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ماتریالیسم دیالکتیکی استفان کیپفِر برگردان: آیدین ترکمه پس از گذشتِ دو سال، ترجمه‌ی کتاب ماتریالیسم دیالکتیکی نوشته‌ی آنری لوفور به چاپ دوم رسید. به همین بهانه، این متن، که پیشگفتاری است که استفان کیپفر بر ترجمه‌ی انگلیسی کتاب ماتریالیسم... more
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      MarxismIdealismHegelDialectical Materialism
By tracing the function of totality in French post-structuralist thought, particularly that of Jacques Derrida and Jean-François Lyotard, this study will demonstrate how in the postmodern era a new stability has been found within the... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyCultural StudiesPhilosophy
This book argues that, in the wake of the postmodern, contemporary culture becomes once again concerned with totality, the main focal point of expression for this being concepts of the global. It uncovers predominant ways of... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesGlobalizationFilm Studies
Einleitung: Thema, Fragestellung, Gliederung der Arbeit Die Untersuchung der Kombinationen von Schrift und Bild eröffnet ein vielschichtiges Themengebiet und ein sehr weitreichendes Forschungsfeld. Trotz der langen Tradition stellt die... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguagePerceptionHybridityHybridization
Im vorliegenden Artikel wird dem Vorwurf des Essentialismus der Marxschen Entfremdungstheorie nachgegangen und dafür die paradigmatischen Marx-Kritiken von Heinrich, Jaeggi und Rosa nachgezeichnet (1). Ausgehend davon wird gezeigt, dass... more
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      Critical TheoryMarxismPhilosophy Of EconomicsLouis Althusser
‘Herbert Marcuse and the Legacy of One Dimensional Man’, International Herbert Marcuse Society Conference, https://blogs.cul.columbia.edu/rbml/files/2014/09/One-Dimensional-Man-at-Fifty-Conference-Program1.pdf
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      Critical TheoryBusinessIndustrial And Labor RelationsInformation Systems
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      History of IdeasFilippo Tommaso MarinettiEzra PoundRussian Poetry
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      MusicologyCultural TheoryMusic and PoliticsSociology of Music
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      Theodor AdornoHegelPhilosophy of HistoryPhilosophy of Music
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      EthicsVisual StudiesPortraitsPhotography
This paper sets out the implicit and explicit theories of "totality" in the work of György Lukács and Fredric Jameson. It begins by asking to which problem the proletariat is a solution in the work of the early Lukács. It suggests that... more
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      AestheticsMarxismFredric JamesonMarxist Literary Theory
El concepto de totalidad tal como lo concibe Spinoza nos enfrenta a una suerte de tensión o paradoja. Por un lado, su filosofía se centra en la Substancia única, causa de todo y en la cual todo está contenido, aquello fuera de lo cual no... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsOntology17th Century & Early Modern Philosophy
Goffmanowska koncepcja instytucji totalnych stępiła się i rodzi dziś więcej py-tań, niż udziela odpowiedzi. Z perspektywy ponad pięćdziesięciu lat od wydania Asylums, narosło wokół pracy wiele nieporozumień, a defi nicja stała się rozmyta... more
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      Organizational TheoryMental HealthOrganizational CultureTotalitarianism
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      Catholic Moral TheologyPope Pius XIITotalitySex Reassignment Surgery
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      Georg LukacsJean Paul SartreTotalityCritique of Dialectical Reason
In what way was there a "Hippie Modernism," as the Walker Art Center thought-provokingly framed its 2015 exhibition? Modernism implied that human actions can create a better world, and this demanded an understanding of the whole in which... more
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      DesignArchitectureCountercultural StudiesEcology
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      Critical TheoryTechnologyRationalizationTotality
One of the main purposes of architecture lies in finding ‘place’ where humans can inhabit. Although the human being is the principal place, they need a home where they can shelter their soul and body, protect themselves from weather,... more
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      ArchitecturePlace and IdentitySpace and PlaceAnthropology of space
Trabalho sobre a expansão do agronegócio do dendê na Amazônia paraense e o papel do Estado neste processo, como mediador e incentivador. Paper about expansion of agrobusiness dendê in Amazonia paraense and the function of State brazilian... more
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      AmazoniaTerritorioPalm OilCampesinos
Theorien der Biopolitik im Anschluss an Michel Foucault beanspruchen einerseits eine Bestimmung gesellschaftlicher Realität, basieren aber andererseits auf der programmatischen Zurückweisung einer Theorie gesellschaftlicher Totalität.... more
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      Social TheoryMarxismMarxist theoryMichel Foucault
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      Medieval PhilosophyAlbert the GreatHolistic ApproachesMedieval Mereology
[...] The Differenzschrift might be read as an announcement of there being a difference between the philosophies of Fichte and Schelling. That such a difference would have to be announced suggests that a difference between the two was... more
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      EpistemologyGerman IdealismHegelJohann Gottlieb Fichte
What is space? Why is it important? So much has been written about space from such diverse points of view that it is impossible here to be comprehensive or even representative, if I may borrow Neil Smith’s words (Smith, 2008). However, I... more
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      Philosophy of SciencePhenomenologyWalter BenjaminMichel Foucault
During the 20th century the theme of fragmentation, symbol of modernity, is linked with the transformation of the concept of totality that has started since romanticism. Out of this reflection new strategies of figurations are generated.... more
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The paper aims to restitute the movement made by Louis Althusser for the purpose of thinking a non-Hegelian Marxism. This bet, not only theoretic, but political, means a detour by Baruch Spinoza, in order to rescue his thought. For this,... more
