976 as... more
The article investigates the effectiveness of local collaborations toward improving the livelihood of residents living in Claymore, and identifying tangible goals and objectives through these collaborative strategies. This article... more
This paper, with the use of the celebrated case of Odutola v. Papersack and two other like cases, seeks to explain the concept of tenancy at will and when proper notice will be deemed by law to have been duly served on such a tenant. It... more
1. Le disposizioni legislative previgenti: l’art. 155, comma 4o, c.c. e l’art. 6, comma 6°, della legge 1o dicembre 1970, n. 898.—2. Il nuovo art. 155 quater c.c. e il suo rapporto con l’art. 2643 c.c.—3. L’opponibilità ai terzi... more
This paper examines the regulatory frameworks for the definition of tenancy agreements under Nigerian law. In doing this, it exposes the various types of tenants recognized by the Nigerian judicature while placing significant reliance on... more
Premio extraordinario de Doctorado de la Universitat de Lleida (2020). El objeto de esta tesis doctoral consiste en analizar el régimen jurídico del arrendamiento forzoso de vivienda como expresión de la intervención administrativa en el... more
In the early life of Nigeria, farming and other agricultural works were the pot of earning for Nigerians. Therefore, Nigerians concentrated in the rural parts of the country. Later, Industrialization and urbanization call for overcrowding... more
El presente artículo versa sobre la necesaria actualización de las prestaciones del arrendamiento de vivienda, en un contexto de problemas de acceso y asequibilidad, de existencia de viviendas vacías, y de intervención de nuevos... more
Slums are universally perceived as an impediment and the worst place to live in; though, its inhabitants consider these slums as a solution to their problems of housing, basic amenities and livelihood in urban areas. Government... more
El objeto del presente trabajo consiste en el estudio de los defectos normativos que plantea la expropiación temporal del uso de viviendas vacías como mecanismo para constituir un arrendamiento. Estos se focalizan principalmente en el... more
Houses dilapidate, deteriorate and decay, managing waste as they move toward its status. Repairs and maintenance (R&M) of anticipated or manifest points of failure can help stave off this entropy. Drawing on literatures of infrastructural... more
Slums are universally perceived as an impediment and the worst place to live in; though, its inhabitants consider these slums as a solution to their problems of housing, basic amenities and livelihood in urban areas. Government... more
El propósito de este trabajo consiste en analizar la evolución normativa del arrendamiento forzoso de vivienda en España. Esta especialidad del arrendamiento de vivienda se concreta en sus manifestaciones tradicionales, la constitución... more
Este trabajo examina en profundidad los conceptos y límites de la vivienda desocupada y la vivienda deshabitada, considerando las lagunas legales que ocasiona esta distinción, optando por evitar esta distinción y reconducirla hacia el... more
La presente monografía analiza la armonización entre la expropiación temporal del uso de viviendas y la legislación de arrendamientos urbanos mediante un estudio comparado con las disposiciones del Reino Unido, Francia y Bélgica, que... more
The Indian rural economic structure has been undergoing changes: one aspect of the change is the growing importance of households who own land but do not cultivate their land themselves. An implication of the growing importance of these... more
הרצאה בסדנא במדרשת שדה בוקר - גל לוי וריקי כהן-בנלולו
In rural India, the period from the late 1990s has been characterised by scholars as one of agrarian distress. There is debate, however, on whether this "unending" crisis has halted capital accumulation in agriculture and affected all... more
The article examines the impacts of the pandemic on landlord and tenants relationship. The article proffered possible solutions to all identified issues. Reference was also made to solutions adopted by other countries in addressing this... more
L'avènement de la dictature civico-militaire en 1976 a inauguré une nouvelle étape sous la forme de « construction de la ville » en Argentine, et en particulier dans la ville autonome de Buenos Aires (CABA). Dans le présent travail, nous... more
El presente trabajo versa sobre la necesaria calificación individual de la titularidad arrendaticia, en aras de preservar la eficacia de las normas sobre la subrogación arrendaticia. En particular, se excluye una eventual titularidad... more
"In October 1973 a mass movement forced Thailand’s prime minister to step down and leave the country, ending nearly forty years of dictatorship. Three years later, in a brutal reassertion of authoritarian rule, Thai state and para-state... more
This paper investigates determinants of geographic distribution of share tenancy and analyzes its efficiency implications in pre-war Iwate prefecture, Japan. The distribution of share tenancy was attributable to risk represented by yield... more