Tony Judt
Recent papers in Tony Judt
Nota de leitura publicada na revista LER, No. 108, Dezembro de 2011, p. 80.
History writing can be perceived as one of the formative cornerstones of modern societies. What historians research and write yields the possibility of influencing a whole generation of people, especially since the late eighteenth... more
Najobszerniejszy jak dotąd wybór twórczości eseistycznej Krzysztofa Czyżewskiego umiejscawia Europę Środkową w samym środku najważniejszych dla współczesnego świata pytań i problemów: kryzysu wspólnotowości, pogłębiających się podziałów i... more
How do we build civil society? How does a society repair itself after violence? How do we live in a world with others different from ourselves? These questions lie at the heart of Krzysztof Czyzewski's writing and his work with Fundacja... more
Far from exclusively challenging Europe's present and future, the current cri-ses are also changing its relations to the past. The analogy with the 1930s has been repeatedly evoked as a key for understanding the current European crisis.... more
The European Union has in the past few years made major steps to constitute itself as a polity, beyond the nation-states of which it is composed. Much of the debate about European integration in political theory, however, keeps adopting a... more
This paper assesses the legacy and impact of Tony Judt's work in the field of intellectual history. By looking at two of Judt's works, Past Imperfect and The Burden of Responsibility, Kleinberg argues that Judt's most important... more
Tony Judt: socialism, intellectuals and postwar Europe sketches an intellectual and historiographical profile of the British Jewish historian Tony Judt (1948-2010). His historical studies concerned French socialism between the 19th and... more
Data structure is the way of organizing and storing data in storage. The way of arranging the data on a computer that can be efficiently accessed and updated whenever used. Now how to choose the correct Data Structures is a question? This... more
How did intellectuals react to the economic crisis of 2007–2008 and its long-term backlash? What did they learn from the main twentieth-century political and social experiences, in order to make a new sense of the traditional cultures of... more
Análisis de la vigencia y sentido del proyecto político socialdemócrata en la actualidad desde la óptica del pensamiento de Jürgen Habermas y Tony Judt. El artículo profundiza en las causas de la crisis ideológica de los partidos... more
In dit essay stel ik dat het individu in Nederland sinds de jaren zeventig de dominante maatstaf is geworden voor politieke besluitvorming. Het individu verving God of het algemeen belang voor politici. De Nederlandse politiek volgde... more
Artigo publicado no Diário As Beiras de 5 de outubro de 2019
Nota de leitura publicada na revista LER, No. 121, fevereiro de 2013, p. 80
No human being can quite take in where they are in time or space, but historians especially must strain to, even to practise their craft. They have to decide what to try to understand, define a vantage-point from which it could be... more
Κριτική για το βιβλίο του Tony Judt "Σκέψεις για τον 20ο αιώνα" που δημοσιεύτηκε στο στις 12/09/2018
Rec.: T. Judt, Zapomniany wiek dwudziesty.
Retrospekcje, przeł. P. Marczewski, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa 2011.
Retrospekcje, przeł. P. Marczewski, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa 2011.
Nota de leitura publicada na revista LER, No. 116, setembro de 2012, p. 78
In this paper, I want to discuss one of Arendt's best known statements, that of the contemporary breaking of the thread of tradition. Paradoxically, the crisis of tradition coincides today with the rise of memory. For this reason I want... more
Tony Judt, barack Obama, and Daniel Innerarity
Review on Tony Judt ´s book, 2014. (in portuguese)