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      EpistemologyIdeologyLouis AlthusserBaruch Spinoza
Der Ausbruch aus dem Bestehenden kann nur gelingen, indem man aus der Gesellschaft, wie sie ist, das ganz andere entwickelt, sie also immanent kritisiert und bestimmt negiert. Dafür braucht es jedoch den Anstoß, dass das Gegebene... more
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      Critical TheoryMetaphysicsPolitical PhilosophyEpistemology
Dans ce texte je prends en compte les critiques que Deschamps adresse à l'idée spinozienne d'une substance unique. En un premier moment, j'analyse la "Réfutation simple et courte du système de Spinoza" et les occurrences du Vrai système... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsOntology17th Century & Early Modern Philosophy
I take this opportunity to address the imaginative-power of “Another Materialist Rhetoric,” by Ronald W. Greene, to set aside, as much as possible, the usual sense-making grids within which its impact is typically understood, and read it... more
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"Tabla de contenidos 1. Poder, orden político y la cuestión democrática. 2. Expansividad de lo social, recodificación de lo político. 3. Algo sobre heterodoxia e incertidumbre en el debate democrático (a propósito de una intervención... more
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    • Totality
Con una Prefazione di Fredric Jameson
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      MarxismLiterary CriticismLiterary TheoryFredric Jameson
Readers are advised that an up-to-date discussion of the author's fundamental thesis (’The Idea’), on the origin, operation, and destiny of the World, is now found at the top of the main page under the rubric, Thematic Evolution and... more
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      ReligionPhysiologyPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsPaleoanthropology
An original translation of Philippe Corcuff's essay, “La ‘synthèse’ divine des progressistes: Quand Proudhon, Merleau-Ponty et Lévinas font leur cinéma contre Hegel,” published in La Sœur de l’Ange 4 (2006): 112-120. Three critiques of... more
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      Film StudiesAnarchist StudiesÉmmanuel LévinasMaurice Merleau-Ponty
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      PhilosophyMax HorkheimerModernityCritique
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      Critical TheoryHistoryModern HistoryIntellectual History
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      Feminist TheorySociology of the MilitaryTheodor AdornoMilitarism
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      AestheticsGeorg LukacsEsthétiqueTotality
Este artigo é resultado, inicialmente, de uma classificação temática da Geografia brasileira. A diversidade temática revelada nesse levantamento inicial permitiu na continuidade uma reflexão sobre fragmentação e totalidade/totalização em... more
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A "critique of power" has become necessary—not simply in order to determine power’s distribution, or work out its implications for subjects or nations, agents or patients; but because power seems to have taken on a new face, the face of... more
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      ViolenceHobbesHegelÉmmanuel Lévinas
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      MarxismGeorg LukácsTotalityRevenge Film
This paper was given at the 13th International Deleuze and Guattari Studies Conference (“Territorialities, Exterritorialities, Non-Territorialities”). The conference took place as an online event from 5–7 July 2021.
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      Critical TheorySocial TheoryMarxismPolitical Ecology
Hegel saw modern philosophy as internally divided between its metaphysics and epistemology, on the one hand, and its political philosophy, on the other. Descartes had developed a metaphysics of totality to ground the epistemological... more
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryHegelGeorg Friedrich Wilhem Hegel
Resumo: Neste artigo, examinamos as contribuições de Jacques Le Goff (1924-2014) para o campo da História da Educação Medieval. Nossa intenção é, primeiro, situar a obra de Jacques Le Goff no conjunto de uma tradição historiográfica... more
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      Jacques Le GoffTotalityHistory of Medieval EducationHistória da Educação Medieval
The essay analyses the paradigm shift in the geopolitical and geographical imagination at the beginning of the 20th century. In particular, developing some suggestions from Focault, it reconstructs throught the main geopolitical workd ans... more
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      GeopoliticsMichel FoucaultTotality
This article presents a theoretical discussion about the heuristic value of the descriptive instruments of the city in the research on situated ambiances, which is based on a reflection on the urban section and the epistemological model... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSpace SciencesStructuralism (Architecture)Space and Place
El artículo aborda el concepto filosófico de mundo a partir de su determinación como totalidad y objeto de experiencia en la fenomenología de Husserl. El análisis gira en torno a la posibilidad de sostener estas caracterizaciones que,... more
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      PhenomenologyEdmund HusserlCartesianismFenomenología
Goethe est l’auteur d’une 'Farbenlehre' et d’une 'Tonlehre'. Si la première s’est beaucoup diffusée, malgré les critiques du monde scientifique, la seconde est parvenue sous forme fragmentaire. Les deux écrits visent à appréhender les... more
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      AestheticsJohann Wolfgang von GoetheBauhausMusic and the Visual Arts
As long as we will continue to live in a capitalist society, the thought of Georg Lukács will continue to be fertilizing. It may be integrated, extended, dialectically overcome (i.e., overcome in the maintaining of it), but it cannot be... more
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      Critical TheoryEthicsSocial SciencesPolitical Theory
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      World LiteraturesComparative LiteratureCosmopolitanismNational Identity
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      Critical TheoryCultural HistorySociologyCultural Studies
Keynote speech at the Utopian Studies Society (Europe) 2019: Part 1: Where Are We in the Capitalocene; Part 2.  What Existential Antiutopia Means for Us;
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